


Top woke up from all the noise she was making and asked Seungri what Naomi was doing but was unable to get a reply when Taeyang called out to Naomi. "What about a top? You can't wear your blouse around town with denim shorts and sneakers." Top looked at Naomi who was struggling with her bag and the things cradled in her arms before repeating his question once more. Their manager who has been quietly reading the paper beside him throughout this whole ordeal answered on behalf of the other members who were preoccupied in dressing up Naomi before they land in Seoul. "I told Youngbae - ah and Jiyong - ah before we picked up Naomi - ssi that her school requested that while filming for the video documentation of this competition, there will be no mention of the college she is studying in. It's in their rules and regulations and Naomi knows this. Unfortunately the uniform she's wearing contains the logo of the college as well as the fact that the design of the uniform is quite iconic and known already that just by seeing it you can already identify that she's from that school. That's why Youngbae - ah is making her change. As soon as we step down from this plane there are cameras from MNet that will be filming this for Big Bang TV even if she'll walk ahead of us so fans won't know just yet that she's won the competition and we are already giving her prize. Plus no one knows you left the country in the first place. We can't risk revealing this surprise, none of the fans know you're doing this." Top nodded in understanding and glanced once more to the others as they busied themselves with the clothes they have at hand. Taeyang stepped out from his seat and nudged Jiyong's knees to the side to be able to reach the aisle. Jiyong grumbled quietly and tugged at his beanie to lower it further down his face and resumed his sleep. "Let me see if I have some clothes in my backpack. Who packs a pair of shoes and some shorts and then forgets about their top?" he slightly reprimanded Naomi as he grabbed his bag from the compartment overhead. He tugged the zipper down and brought out a loose tank top by Chrome Hearts. He offered it to Naomi and nodded to the bathroom where she headed to change clothes. Top stood up from his seat and sat in his chair's arm rest as he, Seungri and Taeyang waited for Naomi to come back from the rest room, by this time Daesung and Jiyon were waking up from their deep slumber and were wondering out loud what the others were doing. However instead of replying Seungri merely motioned his hand towards the rest room where Naomi stepped out wearing Taeyang's shirt and her own set of new clothes with her uniform gripped in one hand. 


( - for the top but a different print from this one XD)


She approached them hesitantly and dropped her things on her seat next to Daesung. "What do you think?" she asked Taeyang curiously while all five members were appraising her look from top to bottom. Suddenly Jiyong sat up straight from his chair as his consciousness came back to him completely. "Is that your shirt?" he asked Taeyang all sleepiness wiped away from his expression. His best friend nodded and explained what happened while Jiyong and Daesung was out. Throughout Taeyang's explanation, Jiyong was taking out his seatbelt and was setting his headphones down before making his way to Naomi. "Raise your arm." he commanded to the younger girl in a quiet tone. She did so with a look of confusion directed his way until she realized what he wanted to find out when she felt a draft of wind on more than half of her side. Jiyong coughed once his suspicions were proven correct an directed his attention once more to his bandmate. "We can't have her parading around showing her bra, do you have something that we can use to cover it up?" Seungri offered his jacket which Jiyong scoffed at not unkindly. "Maknae it would clash to what she was wearing. Hang on." he murmured as he stood up straight and opened the compartment where his bag was located. He opened his knapsack and took out his pink scarf. 




"Wrap this around your chest and then put on Youngbae - ah's shirt again." he directed her once more to the restroom and waited for her right outside the restroom's doors. It took her some time to dress up once more but when she came out G Dragon gave her a once over and smiled his approval. "Try raising your arms a bit." he requested to Naomi as he stepped aside to give her some space. "Much better. We can't have you getting ed at now can we?" Naomi nodded mutely, as Jiyong lead them to where the others are, wondering why the Big Bang leader lent her his most precious pink scarf when she could've used any other to cover up her sides.

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rexiefauliks #1
@BunniesArePuffy - Thank you for that! Edited that chapter right now :) And thank you for the lovely comment :D I'm glad you like it!
Hey, I really like your story and your writing style C:
But, uhm.. chapter one is copied twice xc