Wanted: Perfect Husband

This double update end up being longer than I thought. But anyways. Enjoy! :)



I walked into the café, looking around for a guy in navy blue polo t-shirt. I spotted a guy that waved at me and he’s wearing a navy shirt. Maybe that’s him. Not bad. I approached him with a smile and he stood up.

“Hi. You must be Hyuna?” he asked, extending his hand out. I shook his hand politely and nodded. We sat down and started talking and ordering.


“You’re prettier than I expected,” he complimented. I don’t really like guys with sweet words but I’m a lady afterall, compliments like that can at least make me blush.

I just smiled and thanked him. I was about to say something when he beat me to it.

“Do you know that almost all the models out there are not that pretty? They use photo editing skills to make them look prettier,” he said. I didn’t ask. I just nodded politely as if I was amazed by that fact.

“So you’re a lawyer right?” I said quickly before he could beat me to it again.

“Yup! Do you know that lawyers have the toughest job in the world? Well maybe apart from doctors that saves lives. People don’t really see lawyers as important when they don’t need one,” he said. Again, did I ask? I don’t think so.

“Do you know that most people are obese because of fast foods like this? That’s why I don’t eat much of it,” he said when we were about to start eating. He looked at his fries in disgust. If you don’t like fast foods, why do you plan to go here ?

All the way I was quiet as I didn’t even have the chance to say anything more when he’s always telling me ‘do you know’ facts after every sentence I say.

“Do you know that carrots are really good for skin? You should try some,” he said, offering me his cuts of carrots. Hold up. Did he just indirectly say that my skin is not good?? I kept the fake smile on my face trying so hard to be patient with this guy.

“Do you know that some rabbits are red-eyed? When I first saw them as a kid I was really amazed by it!” he said happily. Rabbits, really? What are you gonna talk about next? Couches?

“This leather couch is really comfy. Do you know that some leathers can be made from snake skins?” he said, patting the couch. I raised an eyebrow. Kill. Me. Now.

“Oh ya and Hyuna, do you know that-“

“NO OKAY! I DON’T KNOW ANYTHING! ITS ALL YOU! YOU KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS WORLD! BUT YOU KNOW WHAT? THERE’S ONE THING YOU DON’T KNOW! DO YOU KNOW THAT DATES ARE NOT MEANT FOR TEACHING PEOPLE? HUH?? DO YOU??” I blew up. His eyes widened when I suddenly stood up and shouted at him. He looked really shocked and I’m pretty sure the rest of the people in the café are too.

“I’M TIRED OF LISTENING TO YOUR DO YOU KNOWS AND I CAN’T CONTINUE THIS ANYMORE! I’M OUT OF HERE.” I said my last words, and stomped off the café. Eyes were just following me when I was on my way out. I can’t believe I just blew up infront of a bunch of people! But he’s just too much. Way, way too much. I had enough.

I don’t know where to go now. Should I go home? No one is at home. I might just end up crying alone in my room. I looked through my contacts and tried to find a friend. A friend that can comfort me at times like this. Most of my friends look up to me. They see me as strong, a cool and collective person. What I just did isn’t cool at all. And then I came across that name. Joker.

 I still have not changed his name even after I found out. Usually when my date fails, I would complain to Joker. Which means Junhyung. Without any thought, suddenly I end up infront of Junhyung’s porch, waiting for him to open the door.


“So that’s the story…” I ended. I didn’t tell him about the why I decided to go to him though.

He nodded thoughtfully. We were already sitting by the rocks as I told him the story as he can’t really hear me through the gushing of waters of the waterfall.

“Thanks Junhyung,” I said. He turned to me in surprised.


“Everything. For being there for me when I have no one to complain to. For bringing me here so that I can relax and forget about all the stressful things back there,” I said sincerely.

He smiled. “Glad I can be a good friend.”

“Its getting cold. Shall we go back?” he said. I nodded. We stood up and grab our clothes and towels.

“Yoseob-ah! We’re going back first okay? We just have one bathroom so we’ll use it first,” he called out to Yoseob. Yoseob nodded and gave a thumbs-up before turning back to Hyerin.

I just walked a few steps from the waterfall, with my towel around my shoulders when my left leg felt really stiff and slightly paralysed.

“Oww!!” I bent down, holding onto my leg. Junhyung turned immediately, hearing my shout.

He kneeled down worriedly infront of me. “Yah! Are you okay? What happened??” he asked panicked.

“I think.. I think I got leg cramp..” I said as he examined my leg.

He looked up at me. “Can you walk?” His eyebrows were raised in the middle showing that he was really concerned.

I shook my head slowly. He bit his lower lip, thinking of a way to bring my back home.

“Here, hold my shirt,” he said, handing me his shirt while he placed his towel around his neck. I took it slowly, thinking of what he planned to do.

Carefully, he slid his arm under the joint of my legs and the other across my shoulder. He stood up, carrying me bridal style.

“Ah!” I shrieked when he stood up abruptly and adjusted my body on his arms, lifting me slightly off his arms. I put my arms around his neck to prevent myself from falling to the side.

“Yah.. Are you sure you want to carry me? I’m heavy you know..” I said as he started walking.

He chuckled. “But I’m strong.” I rolled my eyes, smiling a little.

We, well only him, walked back to the cottage without talking. But since Junhyung didn’t want to walk in silence, he hummed some of his songs as he walked.


He carried me all the way into the bathroom when we reached the cottage. He sat me on the edge of the bathtub and closed the door.

“Yah! What are you doing in here?? How am I supposed to wash up?” I said.

“Can you stand already?” he asked, not answering my question. I still felt the stiffness of my left leg so its obvious I can’t.

“You can’t right? How do you expect to wash up by yourself? What if you fall?” he said, tilting his head to the side and walking towards me. I remained quiet.

“But if you don’t want me to touch you, I won’t. Just let me stay here if you need help,” he said as he cupped my face. But.. how am I suppose to wash up? I can’t even stand!

“Hyuna?” he said my name since I’ve been facing the ground and not saying anything while he caressed my cheeks softly. He titled my head up slowly, making me look at him.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked softly, his eyebrows furrowed to the center slightly.

“I.. I can’t stand..” I said softly. For the first time I felt weak. And it was just a leg cramp but a bad one that is. He bit his lip and looked around, searching for a solution.

I looked at him as he took the shower head from the stand and turned it on.

He turned to me and smiled. “I’ll wash you?” I raised my eyebrows.

“I just spray the water on your body while you sit there and you can clean yourself up. Is that okay?” he asked.

I thought about it for awhile and agreed to his plan. He took my toiletries and put them by my side. He wet my body with the water and washes himself up when I was soaping my body. When I was done, he was shampooing his hair. I just looked at him while waiting for the water. Who am I kidding? Of course I’m looking at his body. Gosh..

I turned away quickly when he was done rinsing the shampoo off his hair and turned to me. “Done?” he asked. I nodded.

He sprayed the water and I clean the soap from my body. Before I could reach out for my shampoo, Junhyung had already grab it.

“Can I try to shampoo you? It seems fun,” he said cheerfully like a kid, sticking his tongue out by the side.

I laughed. “Arasso. Just make sure you don’t get any shampoo in my eyes!” He nodded excitedly and put the shower head by the side. He quirt some of the shampoo lotion on his palm and got behind me. I felt his fingers running through my hair and massaging my head at the same time. It felt very relaxing and I actually enjoyed it. He took my fringe to the back, to gather all my hair in a lump.

A small drip of the shampoo went into my eyes and I quickly shut them, feeling the sting.

“Junhyung! Shampoo in my eye! Shampoo in my eye!” I shouted, fanning my eye with my hand.

“Omo! Wait wait! Don’t touch your eyes!” he warned me. He took the shower head and sprayed the water into his cupped hand and placed his other hand at the back of my neck, guiding my head towards his hand.

“Open your eyes slowly and blink your eyes in the water on my hand,” he said. I did what he told me and soon the stinging feeling was gone.

I looked up slowly, blinking my eyes. I saw him looking at me with concern.

“Okay now?” he asked carefully. I blinked a few times while nodding. I punched his chest hard and he yelp in pain.

“I told you not to get shampoo in my eye!”

“Mianhe…” he pouted while rubbing his chest to relief the pain away. I chuckled.

“Why are you laughing?” he asked confused.

“Its quite funny how we panicked just because of a shampoo,” I laughed. He laughed along with me and went back to rinsing the shampoo from my hair.

I covered myself with the towel and he changed to a new pair of Bermudas in the bathroom. I didn’t see of course. I’m not erted.


My leg was finally getting back to its normal state but Junhyung insisted on carrying me to the room. We went out of the bathroom and Yoseob and Hyerin just got back. all of us froze in place seeing Junhyung carrying me with him topless and me with only a towel. Yoseob and Hyerin’s mouth were both hanging open along with their eyes widened.


If the problem on AFF cause this update to be gone, don't worry, I'll put it back up. :)) 






I just went through a session of Parent-Teacher-Meeting in my school coz my results was very bad. So now I have to limit my time on the computer. I decided that Monday-Thursday I won't touch the computer AT ALL. It means no update. But Friday night until Saturday afternoon I'm free to use. And I'll use that time to update like crazy!! So I hope all of you will be patient and pleassee do not unsubscribe. :( Thank you for understanding ! <33

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jemSHIN #1
Going back in this fic and rereading it because HyunA and Junhyung are getting married!!!
yanzweiger #2
Just chanced upon this fic and I can't put it down, had to finish it all up in one read! I was in Seoul just weeks back and I saw both Hyuna (at Everland) and Junhyung (at CUBE), albeit not together, but this fic just gives me those "feels". Thank you for this cute fic. :)
Txxgen #3
Chapter 31: I really like the story! Thnks for updating
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 49: chappie 48: wahhh!!!! really a good ending story!!!
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 48: chappie 47: will this be the ending of both of them???
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 45: chappie 44: no one is perfect for hyuna except . . . . . . . .
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 34: chappie 33: it must be so hurt......
but, why did junhyung's father hit him??
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 28: chappie 27: wahh!!! yoseob and hyerin are really smart.....
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 26: chappie 25: why hyuna is crying???
memoria_99 #10
Chapter 19: chappie 18: poor junhyung.....