20 Missed Calls

Friendship Lost In Time [HIATUS]


Sehun POV

“Hyung, that’s the tenth game you’ve won since we got here,” I whined as I crossed my arms. Luhan laughed at my childish ways and patted my back.

“I wasn’t trying to beat you, Sehun” He explained. I looked at him as flicked my forehead. I laughed at him and noticed a pizza restaurant near by. (No, its not pizza like in America but, its Korean pizza. You get to fix your pizza however you want it. I heard about from Simon and Martina on WANK. WONDERFUL ADVENTURE NOW KOREA!! Sorry…)

“Hyung, you hungry?” I offered as my stomach began to growl. He chuckled before nodding. We walked into the pizza restaurant and took a seat at a table. The menus were already set at the table so, we both looked at the menu for something appealing. By the time we were done looking at the menus, a waiter came by and took our order and we told them want we wanted. It didn’t take them a long time to fix our drinks and pizza.

Mmm, smells delicious,” I admitted as took a slice and bit into it and burned my tongue.

“Hot, hot, hot,” I cried as I fanned my tongue. I looked at Luhan as he shook his head me before handing me my drink. I quickly took a long sip and ended up with a brain freeze…second time today. I heard laugh and looked at Luhan who having good laugh for himself. I kicked him in the shin under the table to stop him from laughing.

“Ow, Sehun, that wasn’t nice. Show some respect for your hyung,” He stammered rubbing his shin. I stuck my tongue out at him and ate my pizza. After we finished eating our pizza, we went back to playing the games in the arcade and I ended up losing again against hyung. Playing with Luhan felt like he never left off to China. It felt like the old times when we just little young boys playing around at a play ground. I quickly brought myself out my daze and noticed that I haven’t checked up on Jooyoung. I pulled out myself phone and noticed twenty missed calls and two voicemails. I looked at the time and noticed that it was almost ten o’clock.

“Aish, hyung, I have to get home to Jooyoung,” I panicked hoping Jooyoung wasn’t mad at me.

“Okay, just calm down. I’m sure she’s fine,” Hyung explained to me as we walked out of the arcade on our way to the subway station. As we walked into the station, they train back home had just arrived. Hyung and I quickly made our way onto the train and took our seats. I began to panic again and I was about to dial her number when Luhan had stopped me.

“Sehun, don’t worry yourself, she’s probably haven’t made home yet and is still at work,” He assured. I calmed down trying to calm myself down and hoping she’s at least at work or home. As we rode the train, I began to feel a little sleepy and began to doze of into dreamland when I felt a hand land on my head. I looked up and noticed Luhan was pulling my head towards his shoulder for me to rest on. I relaxed and laid my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.

Luhan POV

I couldn’t help but smile at how Sehun reaction was when he was worry about Jooyoung. If he’s that worried about her that much, then he must love her. I looked down at his sleeping form and noticed how he didn’t make a sound in his sleep. I slowly move his hair out of his face and saw how peaceful he looked. Sehun still was the same boy I made friends with back in grades school. When I first saw him, I felt a need to take care of him myself. Being around him made me very protective of him. I guess he gets that from me the way he acts with Jooyoung.

I was happy when I found him again but, with some else made me feel a little jealous. I thought about how he was alone without me here to be there for him when I left for China. Guilt began to fill me up inside as I thought how lonely he felt as child without me. When I saw him again, I noticed how happy he looked when he was with Jooyoung or ever looked her. She must be the Star in his life that makes him smile. I could never get him to smile like the way she does. I really wished my family didn’t have to leave off to China. I would have been with Sehun my whole life and he wouldn’t have met Jooyoung. I chuckled to myself as I felt jealousy grow over me. I sighed to myself as I laid my head on top of Sehun and slipped my hand into his. At least I have you with me again.


Jooyoung POV

“You have a goodnight, ajusshi,” I said to our last customer for the night. The shift was quite a work out for me. I had noticed Amber had began to sweep the floor. I walked to the back of the café and grabbed a towel and a bottle of table cleaner for the tables. I walked back out began to spray and wipe the tables down.

“Jooyoung, you want me to close up?” Amber asked me as she finished up sweeping the floor.

“No, I’ve got it,“ I announced before I continued “Shouldn’t you be heading home?”

“You sure?” She asked me again but, with concern. I nodded as I continued to wipe the tables down. I heard her sighed.

“Amber, I’ll be okay. Now go home,” I shooed her away like a elderly ajumma. Amber laughed at me, before heading to the back to get her things. I went back to wiping the tables down and Amber came from the back dressed in her boyish looking clothes and a hat.

“Be safe,” I told her as I finished wiping down the last table.

“You too, Jooyoung and tell Sehun I said hi,” She sang as she walked out of the café. I finished cleaning up around the café and head off to get change. As I was finished getting dressed, I stuffed my work clothes in my bag and headed out. I turned off all the light in the café and made my way out of the café and locked the door. I began to make my way home and I noticed that there was only a few people out and a few stores and restaurants were just closing up. I quickly picked up my pace and held my bag closer to myself. I pulled out my phone to see if I had any messages from Sehun but, there none. I really need to start taking the subway for now on, I thought to myself when I felt something wet fall onto my head. I looked up and felt another drop on fall onto me. That’s when the rain came down faster.

“Great, just my night and I left my umbrella at home!” I yelled and stomped my foot on the ground. I continued my walk home soak and wet and I was little pissed about leaving my umbrella back at the apartment. I sighed and continued my walk back to the apartment hoping Sehun was home.

Sehun POV

I felt the train come to a stop. I lift my head up noticed Luhan was also asleep. I shook him lightly telling him it was time for us to get off the train. We both walked off the train and I hadn’t noticed that we were holding hands. I quickly shook the thought out my head and made my way towards the exit. As we were walking I had noticed that it was raining. Aish, I left the umbrella back at the apartment.

“Well, I guess we’ll see each other later,” Luhan yawned as he let my hand go. When he removed his hand from mines, my hand felt cold so, I quickly stuffed into my pocket.

“Yeah, umm, hyung?” I called out to Luhan before continuing, “Shouldn’t we exchange numbers just incase we might want to hang out with each other again?” He nodded before giving me his and I quickly text him a message and he saved my number on his phone.

“Bye Sehun and be safe,” Luhan said as he ran out into the rain home.

I sighed as I felt lonely when Luhan had left me. I quickly ran out of the subway and into the rain. I prayed to myself hoping Jooyoung was safe at home and not in the rain. After all the running to the apartment, I finally arrived but, I arrived wet. I made my way to the elevator and pressed the number to my floor. I walked onto the elevator carefully not wanting to slip on the floor. When the elevator came to a stop, I walked off to the apartment and heard a voice. When I got closer, I noticed it was Jooyoung walking or should I say stomping to the door. I chuckled hoping she wouldn’t hear but, she did. She looked back at me with anger in her eyes. I quickly stopped myself and walked towards her.

“Gwaenchana, Joo?” I stated. She just nodded her head up and down and began to sneeze. I quickly pulled out my keys and pulled her into the apartment. I helped her take off her shoes and I pulled off mines. We made our to the bed room and I began to strip out the wet clothes.

I quickly began to pull the wet clothes off of Jooyoung that were sticking to her petite little body. Once she was out of her clothes and in her undergarments, I went to the bathroom and grabbed a towel and began to dry her hair off. After I was done with her, I told her to lay in the bed. Before getting into bed with her, I turned off the light. I made my way over to my side of the bed slipped under the covers before pulling Jooyoung towards me. I had noticed she was shivering but, she calmed down.

“Jooyoung, I’m sorry I didn’t answer your calls,” I apologized as moved her hair out her face. She looked at and smiled.

“Its fine, I know you were you just busy having fun with Luhan,” She explained before asking.

“Where did you guys go anyway?”

I smiled.

“We went to the arcade hall in Seoul and had pizza, we also played games and hyung kept on beating me at the games.” She laughed at the last part I had said. She knew how I always hate losing at video games. Hearing her laugh, made me smile. I held her closer when I had noticed her shivering again.

“We should get to sleep now,” I mentioned her as I began to fall asleep.

“Goodnight, Sehun,” I heard her tell me before drifting off to sleep with me.




 I hope you guys can forgive me, if you don't then I might have to use EXO against you guys. ATTACK BOYS!! MUHAHAHAHAHA!!















That's enough of EXO for now. I just had a nosebleed and I hope the guys changed your mind! Anyway, Thank you and LATER SUBSCRIBERS, I LOVE YOU!! <3










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You're story's really great~ I'm hooked :D
No Problem!
I really love the story so far!