Han River

Love & SEOUL

Psy's studio office was spacious and modern, with high ceilings and large windows that let in plenty of natural light. The walls were adorned with posters from his past concerts and achievements, giving the room a sense of history and accomplishment. There was a large desk in the center of the room, cluttered with papers and music sheets, with a comfortable leather chair behind it. Psy's computer screen displayed various music software and editing programs, indicating his dedication to his craft. In one corner of the room, there was a plush sofa with throw pillows, where Hyuna and Dawn sat.

Hyuna sat across from Dawn, her mind racing with conflicting emotions. She had loved him, but  knew that she had mold him to be like Hyunseung when he wasn’t. He looked more pale and thinner than usual. Hyuna felt sad for Dawn. Was she being selfish for wanting to have Hyunseung back in her life? Hyunseung had confessed, but she wasn’t ready to make the move in starting a relationship just yet. She needed to find herself first.

"Dawn, I don't know if I can do this again," she said, her voice trembling.

"I understand how you feel, Hyuna, but I want to make it work," Dawn replied, reaching across the table to take her hand. "I've talked to Psy, and he's willing to work on an EP with us called 1+1. It could be a great opportunity for us both."

Hyuna pulled her hand away and shook her head. "I don't want to use our relationship for business gains, Dawn."

Dawn leaned back in his chair, a look of disappointment on his face. "I know that, Hyuna. But I also know that we have something special. We need to make it work and stay together. And with Psy's support, we could really be successful."

Hyuna sighed, unsure of what to do. "Love is a game of ping pong, Dawn. It goes back and forth. I just don't know if I'm ready to play again."

Psy, who had been listening intently from the corner of the room, spoke up. "Hyuna, I think you should give Dawn a chance. He's a good guy, and I believe in both of you. Plus, it could help the business, which isn't doing great right now. I’ve spent too much money on special effects, including water attractions but the concert season is dead with this pandemic. Let's give it a try."

Hyuna looked at Psy, then back at Dawn, before finally nodding. "Okay, I'll give it a try. But only if we take it slow and keep our relationship separate from our work."

Dawn smiled, relieved. "Thank you, Hyuna. I won't let you down this time."

As Hyuna's album promotion schedule kicked into high gear, her days became more and more packed. She woke up early to attend dance practice, followed by vocal lessons and interviews. In the evenings, she had meetings with her managers and stylists to plan out her outfits for the next day's events.

Despite her busy schedule, Hyuna made sure to check in on Dawn and his progress with their joint EP. She would call him during her breaks and ask how the recording sessions were going, and remind him to stick to his healthy diet plan.

But as the days wore on, Hyuna found herself struggling to find any time for herself, let alone for Hyunseung. She couldn't help but wonder if Psy and Dawn had purposely pushed their agenda onto her, knowing that it would leave little room for anyone else.

She tried to stay positive, reminding herself that this was all for the success of her album and the EP. But as the weeks went by, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. She wondered if she was sacrificing too much for her career, and if there was any room left for love in her life.


Although it was usually Hyuna's idea to get a tattoo, Dawn was the one who suggested they get matching tattoos. 

"Are you sure about this?" she asked Dawn as they sat in the tattoo parlor. "I don't want for you to regret this later."

Dawn took her hand in his and smiled. "I'm sure. It's a symbol of our commitment to each other. And besides, it's just a small tattoo. It's not like we're getting full sleeves or anything.”

Hyuna laughed at his reassurance and nodded her head. "Okay, let's do it."

As the tattoo artist got to work, Hyuna couldn't help but feel a little nervous. But as the design began to take shape on her skin, she started to feel a sense of excitement.

When they were finished, Hyuna and Dawn held up their hands side by side to admire their new tattoos. "LI" and "FE" joined together to spell out "LIFE."

"It's perfect," Hyuna whispered, feeling a sense of warmth spread through her body. "It's a symbol of our love, our commitment, and our life together."

Hyuna felt torn between her love for Dawn and her lingering feelings for Hyunseung. As she spent more time with Dawn touring for their EP, she found herself growing farther away from Hyunseung. Despite her efforts to stay in touch, their schedules made it difficult for them to see each other.

Hyuna was caught between the past and the present. On one hand, she had a deep history with Hyunseung, but on the other hand, her love for Dawn was growing stronger by the day. She tried to push away her doubts and focus on her relationship with Dawn, but it was difficult.

As they traveled from city to city, performing in front of thousands of fans, Hyuna began to wonder if she had made the right decision. Was she truly happy with Dawn, or was she just holding on to something that wasn't meant to be?

Despite her doubts, she continued to tour with Dawn, trying to make the most of their time together. But in the back of her mind, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing.


Hyunseung's heart raced as he dialed Hyuna's number. He knew she was still unsure about their relationship, and he hoped that a secret date would help them both relax and enjoy each other's company away from the public eye.

 "Hey, Hyuna. I was thinking, maybe we could go on a little adventure together, just the two of us? I know a beautiful spot near the Han River where we can have a picnic and just enjoy some quiet time."

Hyuna hesitated, her voice soft: "That sounds lovely, Hyunseung. But, are you sure it's a good idea with everything that's been going on?"

Hyunseung, determined to put her at ease, reassured her: "I promise we'll be discreet. It'll just be a chance for us to have some quality time together without any distractions."

Hyuna agreed, and they set a time and place to meet. Hyunseung felt a flutter of excitement and anticipation as he prepared for their date.

As they met at the secluded spot by the Han River, Hyunseung had prepared a cozy picnic setup with soft blankets, delicious kimbap, sandwiches, and fresh fruit. He smiled as he watched Hyuna's eyes light up at the sight of the tranquil scene.

"I thought we could just enjoy a simple day together, surrounded by nature, and forget about the world for a while."

Hyuna smiled, her eyes glistening with gratitude: "This is perfect, Hyunseung. Thank you."

As they sat down, they began to chat about their lives, their interests, and their dreams. Hyunseung noticed that, away from the pressures of their careers and public scrutiny, Hyuna seemed more relaxed and open.

While enjoying their kimbap, Hyunseung brought up a funny memory from their time working on "Troublemaker": "Do you remember that one performance when I completely forgot my dance moves and just had to wing it? I was so embarrassed!"

Hyuna laughed, recalling the moment: "Oh, I remember! We couldn't stop laughing about it afterward. And what about the time you forgot your lines during that live show in Brazil? I couldn't believe it!"

As they reminisced about their shared experiences, Hyunseung and Hyuna found themselves growing more comfortable with each other, and they continued to share stories and laughter.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the Han River, Hyunseung hesitantly reached for Hyuna's hand. She looked at him with a mixture of surprise and curiosity but didn't pull away. They sat there, hand in hand, as they continued to share their memories and bond over their past experiences.

Hyunseung couldn't help but feel his heart swell with happiness. He knew that Hyuna was still unsure about their relationship, but this simple, intimate moment together made him believe that they could overcome any obstacles that lay ahead.

As they packed up the picnic and headed back to the city, Hyunseung felt more confident than ever about the connection they shared. He knew that, no matter what the future held for them, he would cherish these moments of genuine connection and happiness.

Hyuna had just returned from her secret date with Hyunseung when she found Dawn waiting for her. He looked upset, and she knew she couldn't hide the truth from him any longer.

"Hyuna, I know you went on a date with Hyunseung today. How could you do that to me?"

Hyuna sighed, her heart heavy: "Dawn, it's not what you think. Hyunseung and I have been friends for a long time, and I've been feeling so confused lately. I needed someone to talk to, someone who understands what I'm going through."

Dawn's eyes narrowed, growing more suspicious: "But why him? Why couldn't you talk to me about your feelings?"

Hyuna tried to explain: "Dawn, I love you, but sometimes I feel like you're too strict with yourself, and with us. I needed someone who could offer a different perspective, someone who could help me understand what I'm feeling."

Dawn looked hurt, but he tried to remain calm: "Hyuna, I just want to protect you and our relationship. If we were ever to break up, I don't think I could fall in love again."

Hyuna felt tears welling up in her eyes, touched by his sincerity: "Dawn, I don't want that for you either. I just need some time to figure out what I truly want."

Dawn, desperate to hold onto her, made a bold declaration: "Hyuna, I would marry you right now, or next week, or whenever you're ready. I just need to know that you're committed to us."

Hyuna, overwhelmed by the weight of her emotions, hugged Dawn tightly: "I appreciate your love and dedication, Dawn, but I need time to sort through my feelings. I can't make any promises right now."

As they stood there, embracing each other, Hyuna knew that she had some difficult decisions to make. She cared deeply for both Dawn and Hyunseung, but she couldn't keep living a double life. The slice of life moments she had shared with Hyunseung had given her a glimpse of what could be, but she also recognized the love and devotion Dawn had for her.

In the end, Hyuna knew that she had to choose her own path, even if it meant letting go of one of the people she cared about the most. Only then could she truly find happiness and peace within herself.


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