


 The five of them were attracting attention from the other students merely by their presence as they continued making their way across the crowded room towards Naomi Green. "And Hyung said we don't have many fans here." murmured Seungri to Daesung who rolled his eyes at his complaint.

", I really think I'm late. Ms. Whiteley specifically told me to be here at 1:30 pm because she needs me to observe something about the caf for her. I don't know for what exactly but it might be about searching for ways we could advertise the sub organizations that the department is in charge of? ty buggering hell. I really should pay attention to Ms. Whiteley more often." Naomi said to her friends, agitation clearly ringing out in her voice as she runs her fingers through her hair. One of the girls sitting in front of her across the table was the one whom Youngbae signaled to keep quiet and true enough she was trying her best to keep from pointing out the presence of the five men approaching their table. "Hannah, may I have a drink? I'm really thirsty right now. Why is it so damn hot today?" Naomi said still oblivious to her surroundings. "I don't have any drinks left, sorry Naomi." replied Hannah, the girl with the brownish blonde hair. Naomi sighed and glanced at her other friend, "What about you Rena?"
Rena who was busy typing up something in her laptop looked up and was about to shake her head when she noticed the group of people approaching them. She opened to point this out to her clueless friend but was stopped by Hannah who cried out, "Oh wait! I think I have some left, silly me!" while she gave Rena a meaningful look which the other quickly understood as a sign to shut up. Hannah bent over and grabbed her bottle of water from her bag and offered it to Naomi right after to which Naomi thanked her off handedly.

Jiyong was still lost in the world of his own that when they reached Naomi's place wherein they were standing only a few feet away from her he forgot to give out the cue to the others to start singing which is their surprise for Naomi. Youngbae noticing this started singing on his own beginning with one of his songs from his solo album, I Need A Girl. The others soon followed with Seungri singing a portion of his song What Can I Do, with Daesung singing a portion of Baby Don't Cry and Top rapping a portion of Oh Mom. Jiyong's turn came up and was startled from his daze with Top flicking his earlobe. He quickly shook his head and began singing his song, Breathe. Youngbae and Seungri gave him weird looks to which he only shrugged at. Naomi who just finished drinking froze in her spot and seemed to listen attentively. "This is a good remix of their solo songs." she murmured to her company. "I just wish they chose a GD and Top song to include in it." The five of them gave her an incredulous look at her comment and Jiyong mouthed to the others to start singing what they practiced before coming in here. What happened next could only be described as a mini concert with the five of them singing portions of selected songs from all their albums. They first sang Somebody To Love, then followed by Baby Baby, next came We Belong Together, followed by Lady and lastly they sang Love Dust from their current album. Naomi after hearing this turned around as she was encouraged by Hannah and Rena to do so and as she did, she was met by the sight of her favorite band serenading her live in her college's cafeteria. At this realization she promptly slid to her knees and gave out a loud grunt at the impact. Seeing this reaction, Daesung quickly got to her side and helped her stand up once more to her feet, his arm wrapping itself around her waist to support her as he did so. "Bleeding hell." she whispered eyes wide. 

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rexiefauliks #1
@BunniesArePuffy - Thank you for that! Edited that chapter right now :) And thank you for the lovely comment :D I'm glad you like it!
Hey, I really like your story and your writing style C:
But, uhm.. chapter one is copied twice xc