Bag for home

Ddangkoma? [Hiatus]

Go Eun entered her house and locked the door---Twice with another lock. She also put on curtains and set out traps.

"That freak stalker will never get me..I should call the police." She muttered.

"Dear," Her mother came up to her suddenly, "What are you saying to yourself?"

"Oh..Nothing, Nothing.." Go Eun shooed her Mum away. "When's dinner?"

"Dear, Dinner's on the table. Wash the dishes and throw away the trash. While you're at it buy Ichigo some food."

*What. No. If I do..I'll get !

And..And My ity will be destroyed!

And..I can't have that.* She shuddered at the horrible thought.

"Hurry!" Mother insisted, pushing Go Eun to the dining room.

Go Eun ate her dinner swiftly, And after..

She hesitantly carried the trash bag, and peeped out the window.

She saw the stalker man's Slim figure, underneath the tree.

Little did Go Eun know rain began to pour out. The drops of water began to slide down the window,

Making Go Eun want to do those rain drop races with Dabin.

With her rain coat put snuggly on her, Go Eun inched her way outside, her best secret mood .

Although she walked as quietly as she could, Her boots continued on making the most annoying squeaks.

"SHUT UP!" She kicked the ground.

Yesung heard her high pitched scream and turned to face her.

He sulked and turned to his luggage. His poor Hello Kitty Bag!

It just rolled as the end part of his bike pulled it along!

He its front pocket and hugged it.

The rain poured even harder and in a matter of seconds, Yesung was soaked.

"Sorry, Clothes." Yesung looked away as he pulled out all his clothes, all of them getting drenched by the rain.

"What the hell is he doing?" Go Eun said loudly, bringing Yesung to look at her.

"GIVE ME MY TURTLE!" Yesung's eyes widened.

"Who are you?!" She screamed, running in again.

Yesung was oh so close to grabbing her shirt.

So close.

"Yet so far.." He groaned.

The man returned to his luggage and put it on his head to protect him from the rain.

With Yesung's phone gone [Because he didn't want to be tracked down.*], His identity unknown, and this dangerous risk..

The search for Ddangkoma really begun.


"I'll..I'll buy the food for Ichigo tomorrow." Go Eun muttered.


Gonna continue :)

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LeeSooNei #1
Love this story! ^^
smilekkoming #2
update <333
LOL at heechul: "Now, check the view if you see a large head. It's probably Yesung." HAHAHAHA XD<br />
nawwww eunhaeee~ ^^
Haha! Hilarious! They're so adorkable! Haha! XD
Samona #5
XD Heechul's always complaining about something. XD<br />
Nice pictures of Seoul. Hope to go there one day.^_^
OMG I LOVE THIS STORY HAHAHAHAHAHAHA XDDDDD i just had to check out some of your other stuff after liking "Saranghae :)" so much xD<br />
omggggggg the sungmin gif at the end... *dies*<br />
haha update soon man xD *subscribes*
XxHyukJaexX #8
Sungmiiin~~~ >/////< iest Gif Ever!! Ke Ke Ke X3<br />
LoL Yesung in this story =P He probably would stalk someone's house for ddangkoma!!