Clumsy You.

Our Undefined Relationship
“DAEHYUN OPPA” You ran towards Daehyun and smiled warmly. “Hi.” He replied coldly.

You frowned a bit since he didn't answered much but none less you smiled again. You sat next to him and took a game controller.
“What are you doing ?” He turned around to face you with a angry expression.
“I wanted to play with you” You held out the controller. “I never said you can play with me.” He turned around to focus on his video game again.
You slightly pouted and put the controller back to its original place. You sat on the sofa watching him play and decided to cheer for him.
“JUNG DAEHYUNN YOU CAN WINNN GO GO GOOO” You held out your arms waving with a big grin on your face.
Daehyun didn’t want to pay any attention to your foolish acts but your loud voice had him annoyed. Soon he couldn’t take it anymore and stood up.
“YAH. IF YOU WANT TO PLAY THEN GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.” He yelled. You were taken aback and trembled a little due to his booming loud voice.
“I-I-I just w-wanted to p-play with y-you” you stuttered. Tears were forming on your eyes and was reading to fall anytime.
Tears were already falling from your eyes but you didn’t let yourself to be crying out loud. You were scared that he might hit you so you ran straight to your room shutting the door loudly. You ran straight to your bed sobbing. *H-h-he called me UGLY. No one has ever said that to me...*

You were sitting on a bench on the school grounds. *How long has it been ?* You sighed.  
Along the hallways you could see many couples having their own affectionate time with each other holding hands, cuddling, even some kissing without a care in the world.

*Just how nice it is to have a boyfriend ?* You sighed again. *You know what, I’m such a loner.* All of the sudden CNBLUE’s song ‘I’m A Loner’ started playing in your head, *Here I go again, my random timings* You smiled at how you can relate things with songs.
You stood up ready to head back to class until you recognized someone familiar walking down the stairs. *Daehyun ?*

You walked a little closer to get a better look . *Yup it is him.* You can easily see that he was with someone else that you didn’t recognize. A girl with long curly hair and a small face but with a tall height to match Daehyun’s. *Just who is she ?* Unconsciously you walked even more closer.
Accidently you tripped on a rock and fell onto your knees. ‘OM-‘ you winced at the pain. At your voice, Daehyun’s eyes quickly followed your voice and found you on the ground. *Minah ?* He scanned you up and down and noticed your bruised knees. *What th-*
“Omo. Is she okay ?” the girl that stood next to Daehyun asked. *Of course shes not okay* he thought while worrying with a displeased expression. *How come no one is even helping her ?* He looked around just to see people whispering and gossiping. *Heartless people.*
 Just when he took a step to help you, Youngjae ran towards you and helped you up. Daehyun’s eyes showed a sign of disappointment *One step late* he pinched his eyebrows.
“Daehyun ?” Daehyun returned back to reality and remembered he was with someone else.
“You okay ? You know her ?” the girl asked.
“..” He stepped back and shook his head. “Oh you looked like you knew her” she tiptoed to get a closer look if you were okay. She glanced at you. “Poor her, omo. Shes bleeding.” She gasped. The girl slightly frowned at how you were having a little trouble standing up.
 “Hopefully shes alright, lets go back to class neh ?” she circled her arm around his and dragged him away. *Youngjae would take care of her* He thought.

You were at the nurse office getting treated. *Did Daehyun see me ? What if he did ? Omg I must have seem st-* “OM- OUCH.” You winced as the cotton ball was dabbed onto your bruised knees.
“Sit still, you won’t get better by that” the nurse advised. Youngjae shook his head “Just how clumsier can you get Kim Minah ?” he asked with a smile.
“Yah, did my brother’s disease rubbed off to you ?” You glared at him. He held up his hands in surrender “Who told us to be best buddies ?”
You stuck your tongue at him. “Anyways, its so interesting how you would cry and start laughing like a maniac after falling on your knees.” Youngjae tapped his chin.
“Who knows. I might be an alien from outer space to do that” You crossed your arms with your chin up high.
“Yeah right Kim Minah.” Both of you broke out laughing. The nurse took that chance to dab more medicine onto your knee. “OH FIAHFIADHFIOADHFIO” You spoke nonsense or rather some language that no one would ever understand other than you.

She clapped her hands “Okay you’re done. Don’t fall again Minah-ssi” She wrote some things onto her clipboard and finished the leftovers. “That was pretty mean” You pouted. “That was my perfect chance to finish you and have you leave ASAP instead of having you whining like a little kid.” The nurse smiled.

You and Youngjae bowed to the nurse and left the infirmary. “Don’t be so clumsy next time, who knows where and when would you be rolling down the stairs ?” He patted your back.

“YAH. “ You backed away with an accusing finger pointed at him.
“What did you just call me Kim Minah ?” Youngjae raised an eyebrow. *Oh god.* You gulped. “Youngjae oppa. Happy ? “ You answered sarcastically.
“YOU JUST TALKED TO ME INFORMALLY.” He said in a pretty loud voice, gaining other’s attention. “SHH. Why are you too loud ?” You motioned him to keep his voice low.
“Whoops.” He ducked his head with a small chuckle.

Sorry I didn't update for the past month QQ , got pretty lazy and HERE YOU GOO new chapter <3
This chapter wasn't so much Daehyun and you but YoungJae and you ;D .
Brother-Sisterly relationship ftw LOL. 
ANYONE WATCHED TEENTOP'S MV ? omg . Although they were already hot but they got even more hotter ;A; /spazzing. ok enough spazzing LOL. 

Chunjoe <3.

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lindanguyenn #1
This is really good, please update soon ! :)
Update soon!!
Ugh. It's so good so far. Amazing!~ ^-^
update soon XD
kekeke ~~ funny Himchan XD