
Friendship Lost In Time [HIATUS]


“Luhan…?” Sehun choked again as ran up to Luhan and gave him a brotherly hug.

“Long time no see, Sehun,” Luhan said to Sehun as his hugged his old friend back. “I also see that you’ve gotten taller than me. Now I look like the dongsaeng,” Luhan laughed.

After their hug, they began their own little conversation, leaving me there standing alone, making me feel like the third wheel. Must be old childhood friends, I asked myself. I shook my head with a smile at them before I quickly picked up all the grocery bags and brought them inside. As I entered the apartment, I quickly through off my shoes and side bag onto the floor by the door before entering the living room area. I walked through the living room and into the kitchen, laying the bags down onto the table and began to put away the groceries. As I was putting away the last of the groceries, I couldn’t help but hear the laughter of two old friends catching up with each other in the living room. Maybe I should let Luhan stay and have dinner with us, I smiled as I walked over to the pantry and pulled out all the ingredients for ddukbokki which I was going to make for just me and Sehun.

As I was finishing up the food, I pulled out three plates and chopsticks from the cabinets.

“Smells nice,” I heard as I felt hands on my shoulder which startled me. I turned around to Luhan who was awfully close to me. I looked away immediately hoping he didn’t see my flushed face.

“Umm, thanks,” I thanked him as I grabbed the plates and began to lay them out on the table. I went back to the stove and stirred the ddukbokki around in the pot. Looking around, I noticed that Sehun wasn’t anywhere around.

“He’s in the bathroom washing up,” Luhan answered as if he read my mind.

I nodded as my response. I quickly went back to stirring the food and tasted it. Satisfied with the taste, I turned off the stove and grabbed two dished towels to pick up the pot before laying it on the table.

“Do you always cook for Sehun?” Luhan asked as he sat down at the table while I went to the sink to wash my hands. “No, we most likely cook for each other,” I said with a smiled at Luhan as I turned the water off and dried my hands off as I continued, “but, he is always taking care me though, whenever he knows when I’m struggling with anything. I always tell him not to worry about nothing and just take care of yourself.”

Luhan chuckled. “Sehun always was like that for people he cared for.” I smiled at Luhan.

“How long have you been knowing Sehun?” Luhan questioned me.

“Almost four years. Ever since we became best friends, he let me move in with him, which meant that he noticed my struggles with getting to and from school,” I smiled remembering the day we ran into each other.

“And you?” I questioned him.

“I knew Sehun my whole life but, I had to move back to China because my father was offered a better job there. Now, I’m back and this time, I won’t leave him again like I did before,” he pointed out.

Hearing that him and Sehun been knowing each other their whole life’s, made me feel jealous. I can’t compete against someone who’s been knowing Sehun his whole life. “Yum, it smells nice in here,” I heard Sehun as he walked in the kitchen and took his seat at the table. I quickly took my seat at the table and began to prepare the food. As I was fixing the food, Sehun and Luhan began to have another conversation, completely ignoring me. Sighing, I picked up my plate and put it back into the cabinet.

“Jooyoung, aren’t you going to eat?” Sehun asked me as he took a bite out his food. I turned to him and smiled before answering.

“I’m really not hungry. I’m just going to go and take me a nice bath.”

“Joo, you need to eat, I don’t want you starving yourself,” Sehun said to me. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine,” I replied to him as I walked out the kitchen and into the bedroom.



Sehun POV

I sighed as Jooyoung walked out the kitchen.

“Aish, she is such a stubborn girl, she never listens,” I mumble under my breathe rubbing the bridge of my nose.

“Yah, just give her some space. She might be going through a hard time,” Luhan said to me trying to clam me down. I ignored what he said, it wasn’t helping me at all. I knew something was wrong her and I hate whenever she would get like this. I went back to eating my food but, I ended up losing my appetite and Luhan noticed.

“Look, why don’t we just go out and get some ice cream. That always makes you feel better,” Luhan smiled at me as he gave my shoulder a little squeeze. I went to one of the drawers and pulled out a pen a paper. I wrote a letter letting her know where I was going and left it on the refrigerator. We both walked out the kitchen and quickly put on our shoes before exiting the apartment. A part of me really didn’t want to leave Jooyoung alone but, the other told me just give space. I let out a long heavy sigh before catching up with Luhan.



Jooyoung POV

As I exit the bathroom, I heard the front door open and close. I walked out of my bedroom and into the hallway. I noticed that it was too quiet in the house.

“Sehun,” I called out but, I didn’t get a response. Curious, I walked further down the hallway and into through the living room and into the kitchen. I noticed that no one was at the table. I walked over to the table and picked up the plates which still had food on it. I sighed dumping the food down the garbage disposer. I began to clean the plates and dried them off before putting them back into the cabinets. I went to the refrigerator and noticed a letter.





Luhan hyung wanted to take me out to get ice cream because he noticed how I was worried about you when you walked out on us. Don’t worry I won’t be too long and I also won’t forget to get your favorite ice cream, Rocky Road, right? =D


I smiled at the letter after I read it. Sehun always knew how to cheer me up. I walked out the kitchen and into the living room. I jumped onto the couch and turned the television to re-run of “Secret Garden.” As I was watching the television, I began to feel tired. I let out a long yawn as my vision became blurry and everything went black.

Sehun POV

After spending some time at the ice cream shop with Luhan, I quickly made my way home with a box of Jooyoung’s favorite ice cream. As I was walking home, I couldn’t help but feel happy that Luhan hyung had came back after all those years being alone without him. Hope this time you won’t leave me again, I thought to myself as I entered the lobby and got onto the elevator. When the elevator came to a stop, I made my way off into the hallway to my apartment room. I came to the door and walked in the apartment. I stepped in the house and kicked my shoes off leaving them by the door. I walked in the living to find the television was on. I looked down at the couch and saw Jooyoung sleeping with her head resting on the arm of the couch. I smiled at her as I heard her mumbled something in her sleep. I walked into the kitchen and placed the ice cream box in the freezer and went back into the living room by Jooyoung. I sat down on the couch and watched her as she slept. Her was breathing was steady and calm. Sleeping was the only time she ever looked calm and not stressed. A piece of her hair had landed in her face and I had brushed it out of her face accidentally interrupting her sleep. Her eyes fluttered opened and she looked straight at me and yawn.

I watched as she crawled over to me and laid her head on my shoulder. She slowly wrapped around my waist and moved her head closer but this time, I could feel her breathe and lips touch my neck. I felt a shiver going down my spine as I tried to remove her arms from around me but, it was no use, she just held on tighter.

“Joo, I think you should get to bed,” I whispered to her. I heard her mumbled something under her breathe but I couldn’t catch it. I asked her to repeat herself hoping she would hear me.

“Oppa,” I heard her say as I felt my body go stiff.

“Oppa, don’t leave me,” She said to me again but, it was whisper. I smiled to myself hearing her talk like this. This was the first time I heard her ever call me that. When she said it, I felt my stomach do a flip and I felt a little funny on the inside. I shook my head not wanting to believe this. Ignoring my thoughts, I slowly wrapped my arms around her small body and held her against me. Holding her felt different than the hugs I always give her. With her in my arms, it felt right.

“I won’t leave you,” I said as I felt myself go off into dreamland with Jooyoung.




Sorry If I kept you guys waiting. School has been kicking my lately but again, I will try and update soon as possible. Also I just saw EXO Showcase Part 1 on YouTube!! Yay!! Can't wait for more of EXO!!! Please Subscribe and leave comments!! I really want to hear you guys have to say about the story, it keeps me going!! Annyeong!!














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You're story's really great~ I'm hooked :D
No Problem!
I really love the story so far!