Strange Customer

Friendship Lost In Time [HIATUS]


As I was sitting at bench waiting for the train to come, my stomach began to growl. I looked around to see if a café was near but, then I remember the bag Luhan had bought me this morning. I quickly took it out from my bag and sat in on my lap. I opened the little paper bag and notice there was a few scones. There were blueberry, chocolate, and caramel flavored ones on the bag. Never have I had them heard or tried one before. I didn’t know which one to pick so, I quickly closed my eyes picked one and took a bite out it. I opened my eyes and noticed I had a blueberry one. They were pretty delicious. As I sat at the bench eating my scones, I looked at my watch and noticed it was only five more minutes until the train gets here. I quickly stuffed the one more piece of scone in my mouth, closed the little paper bag and stuffed it into my bag. As I stood up from the bench, I noticed a huge crowd of people coming into the subway. I quickly pulled my bag over my shoulder and made my way over where the train stops. As the train was coming from the tunnel, I noticed the crowd was coming fast. When the train finally came to a stop, the doors had opened and I quickly made my way onto the train and made my way a few seats away from the door. The seats close to the doors were for the elders, no one younger than the elders were suppose to sit there.
As I sat in my seat, the crowd from earlier piled onto the train. The train started to get a little crowded and I really didn’t like being in crowded areas. I let out heavy loud sigh, which caused people to stare at me which I didn’t care. When the train began to move, I pulled out my phone, plugged my earphones into my ear, and put my IPhone on shuffle. I leaned my head against the window and I felt myself dozing off into dreamland. I tried fighting against it but, I slowly gave in. As I was sleeping, I felt the train come to a stop. I opened my eyes and noticed people were getting off while others were boarding the train. I got up from my seat and made my way off the train. When I finally made it off the train, I noticed how packed the train station was. I looked at the time on my watch and noticed it was one o’clock and my shift didn’t start until one-thirty. I sighed and began to walk my way through the crowd and to work.
After the long walk to Heaven’s Café, I noticed I was only five minutes early. I walked in and was greeted by Amber.
“Hey, Jooyoung, how you feeling today?” She asked me as she served a customer their tea. I smiled at her before replying.
“I’m feeling good but, a little tired, that’s all.” I made my way to the back storage room and laid my bag onto the shelf. I pulled out my apron from my bag and tied around my waist and walked out. I walked over to Amber while she was wiping down the counter.
“Was the walk home okay?” She asked me while she continued with the counter down. I looked at her remembering about last night. Running in the rain last night really didn’t help my mood that night. I shrugged.
“It was okay, but I had forgot the umbrella here and so, I ended up running in the rain. I also came home soak and wet as well as Sehun, who made home before me.”
I heard her let out a chuckle before looking at me. I looked her a little confused which made her let out a bigger laugh causing the people in the café to stare at us. I blushed from the stares I was getting the customers. How embarrassing. I pulled Amber to the back storage room so she wouldn’t cause a bigger scene. It took her a few seconds to calm herself down before she answered me.
“Sorry, about that little outburst. It’s just so funny how forgetful you can be sometimes.” I glared at her while she tried not to have another outburst. The sound of the café bell had brought me out of stare at Amber. We both walked out of the back storage room and back behind the counter. Amber walked off to stack more cups in the cup holder and tops. When I walked to the register I saw two young boys who looked a little older than me. The first boy had soft pale baby skin which was a nice complexion on him. His hair was a dark brown and kind of curly with a soft glittery look in his eyes. The second boy had pale skin as well but, not as pale as the first boy. The thing that caught my eyes about was him, was his nice plumped lips and his big eyes, which made him looked lost or confused. His hair was cut and trimmed on the sides, also it was slightly spiked at the top. They were both dressed in nice simple striped shirts and jeans.
“Annyeonghaseyo, Welcome to Heaven’s Café,” I greeted both of the boys with a smile. “How may I help you?”
The pale baby skin boy smiled at me with a one thousand watt smiled which made my cheeks heat up and turned a slight red. He have off this vibe that made me feel safe and welcomed. 
“I would like one cup of insamcha tea and Kyungsoo…?”
“Yah, I heard you the first time,” Kyungsoo hissed at his friend before turning to me with a smiled. I was confused about this guy, it was like he had mood swings like a woman.
“I’ll have a umm……one cup of coffee,’ He hesitated.
“That’ll be five thousand won,” I stated as Kyungsoo handed me the money. I walked off from the register and made the Insamcha tea. I asked Amber if she could make the coffee while I fixed the tea. While we were fixing the drinks for the two young boys, I felt someone looking at me. I turned my head and noticed it was the bi-polar guy Kyungsoo who was looking at me with a blank face and big round eyes from the table he was sitting at.I noticed his friend was standing by counter on his phone waiting for their orders.
I quickly turned away with a slight blush on my face and continued to finish up the Insamcha tea. Amber I had noticed my face.
“What are you blushing about?” She questioned me as she handed me the coffee. I shook my head and looked over at the guy named Kyungsoo again and noticed he was still looking at me with same expression. 
“Oh, I see. You have a little crush on that guy don’t you?” She teased while poking me.
“No, it’s not like that, hold on I’ll tell you,” I explained.
“Here’s your Insamcha tea and coffee,” I told the guy as I handed him the drinks. Thanked me with a another one of his flashy smiles which made me blush again and walked over to the table where Kyungsoo was sitting. I walked over to Amber and explained to her.
“Just to clear things up, I don’t have a crush on that guy. He’s been staring at me like that since he walked through the door.”
Amber looked at me then and Kyungsoo who now looking at his coffee with same expression. He looked as if he didn’t know what to do with his coffee. Amber shook her head at the guy and continued stacking the cups and tops. I sighed and I kind of felt sorry for the guy, he looked kind of tired. He looked up at me with the same expression again, I guess he knew I was looking at him. I quickly looked away and began to help Amber with the cups. 
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You're story's really great~ I'm hooked :D
No Problem!
I really love the story so far!