Tears for Nothing

I Loved an Idiot


Watching him perform, his swag, charisma and iness caught you more and more. You cannot understand your heart anymore. Nothing in life makes sense to you now. You know you have fallen inlove with Jiho legitimately.
Your heart hurts, your mind thinks uncontrollably. You then began with this racing thoughts.
There's no possibility, 0% possibility for him to fall inlove with me. Even if I'm in Korea right now, even if I had fulfilled that, even if I'm standing infront of him right now, even if he's just a meter away from me... he, in the first place wouldn't take time to notice me. He wouldn't get into trouble for that besides I'm ugly and not hot. I don't even have this long, beautiful hair and beautiful legs. How come he'll notice me. Why did I fall inlove with him in the first place. Am I that desperate. There are lots of men in the world. Maybe, I'll just be forever a fan whom he doesn't even know. Yes it is.
Tears fall down into your eyes. You wouldn't get emotional like this everytime. You are a cold person but thinking of all this thoughts make you cry. Because you really love him, really, really love him.
You never noticed him looking at you while you were going out of the club. You never waited for Eunha too. She doesn't notice you going out.
"Idiot, idiot, big idiot. I'm really an idiot. Idiot. Why are you crying idiot? I don't know. I *sobs don't *sobs know". You asked and answered yourself until tears flow endlessly from your eyes. You really don't know why you are crying. You feel like an idiot.
"Ahh.. uhm.. here." Someone hands out to you a handkerchief.
"Uhh.. *sob thanks.." Your voice is groggy. 
You looked at the face of the good samaritan but he's gone already. "Ehh?"
"Christine-ah~ You're here. I'm looking for you everywhere. I was really nervous. I thought someone kidnapped you".
"Idiot friend, why would someone kidnap me?"
"Aish. Really this kid, why are you here and ehh? That handkerchief, where did you get that??"
"This handkerchief, someone.." Eunha doesn't let you finish your words.
"I have seen this before but I can't remember".
You were now at your bed still thinking about the handkerchief and that good samaritan. You stared at the handkerchief. It's rather a common handkerchief except for the letter "L" embroidered in it. 
You are curious and wants to know that guy.
Can you guess who that guy is?? :D
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LOL! KYUNG!!!! Can totally see him like this!
Oh no Jinyoung you're not going to do what's on my mind aren't you?? ottoke!! update soon please!!
update soon neh ~
toush18 #4
@nookspassion Thank you my first subscriber :DD I'll try to make a good fanfic :D