Another Fight

Enchanted To Meet You..

At the Cafeteria

~Jieun's POV~

oH, I hate that Wooyoung, bUt I fElt sorry for him..I shouldn't say those things to him.. maybe I should apologize to him.  Suzy snapped my hands,

Suzy: hey, im talking here for a mins.and sincerly you're not listening.

IU: oh!! Im sorry Suzy, it's just ,im thinking!

Suzy: is it about your fight between him?? ~giggles~

IU: exactly!!!,and I felt bad for it!! i shoudn't say those..

Suzy:oH!... that "YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE IN PLACE" part??

IU: not just that part!! the Whole PART!!.. ~looks down~

Suzy: oOH! you FELT GUILT of what you've said to him!! (chews her food)

well, IU to be honest!, you shouldn't say those words to him, and the obligation and priorities part!. Wooyoung hates to be lectured..

IU: it's just Im mad at him,i'll just say sorry to him. (sipping her juice)

I saw Wooyoung entering the cafeteria with Taecyeon and Nichkun,He looks mad until now,I was staring at him..he caught me staring at him, and I looked away,Im really scared at him. and I saw Maxine, approaching to our Table.

Maxine: hey LOSERR.*she yelled at me* \ so, whO's trying to be a heroine here.??? wHy did you embarassed Wooyoung infront of the class??

IU:how did you know that??? ~looks curious~

MAxine: yOu really are a stupid,Crazy,Dorky girl. *she pushed me and I lose balance. so I ended up sitting at the floor*

IU:oucch!! that hurts!!

Everyone was laughing at me..including Maxine..Suzy helped me stand up.

Maxine poured a cola on my uniform. ~oopsssiee.. i thought you are a trash bin!!..

Suzy slapped Maxine's face..

~you!! how daRE you!!! and whatever is her fight between's none of your business.. you shouldn't interfere with it!!..

I was crying, everyone was looking at me, I exited my way out to the cafeteria..I went to my locker and get my white uniform and went to the girls bathroom..

Luckily, I brought mY hYgiene kit. I took of my white blouse and wore the new one..I wipe my face with wet wipes and put some light makeup. I undo my hair, brushed it and put some purple headband. As im done fixing my self, I exited my way out to the bathroom, and went to my room.As I was walking my way to the room, my phone was a call from Suzy.. I answered her call..

Suzy: hey!! Jieun-nah..wHere are you??? im so worried you know!!

IU: oH!!> mIANHE Suzy..for making you worry,but im on my way to the room now.. so just stay calm.. okay...

Suzy: oH!! okay!! iM hanging up!..gOODbye.. then hungs up..

I arrived at the classroom. Suzy hugged me when I walked inside the classroom. She comforted me. And she's trying her best to make me laugh..

Mr.Kang went inside and he started the lesson..

~hours spent~

Mr.Kang: okay class, I hope you learn a lesson today!. well. I see you next week.. Class dissmissed.. and to all the Student Council..we will have a meeting today. Please proceed to the council now..

oH!! I totally forgot that we have a meeting>.!! I guess I just call auntie that I would be late!!. I think she'll understand!!.

IU: (calls her auntie)..uhM!> aUntie.I'll be going home late.cause we have a meeting..

IU's auntie: oH!!.well,uhM. it's ookay!.but if there's no me okay..sO i'll pick you up!.

IU: oakaayy aunitee!! Kamsamnida!!. :)))

iM glAd she understands!! ~laughs~



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shumz456 #1
Chapter 11: plz update soon...loved it..Taeczy moments plz and woou moments plz
wOOyOuNg-nIe #2
@starstreaker: I really did it on purpose..
but,.,I'll look to that advice of yours! :DD
Starstreaker #3
Umm.... good job but watch the capitalization of letters.
wy0430 #4
update soon. fighting
chri5sy #5
cute....update soon :)