
Our Undefined Relationship
Daehyun’s eyes widened. He had been caught following you home. Daehyun pointed at Himchan while he was shaking as if saying ‘Why are you here ?’Himchan motioned Daehyun to follow him. He gulped as did as he was told.

Sooner or later they arrived at ‘Matoki Cafe’. Himchan worked there as a manager along with his bestfriend Bang Yongguk. The bell rang as Himchan opened the glass door.
Daehyun studied the surroundings. Matoki Cafe was pretty, it seemed like the place where couples would come and spend their time.
“Come sit here Daehyun. I’ll be right back in a second.” Himchan walked away leaving Daehyun sitting in a corner by himself. *What am I supposed to.. ? Now I’m caught and I have to sit here to face Himchan.. someone please save me* Daehyun prayed silently. He waited for the worst since he knew Himchan was pretty protective of you even though he never showed it.

Shortly after, Himchan came back with his clothes changed. “Ok where were we again ?” Himchan sat across from Daehyun with his arms sitting on the table. Daehyun gulped.
“Take that mask off” he ordered. Daehyun was confused, take his mask off ? That would mean he had to talk. Even so, Daehyun did as he was told to.
“Ok. Mr. Jung, may I ask you why you were following my cute little sister ?” Himchan smirked.
Daehyun had no answer for that. All he could do is to stay quiet. Himchan raised an eyebrow when he notice that Daehyun wouldn’t talk.
“You know, for you information, Minah isn’t here so you can talk freely” He pointed out.
Yet Daehyun still wouldn’t answer or talk. Himchan sighed, he could tell he would never get one word out of that mouth that vowed to stay quiet unless its an emergency.

“If you don’t talk, I’ll tell Minah that you were stalking her home today.” Himchan stood up, ready to leave and resume to work. Daehyun instinctively grabbed Himchan’s wrist. “I’ll talk.” Daehyun said for the first time. Himchan smirked and sat back down.
“Talk then.” He urged him. “Just not that question.” Daehyun refused.
“Yo.” A tall guy with a deep voice called out. “Ah Yongguk” Himchan waved to him.
*Not another Himchan-like person..* Daehyun frowned. Yongguk sat next to Himchan, he lightly pushed him away to give himself some space to sit. “YAH.” Himchan showed a threatening fist but Yongguk ignored it. “Aish.” Himchan shook his head.

“Haven’t seen you for awhile Daehyunnie. Hows it going with you and our cute but violent.. Minah ?” Yongguk asked with a suspicous smile. “Why do you guys always have to mention her whenever you see me ?” Daehyun asked.
“Thats cause, everyone knows you guys like each other. Both of you are WAYY to obvious” Yongguk and Himchan answered as if it was the easiest question in the whole world.
Daehyun gritted his teeth. “I.DO.NOT.LIKE.HER.” he denied the fact.
“Yeah keep denying, you’ll be my brother-in-law soon” Himchan smiled. Daehyun’s jaw was wide opened in disbelief. “BROTHER-IN-LAW ?” he slammed the table unknowingly with a loud voice.
Yongguk and Himchan were both surprised by his sudden outburst. They panicked and motioned him to sit while they were apologizing to the customers.
“YAH. Did you have to be that loud ?” Himchan scolded. Daehyun didn’t care much about what he did. He refused to become his brother-in-law since he believed that he didn’t like you. Not even a little.
“You and my stupid dad are exactly the same. I seriously have no idea whats wrong with your minds. Me and her don’t match AT ALL.” Daehyun crossed his arms.
Himchan and Yongguk exchanged glances. “If you don’t want to believe it, want to work here ?” they suggested.
Daehyun was confused AGAIN. “What does working her have to do with me not believing that i don’t like her ?”
“Well just see. It’ll benefit you both ways” Himchan stood up and patted his back then left. Yongguk too stood up. “I know you guys since you both were little. I’m sure we’re correct. You do LOVE Minah” He teased Daehyun. Before Daehyun can fight back, he disappeared. *I.DO.NOT.* He sighed and gazed at his mask. Daehyun wore it over his mouth and left Matoki Cafe.

UPDATEDD. I noticed how I forgot Yongguk in the foreword :C
YONGGUK IM SORRY 3 oh and Daehyunn finally talked ;D his beautiful voice omg /spazz.
the next few days I'm going to update more. And I just thought of another interesting plot and its going to be up soon, the foreword that is :L. Another note, did you guys notice the new bg and poster ? I made it myself ;D any opinions ?

PS ; I'd love to see comments C:  

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lindanguyenn #1
This is really good, please update soon ! :)
Update soon!!
Ugh. It's so good so far. Amazing!~ ^-^
update soon XD
kekeke ~~ funny Himchan XD