Old Brotherly Bond

Friendship Lost In Time [HIATUS]


Jooyoung POV

When I looked at Luhan’s face, I felt a bit of jealousy and hatred towards him. I quickly shook it off of me and handed him his books before grabbing a hold of Sehun’s hand.

“Where are you heading to, hyung?” Sehun questioned.

Luhan blinked before answering, “Oh, I was just heading home from my morning classes.”

I thought for second before saying, “You can come over to the apartment. Sehun, will be needing some company while I’m gone.” When I said that, it seemed as if both Luhan and Sehun face lit up but, mostly Sehun’s face. I walked ahead letting go of Sehun’s hand leaving them behind, when I didn’t noticed that they were behind me, I turned and looked at them.

“Aren’t you guys coming or not?” I questioned them as they quickly caught up with me. As soon as we came to the apartment, I quickly kicked off my sandals which ended up hitting both the guys in their head.

“Oops, mianhae guys,” I apologized as I quickly ran to the bedroom to get ready for my classes. I quickly slipped myself out of my sundress and quickly threw on one of Sehun’s t-shirts with a pair of black shorts.

Sehun POV

“What is she in a rush for?” Luhan asked as he set his shoes on the shelf.

“She’s running a little late for her afternoon class and work,” I said as I walked into the living room and sat on the couch. Luhan had came in after me and set his books on the table before taking a seat on the same couch as well. Jooyoung came rushing out the room to the door.

I watched as she quickly slipped on her shoes and grab her bag. She quickly walked out the apartment and I waited for her to come back because she had forgotten her books and her uniform for work.


She came rushing back into the apartment running to the bedroom without taking off her shoes. I heard her curse under her breathe about forgetting to take off her shoes. I let out a little laugh as she ran out the bedroom.

“Annyeong Sehun and Luhan. Oh Luhan, please keep a good eye on Sehun,” She said to hyung while looking at me. I heard Luhan chuckle at Jooyoung’s command before answering.

“Araso, Jooyoung.”

“Be careful on your way to school and work,” I told her before she left out the apartment. I sighed as she closed the door before leaving for her classes. I actually missed having to go to my classes with but, I already finished school before her. I turned around and quickly grabbed the remote to the television and turned it on.

“What do you feel like doing?” Luhan questioned as he kept his eyes on the television before turning to me. I blinked and thought about it; it was still early. I looked at the clock sitting by the television and noticed it only read 11:15.

I shrugged. “Maybe we can go out somewhere………like a arcade hall in Seoul?”

“To Seoul we go,” Luhan sang as we both stood and left out the apartment. I chuckled to myself at my hyung. He still hasn’t changed since he left off to China. I actually missed spending time with him but, now I’m going to make up those days when we were separated from each other. I felt a arm wrapped around my shoulders that brought me out of my daze. I looked at Luhan and smiled at him.

“What are you smiling about?” he spoke to me.

I shook my head before saying, “Nothing, I’m just happy to actually see you back.”

He smiled at me before flicking me on my forehead. We made our way out of the lobby and out into the city to the subway.



We finally came to the subway and waited for the next train to take us to Seoul. As we waited, I pulled out my cell phone to look at the time. It was only twelve-fifty, the train would be here until one thirty so, we have to wait thirty-five minutes for the train to get here. I began looked around the subway and noticed a little café. I turned to Luhan and saw he was on his phone playing a game. I tapped him on the shoulder before telling him.

“Hyung, let’s go wait in that little café for the train.”

He nodded before grabbing my hand and heading towards the café. We walked in and decided to order ourselves something to drink.

“Hello, how may I help you?” the female cashier asked making googly eyes at us. I ignored her stare and looked at the menu and noticed that they had bubble tea.

“Ooo, hyung, I want bubble tea,” I chirped pulling on Luhan’s arm.

“I’ll have two large bubble, please,” Luhan said as he chuckled at my childish acts. He took out his wallet and paid the cashier before she went off to fix our bubble tea. She came back with our bubble teas and I had gotten a little too excited that Luhan had to calm me down.

“Here are your two bubble teas and have a nice day,” She said to us before handing us our teas. Hyung had thanked her while I quickly began to sip mines out of the straw the female cashier gave to us. We made our way over to a table that was by the window. I was still slurping on mines when I ended up getting a brain freeze.

“Ow, Ow, Ow,” I mumbled as I held my head.

“Yah, slow down on the tea its not going anywhere,” Luhan nagged as he moved the cup away from me. I tried to grab the cup away from hyung but, the brain freeze was still killing. I really need to slow down on the tea but, its been a long time since I had bubble tea, I thought to myself as the brain freeze went away.

“Sorry, its just been a long time since I had it,” I explained while grabbing the away from him. He looked at me a little confused.




“When was the last time you had bubble tea?” Hyung reminded as he took a sip out his tea looking at me. I remembered when Jooyoung had taken me to a café near the college for bubble tea but, then ever since that, I guess she forgotten.

“Its nothing,” I sighed as I went back to drinking my tea. As we sat in the café, I looked at the time on my phone and noticed it was one twenty-five. Only five minutes until the train comes, I thought to myself.

I quickly finished up my bubble tea and told Luhan that the train was almost here. We walked out of the café and stood by a bench waiting for the train to come. When it finally came, we hopped on and took a seat as the train drove off.

Jooyoung POV

I was sitting in my class as my Professor went on about the Korean culture which I had ignored. I had continued to doodle in my book as he kept on lecturing us about the Korean culture. I looked up at the clock that was sitting on the wall in front of the classroom. It was only one thirty and class doesn‘t end until three thirty. I sighed before pulling out my cell phone to see if Sehun had text me anything. Surprisingly, he didn’t text me anything. I was hoping he would be okay with Luhan by himself. I shook it off of me and brought myself out my daze when I heard the Professor still going on about the Korean culture. I let out a little whimper before slamming my head onto the desk, disturbing the others around me who gave me looks. I ignored them. I turned my head towards the front of the class to see what time it was and only three minutes had passed since the last time I looked at my phone.

I slowly pulled out my phone and quickly began to text Sehun. Hoping he would text me back, he never did. I began to worry about him. Gosh, what are you doing Sehun, I questioned hoping he could hear me through his mind. I really need to stop watching television. Class went by so slowly as I kept my head on the desk and eyes on my cell phone that sitting on my desk. I began to drift off into dreamland when the sound of a bell from the intercom was heard. I quickly lift my head off my desk and packed my things before leaving out of my class and on my way to work. I quickly pulled out my cell phone and dialed Sehun’s number hoping he would.


“Sehun, I-”

“Mianhae, I can’t get to the phone right now, please leave a message.” I heard his voicemail say. I sighed and continued to call his phone as I made my way to work. I work at a cafe which is called Heaven’s Café. Its a few blocks from the college. I was sent to his voicemail every time he wouldn’t answer. Maybe Luhan has him busy with something to keep him occupied. I walked in and I was greeted by my co-worker Amber. (A/N Yes, its Amber from f(x) but, they aren’t a group in the story.) We’re actually close in age but, she’s just a two months older than I am.

“Good evening, Jooyoung. How were your classes?” She asked me with concern.

“They were okay……I guess,” I quoted as I walked to the back and quickly got dressed into my white short sleeve collar shirt, black apron, and pants. I stuffed my other clothes into my bag and walked back by Amber while pinning my hair into a messy bun.

“Jooyoung, gwaenchana?” Amber stated as she was fixing up a customers latte.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I told her as I put on a fake smiled as took the next customers order. I heard Amber sighed at my answer. She knew something was wrong, she had noticed how I had barged in the café and how I had answered. She also knew about me and Sehun living together which was why she asked me. I sighed to myself and tried not to think about Sehun too much while I had worked.

It seemed like today, the café was beginning to get packed. I had noticed Amber was struggling with the orders and kept on messing them up a couple of times and tripping over her own two feet. I giggled at her clumsiness. I quickly walked over to her and made the other drinks for the customers.

“Take my place, while I take yours,” I looked at her and continued. “ You seem to be struggling back here by yourself.” She quickly thanked me    before scurrying off to the cash register. I smiled at Amber, her actions were different than a normal girl. She would always wear her hair cute and most of the time she would be dress kind of boyish. As I thought about her, my mind drifted off to Sehun again. Maybe he’s too busy having fun with Luhan. I hope not too much fun.




DON'T STOP THERE'S ANOTHER UPDATE!! Does anyone know someone who makes really good story banners? If you do, message me please and THANK YOU!! Sorry for having you guys wait. =(   



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You're story's really great~ I'm hooked :D
No Problem!
I really love the story so far!