Chapter 6: Sowoneul Malhaebwa!

Baby Good Night


8:30 am. Fany woke up with a start. She remembered that she was not sleeping at her dorm since the bed was too rigid. All of the things that happened yesterday came rushing through her head, thus, waking her senses back. She slowly removed her blanket to sneak a peek of Seunghyun. She assumed he was still asleep on the floor since it was very early. No head. So she removed blatantly the blanket to check the whole room. He’s awake. So she got up even if it was too early since she’s wide awake now and since she gotta go pee. She went hurriedly to the bathroom at the next door. At the same time, she fixed her hair and freshened up. You like fine. Ok. Let’s find Seunghyun oppa! Hehe. I just love calling him oppa.

She went first to the kitchen, No Seunghyun oppa. Then looked over to the living area/room. No Seunghyun oppa. Hmm. He must’ve went outside. So she went out to check. Still no Seunghyun oppa. Oooh it’s cold. As she went back inside, she saw a corridor to her right that seemed to lead to another part of the house. She hadn’t really noticed it last night since she was too stressed to even roam around the house. So she went there wondering if Seunghyun was there. And at the end of the hallway, she opened the door, and right there, a tall man with his back her was holding a remote control. “Seunghyun-ssi.” What?

“Seunghyun-ssi?” Top asked, now turned and smiled.

“Seunghyun op-pa? Is it really ok with you if i call you oppa?” Fany asked even though she’s been calling him that in her mind.

“It’s more than ok. Anyway, no TV, no internet, no books, no radios, not even board games are in here.” Seunghyun said as he pointed the non-working TV. The room seemed to be like a reading room, but it was empty except with a small couch that was placed at the center facing the big window.

“Oh really?” Fany asked. She wasn’t really sure if she got what he was talking about so she stared blankly.

“So what are we going to do the whole day if there’s nothing working in this house?” Top didn’t want Fany to think like he’s too dependent on things like these, but just in case she is.

“Why don’t we grab some breakfast for a start. Come.” Fany said and went out to the kitchen. Top followed suit. They looked cute together still with their pjs on. As if they're too comfortable with each other.

They both looked at the fridge for a moment ot two. “I want some rice.” They both said at the same time.

“It’s so stupid how they stock up so much soju when they forgot the most important food.” Top said as he checked the cupboards also which were empty.

“Looks like this house is pretty empty.” Fany said and leaned on the fridge. A moment passed and, “Why don’t we go out?”


“Yeah out.”

“Why and where excatly?”

“Since this house is practically empty and I bet there’s a nearby village or a community here.”

“Definitely not where we came from.”

“Yeah. Well anyway let’s get changed.” Fany said and walked over to the room, sensing that Top followed also. “Yah! Where do you think you’re going?” She said as she turned and stopped him.

“You said to change together.” Top said acting so innocently.

“Na-ah. When did I ever say that? Ladies first.”

Top leaned over so that their faces were very close to each other. “Arraseo. Tiffany Hwang, I’ll be your genie for today.sowoneul malhaebwa! Tell me everything you want and I’ll give it to you.” He said as he slowly backed away and went outside the house. “I’ll warm up the car.”

Chincha! That man really is something. So Fany went ahead and changed.


“Apparently, they took my keys also.” Top said exasperatingly.

“What? Your friends can be really something.” Fany said, who now wore her cardigan from last night with a tshirt underneath, and a simple skinny pants. Plain and simple Fany.

“Tell me about it, now I don’t know if I’m gonna be thanking them or sue them for doing this to us.” Top said, who now wore a jersey jacket and old pants that isn’t worn out but just unused for a very long time. “You know theyre really good at packing my clothes also, I haven’t worn these pants since our debut.”

“Oppa, let’s walk then.” Fany said, linking her arms to Top’s left arm, tugging him.

“Mo? Walk?”

“Come on.” Fany said as she went behind him and started pushing him to walk.

Finally they reached the main road and not far away, a sign says that it’s a kilometer away from the nearest village.

“A kilometer away?! Chincha!” Top said. “How are we supposed to walk there when we have empty stomachs?”

“That’s why we’re walking to get our stomachs full, oppa, I can’t push you till there.” Fany said as she stopped walking and looked at Top who just smiled at her. “Yah, are you showing me your aegyo? Won’t work for me.” Fany said even if she felt tingly deep inside. She remembered last night how he her fingers. Then she got an idea. “Say oppa?”


“You said youre gonna be my Genie for the day?”

“Ne.” Top didn’t feel good about this. Why did he even think about that. He just couldn’t think straight when she’s around.

“Well, I wish for you to run.”


“Run a kilometer for me.”

Yah! Chincha! I can’t do that.” He said with conviction.

“Oppa.” Fany tugging again on his arms.

After a moment of thinking, about a second or two “Ok. Just say the magic words.”


“OK! I’ll run faster than the fastest runner in the world!” And with that he ran so fast and on the side of the very long empty road. Fany just laughed and kept up with the distance by semi-jogging.

“Run devil run!” Fany shouted at him.

Whenever Top slows down to take a breather, Tiffany would yell at him again to run, and he would. For Top, it is definitely exhausting but he doesn’t care even if he’ll do this everyday for her. He doesn’t need breakfast to feel energized. “I’ll do anything you’ll ask Fany-ah!” He said as motivation and run faster. Fany just laughed and felt surprisingly happy even if they looked stupid in what they were doing.


10:10 am. Finally they reached the village. The sun was very high now but the breeze was still quite cold. The first thing that welcomed them is the park, which was empty, and only a couple of two or 4 passers by could be seen. Top arrived first, he spotted Tiffany who’s about 20 meters away from him and gave up jogging so she just walked. He sat on a bench to wait for her. After 5 minutes, Fany finally arrived and sat next to him also out of breath.

She took off her cardigan and wiped her forehead and neck from perspiration. Top only looked at her. “See. This idea was never good. We shouldve stayed at home and cooked those meat even without rice. Chincha, you even made me run.”

Fany only looked at him and saw how red his face became so she wiped his face too with her cardigan. “On second thought, we could do this more often when I get to be treated by you like this.” Top said. Fany shoved the cardigan on his forehead.

“Anyway, let’s find some people.” So she got up and walked through the inner part of the park. Top followed behind her, still holding onto her cardigan.

“I saw some a while ago.”

They passed the empty kiddy playground and some exercise area, and not one person can be spotted. “Are they still sleeping? Why are there no people?” Fany asked.

“Maybe this is a haunted village.” Top teased, now hung the cardigan around his neck like a towel.

“Shut up oppa. That’s not funny.” Fany hit him on his right arm.

“Ok! I win again! It’s now 5 vs 2. Ok, I love you because I want to be with you everyday till the day I die.” An old man said.

“Oh, yeobo, don’t say that word again. I told you that word is not good for our age. Ok let’s continue to play. Ready?” An old woman said. Top and Fany followed the voices, until they found the badminton area where an old couple plays. The old couple were too cute to look at so Top and Fany went closer and sat at one of the benches there and watched them play.

“Oh. Haha! Finally it’s my turn. It’s 5 vs 3 now. Ok. I love you, my yeobo, because you are the father of my 5 very successful children who each now have their own children. Im really proud of our children."

And just as the ahjumma prepared to serve, Top intervened. “Excuse me Ahjumma, but what are you doing?”

The ahjumma looked at him startled. They didn’t even notice them coming since they were too focused to their game. “Playing badminton obviously. Don’t you know the game?” Ajhumma asked.

“I know, what I mean is, why do you say things whenever you start the game?” Top said who now obliviously put his left arm around Fany but not really touching her, his hand leaning on the bench.

“To play the game more interesting. When you get the score, you say the things that you love about the other person.” Ahjussi said.

“Are you tourists from the honeymoon house?” Ahjumma asked blatantly.

“Ne?” Both Fany and Top said. “Uh, ye, Ahjumma, we are.” Top continued. Fany was making mental notes to him. What are you up to?

“So how’s the honeymoon?” Ahjussi asked with a little wink at Top. Fany felt embarassed.

“Ahjussi, you’re not supposed to ask questions like that. That’s a secret.” Top said and winked back at Ahjussi. Fany couldn’t believe what he was saying.

“Omo! Why don’t we rest yeobo and let them play. Let’s make them try the game. They look like they need some energy booster.” Ahjumma said. How can this be an energy booster? Fanny thought.

“Here. Let us rest for a while Mr..?” Ahjussi asked.

“Choi.” Top said.

“Mr. and Mrs. Choi.” Ahjussi said. And finally gave the rackets to them. Top instantly got up and took the rackets without second thoughts. Fany knows that she just met this guy yesterday but she felt like giving him a smack on the head, with all the strength left in her body. Top gave the other racket to her, then dragged her to the opposite court. Fany gave him daggers.

So they played the game, and the old couple’s heads match every turn of the shuttlecock. Finally Fany was the first to score. 1 vs 0. She readied herself to serve. She always enjoyed playing badminton.

“Wait! You got to say first.” Ahjumma said.

Fany didn’t get it at first,but,“Ne.” She said forcefully. “I love my um, husband, because, because....” She looked at the old couple who was obviously intently listening, then at Top who has a grin on his face. He’s definitely going to pay later. “I love him because he would do whatever I ask him to do, like this morning, I asked him to run and he did. And later, he’ll be ready to do a lot of heavy physical activities that i’ll ask him to do. You see , my yeobo, he loves physical activities. Look at him, that’s why he’s too fit. Actually, he’s getting too skinny, what would happen to him if he doesn’t have me around to feed him. Aww, poor yeobo.” Fany said with a pout.

Top’s grin was gone.

“Right son. A man should be fit to do all the physical demands of life for his family. You know, I was once like you when I was younger.”

The second score was won by Top. 1 vs 1. “Ok. I love my wife, because, I love her smile just like everyone who knows her. I love how she naturally shows her aegyo to me, especially last night.” Then Top winked to Ahjussi, who in return laughed. “I love how her friends says she has a crush on me before we got married. I love how I could spend this day with her and not care what happens next as long as Im with her. I love that fact that we’ll know more about each other even better now that we’re a couple. And Fany, I’ll always be your genie no matter what.”

Fany didn’t know how to react. Although it was just a few words but those definitely melted her heart. She wanted to kiss him. She knows that love doesn’t come in the length of words, it comes in the thought of it and the way that person meant it. Definitely, she felt the sincerity from Top. How he looked at her while saying those words. But kissing is too soon isn’t it? It has only been 2 days since we’ve met. Fany smiled, and called her yeobo to come nearer. We’re married couple now so I don’t care. Top went to her and she put her arms around him and kissed him.

Top definitely kissed back.



author's note: im so stupid. I accidentally clicked the back button to this page while i was writing this chap. I only need to put on few words to finish it. But no matter how frustrated i got last night, i started to re-write everything immediately. Not one word changed. only edited some anyways.. learned my lesson to write in Word and not here, so i can secure it whatever happens. gosh im so unlucky.

anyway, happy reading! and sorry for the late update!

note! main image sourced from My Mind Mine retrieved from

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condolence to babyminji.#staystrongminzy


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Chapter 14: Its 2017 and im reading this.... xD thank you! Fighting!
ShoutEric #2
Chapter 14: Yes that was a great story TopFany <3
mirantialimin #3
Chapter 14: Happy ending..... I like your story. Some author in AFF from filipino specially soshibang shipper :)
Chapter 14: I was hoping for a grand wedding~ But that was beautiful nonetheless~ ^-^
dadecer101 #5
Chapter 14: I love your story but the story was short.... but its ok... thank u for making TOPFany fanfiction... I wish this could be real... (to everyone who knows some TOPFany fanfictions just tell me and I will read it coz I'm a big fan of them)
Go #soshibang #topfany
bugznutin26 #6
Chapter 14: nice story more TOPFANY fanf ic.. :) godbless u.!
kathSJ13 #7
Chapter 14: a very cute story. i really can imagine them :)
Chapter 14: Omg, how could I have missed such an awesome story like this?! Ahhh my TopFany feels are off the chart, reading every single chapter! Actually read the entire story today. I loooooooovvved it.

The ending was omg l, he proposed. I just want to spazz over each chapter but, it's almost 1am here and I'm tired.

But I'll sleep good tonight cuz' I read an awesome TopFany story. Thanks for this! I hope there's more to come from you! Look forward to your future stories!
k-popsone1116 #9
Chapter 14: woow author ang galing mo! grabe! xD sobarang ganda ng story mo..^_^
Ok so I've finally finished reading it lol.&awww that's the sweetest way to propose~<3