Chapter 8: Tabi With A Chance of Jealousy!

Baby Good Night


“Do I look good?” Fany asked as she turned around for the nth time in front of the mirror.

“You look perfect.” Top said as he checked his watch and felt slightly irritated.

“You’re not even looking.”

Top faced her and held her by the shoulders, then forced a smile. “You’re beau-ti-fullll.” Top said with an emphasis. “And we’re late. Look, it’s already 6:25, you told me the party starts at 5:30 pm.”

“You’re forcing a smile. So I don’t look good?” Fany faced the mirror again with a burdened look. She started rummaging the dresses that were piled on the seat beside the mirror. Top rubbed his face once roughly and took a deep breath. He slowly approached Fany and hugged her at the back.

“Babe, you are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. That’s the truth.” He whispered as he nipped Fany’s neck. He knows that that is her weakness. Fany stopped moving and leaned on him to let the kisses get deeper. She looked at the sight of them through the mirror. She smiled and caressed Top’s head softly.

“Ok then. If you say so, I’ll buy this one, I promise this is the one” She said as she made her final inspection on the dress that she was wearing. “I love you oppa.” She whispered into his ear. Top smiled and hugged her tighter.

“I know.” He then let go of her and held her hand then twirled her around. He kissed her lightly on the lips and winked at her before he went to the cashier to pay for the dress. Fany laughed. She loves it when her boyfriend acts all silly and cute. She always find it y when he does these kinds of things to her. And she loves it more knowing the fact that he only acts like this in front of her. Even Ji Yong and the gang have not seen him act like this.

Top went back to her and grabbed her shopping bags. “Let’s go, love.” Top reached for her hand before they went out of the boutique.

“Fany and Top together? So it is true?” The cashier uttered as she saw them walking hand in hand before entering Top’s car.



Top and Fany have been dating for a month now. Top would personally pick her up every after her last schedule every single day. He was very thankful that he didn’t have schedules overseas during those days. So he was extra attentive to Fany and her whims and he thought he ought to since they were still at the beginning of their relationship.

They would often go out to date like watching movies, jogging, lounging at coffee shops and other normal stuffs normal couples would do. But a lot of times, they would wear big sunglasses and hats to cover themselves from paparazzi. But it couldn’t be helped if some paparazzi would successfully take shots of them without them knowing.

Rumors about them dating start to appear in news, magazines, the internet and talk shows. They decided that if ever they get asked about them dating one another in interviews, then they’ll just have to deny it to protect their relationship from the prying eyes of the public. There was in fact one variety show where SNSD appeared in and the hosts, Yoo Jae Suk and Yoon Jong Shin, asked about their life and what each of them were getting engaged at for the present time. Yoona, Yuri and Jessica talked about their dramas and how excited they felt to be in one, especially for Yuri and Sica since it was their first time to be in one. Meanwhile, Yoona was as well very happy because she was paired with Jang Geun Suk who she admittedly told that time that she has had a crush on for a long time. Seohyun talked about her recent collaboration with Brown Eyes’ Yoon Gun in the song “Don’t Say No” and appearing on a CF for  The Face Shop with Kim Hyun Joong and as well as hosting Show! Music Core with her unnies, Fany and Taeyeon. Hyoyeon and Sunny talked about their outrageous experiences in their filming in Invicible Youth, as well as the up and coming musical of Sunny. Sooyoung talked about how she was just casted in an upcoming drama and that she was very nervous because she has never done drama before nevertheless she was looking forward to it. For Taeyeon, she talked about her song “Missing You Like Crazy” that she had recently released and as well as her feeling as a host to Show! Music Core. Eventually, it was Tiffany’s turn to get interviewed. She also said that she was very happy when she knew that she was going to be hosting Show! Music Core with her sisters, as well as how thrilled she was the time that she, Yoona and Seohyun went to London to attend a fashion show.

“But there is one more question,” Yoo Jae Suk said, addressing Tiffany, “lately, there is this rumor about you and TOP-ssi dating each other, is that true?”

Tiffany’s eyes widened, but she faked a laugh. “Oppa, do you have a proof about it?” She looked at her SNSD members and mouthed ‘Otteohke’. Her members snickered playfully.

“As a matter of fact, we do. Also, the fact that you didn’t answer the question to whether it is true or not, could it be that the rumor is true?” Yoon Jong Shin added. “If you want to, we can post the evidences we have gathered in the screen. Most of them are Selcas.”

“No oppa! Pls don’t.” Fany said with her eyesmile on and while laughing to brush off her nervousness.

“Judging the way you reacted, it seems like it is true. Is it true Taeyeon-ssi?” Yoo Jae Suk asked Taeyeon who was seated right next to him.

“Ne?” Taeyeon said , surprised that she was asked instead of Fany.

“NE?! Omo, so it is true!” Yoo Jae Suk said trying to exaggerate the whole thing. The SNSD members just burst into laughter knowing that Fany was ‘in for it now’.

“Aniyo! Oppa! We’re just really good friends that’s all. We’re not dating.” Fany said as she felt her cheeks reddened. Otteohke? How should I do this?

“We’ve met Top as well during Family Outing. He also came in as guest before you did. He was a really gentle man and very timid. I guess, in a way, you would look cute as a couple because you complement each other’s personalities. You the loud one and full of aegyo while him the serious type.” Yoon Jong Shin said. The SNSD members nodded in agreement.

“But seriously Jong Shin oppa, we’re not dating.” Fany said full with aegyo.

“But our proofs say otherwise.” Jae Suk said.


They finally arrived at the place of the party. It was a double party that they were attending to. It was Sooyoung’s and Siwon’s birthday and only circle of close friends were invited. Top only became acquainted with Sooyoung and the rest of the SNSD members and some other SM artists because his girlfriend was Fany. He admits that his not friendly and usually afraid approaching girls. He pulled the hand brake as the final protocol before they left the car. “Everything’s set?” He asked Fany.

“Hmm.” Fany said. Top got out and opened the door for her. They held hands as they walked towards the venue, with Top carrying the birthday gifts, a brown Hermes bag for Sooyoung that was bought by Tiffany from the US. And a checkered scarf for Siwon that she bought from a European designer.

The venue was a big function hall complete with a wine bar, small improvised stage where two seats were placed for the birthday celebrants, jazz music penetrating the whole place, food that were lined up at a corner and people already chatting with one another. Everyone was in semi-formal dress and suits. Top was wearing a black coat and jeans. While the dress that Tiffany asked Top to buy was a bronze-brown with patches of black cocktail dress that matched with her blue high hills. It was expected that SNSD was there as well as SuperJunior and other SM artists. Yong Hwa of CN Blue was also there who Top saw was beside Seohyun the whole time he’s seen him. Taecyeon of 2PM was also seen to be very intimate with Jessica at a corner. Surprisingly, he also spotted Minzy and Dara of 2NE1 there chatting with Hyoyeon. Fany dragged him towards Sooyoung who was talking with her Mom and Dad at the wine bar. They greeted the birthday girl and gave her her present. Sooyoung who looked a bit troubled took the gift quickly and greeted them back in a hurry. Sooyoung took hold of Fany’s right arm and dragged her away.

“I’ll be right back.” Fany said to Top as she was being dragged. This left Top with Sooyoung’s parents. The atmosphere suddenly became awkward. He smiled to them and they smiled back.

“I’m gonna go get my drink.” He smiled politely and went away. He sat at a stool and ordered a drink. Since he wasn’t familiar with the SM artists, he just drank alone and looked over the people that were chatting.

After a couple of seconds, someone tapped him at his shoulder.

“Um, excuse me. Can we get an autograph?” Two girls at about his age approached him. He said yes and signed the paper that the girls gave to him. “We’re actually friends of Sooyoung in school. Hehe.” The girls giggled. “And also, can we take a picture?”

“Yeah.” He said and smiled. The two girls asked a waiter to take the picture and grabbed him by both arms.

“Thank you!” The girls said and walked away.

“Oppa!” Minzy put her arm around his shoulder and sat beside him.

“You’re such a loner. Tabi-ah.” Dara said as she sat at the other seat next to him. “Why don’t you chat with the other guests?”

“I’m just waiting for Fany.” He said in nonchalance. But deep down, he was very happy that the two approached him.

“Ever since you two became a couple, I’ve never seen you separated. I’m jealous Tabi-ah, you don’t have time for us anymore.” Dara said with a pout.

“Anyway, who invited you here?”  Top asked out of curiosity.

“Whoa, changing the topic, eh? Hyoyeon unnie invited us.” Minzy said. “Anyway, unnie, didn’t you say you need to go pee?”

“Oh yeah. I almost forgot about that. Anyway, Tabi, I’ll accept your apologies if you introduce me to some guys that you know. Arasseo? See you later.”

“Yeah, I’ll introduce you to the guys of YG, they’re the only ones I know.” He called out to them.


30 minutes passed and he was still sitting there alone. Tiffany was nowhere in the area. So he got up and walked around the place to look for her. He expected that Fany would be with her SNSD members so he approached Yoona who was chatting with Shindong and Donghae. “Hi. Have you seen Tiffany?” She said no. So he walked away politely and looked around again. Where could she be? Did she forget all about me? Then he spotted Sooyoung who was sitting next to her sister. “Hi. Uh, have you seen Fany?”

“No. She was also looking for you a while ago. Maybe she’s in the ladies’ room.” Sooyoung said.

“Ok. Thanks.” So he went towards the ladies room. Just before he turned to the corner leading to the ladies’ room, he saw two figures that were having a conversation at a corner. The two seemed to be talking in a mysterious manner, almost whispering to one another. He looked closer and identified the girl to be Tiffany and the guy she was talking to was Siwon. They were talking with their face so close to each other, almost close enough for a kiss. What the heck?! He wanted to walk towards them and shove Siwon’s face away from her. But just as he was about to, the two separated and went back to the party with Fany patting Siwon’s back. What’s with that affection?

So he followed them with big steps to take Fany away quick and ask her what was going on. But before he could get a hold of her, people begun to gather in the area and got in the way between them. She can’t be cheating on me. That’s impossible. We’ve only just started. What the heck! Were his thoughts as he was left no choice but to watch her from a distance while she continued soothing Siwon’s back. He backed away and walked out from the party.


Just at that time, Fany remembered Top. She looked over the crowded place but couldn’t see any sign of Top. “Siwon-oppa, I’ll be looking for my baby. You can do it, fighting!” She said as she gave him a hug.

“If this wouldn’t work, I’ll blame this on you.” Siwon said while gripping the guitar that he was holding with his cold and wet hands.

“Don’t worry. I know Sooyoung will like that.” She said and walked away from the circle of crowd. She spotted Hyoyeon who was with Minzy and Dara, so she approached them. “Anyeong, uh, Dara-unnie have you seen Oppa?” She asked with a hint of reluctance because she was not very much close with 2NE1, only Hyoyeon was familiar with them.

“Yeah, a while ago. He was at the bar. He said he was waiting for you. But I’m not sure if he’s still there.”

“Uh, thanks unnie.” Fany said and bowed a little before walking away. She went to the bar but only the waiters and bartenders were there. She went to the men’s room and asked one guy who just came out and asked if Top was there. He said no. Where could he be? She took out her phone and dialed Top’s phone number. Although his number was in speed dial, she memorized it anyway. A couple of rings occurred but her call got rejected. Wae? She couldn’t even leave a voice mail. They'll sing Happy Birthday any minute now, I have to find him. So she asked random guests if they’ve seen him and all of them said no. She was worried now. What is he up to? So she called him again. A couple of rings occurred for the second time, but it was rejected again. She called again while looking at people’s faces hoping to see him talking with one of them. Then she spotted him, looking at his phone. Her call got rejected again. He was sitting alone at a table farthest from the group of people, looking all grumpy. She put her phone in her purse and walked towards him.

Top looked up at the woman who stood in front of him. Then looked away.

“Why are you ignoring my calls?” Fany asked.

“I didn’t ignore your calls.” Still looking away.

Right, I saw you oppa. And what’s with that look?” Fany asked as she took the nearest seat and sat in front of him.

“What look?” Top said feigning innocence. At that moment, people begun to sing the Happy Birthday song.

“That look. That grumpy look you have right now. Oppa what’s wrong? They’re singing Happy Birthday now, we should've been there.”

“No, I’m okay right here. You go.” He said as he shifted in his seat away from Fany.

“What? Oppa, what’s wrong with you? Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?” Guests near them started to notice.

“I saw you with Siwon.” Top said in a very deep tone.


“And why don’t you continue caressing his back? You’d look so perfect together.” He said in a sarcastic tone.

“What?” Fany gave a stifled laugh. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Wait, are you jealous with Siwon-oppa?”

“What does it look like?” He said and looked at her with a stern face.

“Oppa, you got the wrong idea.” Fany said as she put a hand on his right arm, her smile beginning to come.

“Oh yeah, and I assume you were just having a friendly conversation alone at that stupid corner with your face so close to kissing?”

Fany laughed loudly. “You totally got the wrong idea. Oh, my poor baby is jealous. Come to think of it, it may look like something’s up if I were in your position, but oppa, this is too funny.” She said and laughed louder.

Top looked at her in disbelief. How could she laugh in this situation? “Yah! So you’re admitting that it’s true.”

“No. This is what happened, listen very carefully oppa. Siwon-oppa and Sooyoung are not in good terms with each other, they’ve been fighting for a couple of days now. And Siwon-oppa wants to end the fight and make up with her now since it’s their birthday. During that time you saw us together, Oppa was asking me if it is really a good idea to sing for her or serenade her as a surprise. I told him that it is, because Sooyoung loves romantic things like that. That’s why he was holding a guitar. And I was soothing him at the back because he was so nervous, he couldn’t breathe properly.”

Top contemplated for a moment. “I didn’t see the guitar though. Wait, do you mean that they're a couple?” Top asked.

"Yes, it's so obvious oppa. Just come on.” Fany stood up and pulled Top with her. They walked and stood with the crowd.

Siwon stood up in his seat from the front and took the guitar beside him. He faced Sooyoung who in turn looked so clueless.

“Sooyoung, Happy Birthday. I just want to thank you for agreeing to celebrate your birthday with me. And most importantly, I want to apologize for all the wrong I’ve done to you and I really miss you babe." Some guys whistled after that. "As my surprise gift to you, I’m going to sing for you.” He positioned the guitar onto himself and begun to strum.

“I wanna make you smile, whenever you’re sad

Carry you around when your arthritis is bad,

All I wanna do is to grow old with you...”

“Look at Sooyoung, she’s about to cry.” Fany said. The people were all silent and captivated by the whole thing. Top hugged her at the back and nibbled her neck just like he did at the boutique.

“Im sorry.” He said between kisses. “I’m sorry for making assumptions, it was wrong of me to do that.” Fany only giggled and held his hands tighter.

"I'll miss you, kiss you

Carry you around when you are cold

need you, feed you

Even let you hold the remote control..."

They slowly swayed with the music and stayed like that as if nothing else matters.

"Coz I can be the man who grows old with you...

I wanna grow old with you."


author's note: It took me two days to write this thing.. was it good? hehe. anyway, Fany's dress for this chappy was based exactly at her dress during the time she, yoona and seohyun attended the burberry fashion show i think, when they went to london just recently.

and the song that siwon sung in this chap is titled "Wanna Grow Old With You" by Adam Sandler.. i know you already know that song..

note! main image sourced from My Mind Mine retrieved from

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condolence to babyminji.#staystrongminzy


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Chapter 14: Its 2017 and im reading this.... xD thank you! Fighting!
ShoutEric #2
Chapter 14: Yes that was a great story TopFany <3
mirantialimin #3
Chapter 14: Happy ending..... I like your story. Some author in AFF from filipino specially soshibang shipper :)
Chapter 14: I was hoping for a grand wedding~ But that was beautiful nonetheless~ ^-^
dadecer101 #5
Chapter 14: I love your story but the story was short.... but its ok... thank u for making TOPFany fanfiction... I wish this could be real... (to everyone who knows some TOPFany fanfictions just tell me and I will read it coz I'm a big fan of them)
Go #soshibang #topfany
bugznutin26 #6
Chapter 14: nice story more TOPFANY fanf ic.. :) godbless u.!
kathSJ13 #7
Chapter 14: a very cute story. i really can imagine them :)
Chapter 14: Omg, how could I have missed such an awesome story like this?! Ahhh my TopFany feels are off the chart, reading every single chapter! Actually read the entire story today. I loooooooovvved it.

The ending was omg l, he proposed. I just want to spazz over each chapter but, it's almost 1am here and I'm tired.

But I'll sleep good tonight cuz' I read an awesome TopFany story. Thanks for this! I hope there's more to come from you! Look forward to your future stories!
k-popsone1116 #9
Chapter 14: woow author ang galing mo! grabe! xD sobarang ganda ng story mo..^_^
Ok so I've finally finished reading it lol.&awww that's the sweetest way to propose~<3