The Moves and The Runaway



After awhile their conversation, mostly about learning more about Naomi, dwindled down. The five members along with Naomi fell asleep inside the van as they continued their trip to the airport. By the time they arrived at their destination it was quiet inside the van except for the group's deep breathing and quiet snores every now and then. The van in a few seconds stopped to signify that they have finally arrived at the airport and that the driver has now parked the minivan. Big Bang's manager stepped out and stretched his body before sliding open the door to reveal the slumbering group. He first woke up Daesung whose head was lolling to the side and the nearest to the door. He then moved onto Top who slept upright, his arms crossed across his chest. It took the combined efforts of their manager, Daesung and Taeyang who by this time woke up from all the commotion that the other two made, to wake Top up. Taeyang and Top stepped out to stand next to Daesung and stretched their limbs after being stuck in a sitting position for awhile. Next came little Seunghyun whose eyes were covered by a pair of sunglasses with his head leaning against the window of the van. "Hyung five more minutes." grumbled the sleepy Panda as he swatted his Hyung's arm as their manager tried to shake him from his deep sleep. Instead of replying, his manager flicked him at the side of the head which caused the younger man to glare at him and grumble some more about his lack of proper sleep. "And you keep complaining my eye bags are getting bad. Whose fault is it from keeping me away from sleep?" he continued his grumbling until his feet met solid ground before standing next to his band mates. And finally came Jiyong and Naomi's turn who, to their manager's shock, were sleeping holding hands. Naomi's head was leaning on Jiyong's shoulder while the other had his face turned towards Naomi's hair and buried in its black strands. He looked back at the four other who was watching him as he woke the leader up. "Youngbae - ah could you lend me your phone?" he smirked at the other man, reaching out his hand for Taeyang's iPhone. He quickly took a shot of the two and gave back Taeyang's phone. The four members hurriedly looked at their manager's crafty work and hooted at what they saw in Taeyang's iPhone. "Jiyongie Hyung doesn't waste his time does he? Even in his sleep he's making a move on Naomi. " said Daesung grinning at the pair who was unknowingly separated in their sleep so they won't know the compromising position they were in before they were woken up by Big Bang's mischievous manager. Top smirked at the other two as they finally stepped out with Naomi yawning behind her hand and arching her back to get the kinks out from sitting for such a long time.  Jiyong whose face was half covered by his oversized beanie looked at the four questioningly when he noticed that they were looking as if they were up to something no good. "Wassup?" he slurred, voice still husky from sleep. "Nothing." said Seungri innocently which was luckily accepted by their leader with a shrug of his shoulders making Naomi's bag hike more up his shoulders. Taeyang coughed out loud and said, "Shall we get our stuff from the back?" to which the others nodded and soon everyone was making their way to their respective terminal with their luggage being wheeled in by their manager and the driver since they only brought an overnight bag and their personal belongings on this trip for each member of the group. Big Bang and its small posse (Naomi + manager) managed to pass by the terminal and to check in for their flight with little casualties since this trip was a surprise one and very low key. Once they boarded the plane the five Big Bang members promptly collapsed on their respective seats in the first class cabin and fell asleep despite the plane haven't even taken flight into the air just yet. Naomi with the help of one of the flight attendants placed her bag - which she successfully got out of Jiyong's clutches considering the other was still stuck in a half conscious state after being woken up - in the compartment above her head and sat down in her seat besides Daesung who was clutching a complimentary pillow to his chest as he dozed off. The first class cabin was particularly roomy since only twenty seats were present with only an aisle separating two seats from the other three in one row and having only five rows inside which made moving around in their seats and in the aisle completely comfortable. Naomi was currently seated in the second row with the other four Big Bang members while Top and their manager situated themselves in the first row, just in front of Naomi and Daesung. Seungri, Jiyong and Taeyang were seated on the other portion of the row that held three seats seated in that respective order with Taeyang sitting near the window and Seungri near the aisle. A smiling male flight attendant offered Naomi a hot towel and a pair of earphones as the pilot announced over the PA system that the airplane will take flight in a few minutes. Naomi smiled her thanks to the flight attendant and plugged in her earphones to the screen at the back of Top's seat who was seated in front of her. She browsed through the selection of films and television shows available in the small monitor and decided to watch a rerun of Doctor Who. As David Tennant's voice reached her ears, Naomi looked around to the other passengers and the company she was with observing them.

Taeyang was sleepily rubbing his face with the hot towel offered to them and pushed up his Mohawk before leaning back in his reclining seat before falling asleep once more.

Jiyong  on the other hand, have his ears covered by his studio beats which was the very customized Beats by Dr. Dre for his Heartbreaker album. His head was making a little bobbing up and down motion as he slept with the music blasting through his headphones.

Seungri was squinting at the screen of the two iPhones at his hands. A small frown of concentration was set in his face as he continued tapping on each phone's screen. He yawned slightly but resumed his work. Naomi cocked her head to the side, wondering what Seungri was doing. "Seungri oppa?" she called out to him, facing sideways to look at the older man properly. "Hmm?" he muttered still staring at the phones in his hands. "What are you doing?" He froze in his seat once it dawned on him who was talking to him. "Oh, I'm trying to send a picture from Youngbae Hyung's phone to mine through Bluetooth." he replied as honestly as he can not wanting to be caught lying by their leader in the end when Jiyong gets wind of what their manager did along with the other members. She nodded when suddenly she cried out, "But oppa! Shouldn't we turn off our mobile phones right now? We're about to take flight already." Seungri's thumb stopped tapping at one of the phones and finally glanced at her before grinning sheepishly. "Oh right, I forgot." He laughed quietly and stowed away his own phone in his jean's front pocket before returning to a sleeping Taeyang's hand the older man's phone. "I'll just do it once we get to Seoul." Seungri said facing Naomi again. She nodded in reply and glanced once more to the screen in front of her. "What are you watching?" he asked leaning on his armrest to see the screen better. "Doctor Who." Naomi replied without taking her eyes away from the screen in front of her. Seungri glanced at his own blank screen and took out his own Beats by Dr. Dre before plugging it in and browsed through the selection of tv shows, music and films in front of him. His eyes landed on the tv show entitled Doctor Who and pressed play on his remote control. After awhile he took out his headphones and huffed. "Naomi~" he called out to the girl. She glanced at him and took one earphone out to hear him better. "I can't understand a thing that's happening." She furrowed her eyebrow and replied, "We're on our way to Seoul because I won the Global Cover Competition-" She was abruptly cut off by Seungri who sighed and told her, "I meant the show." She made an, "Oh." reply and mulled over what he said trying to come up with an explanation while the older man continued ranting at how he can't comprehend what was happening on the show. "And why Doctor Who? Why doesn't he have a name? And he's not even a doctor really!"
"Oppa!" Naomi cried laughing at Seungri's indignant look. "It's going to take me a long time to explain everything to you if you want I could lend you a copy of the series. I think I have my hard drive at my knapsack."

"Ani, it's fine." Seungri said with a wave of his hand. "I was just curious as to what you were watching. Do you like Doctor Who then?" She nodded as she hit pause on the remote to give her full attention to Seungri. "I've only started watching the series though and my friend told me that it dates back ages ago so it's going to be awhile until I completely finish the entire series." Seungri nodded in understanding and asked more about Doctor Who.

In no time at all their conversation moved onto Seungri's own favorite shows and Naomi's fascination with Harry Potter. The PA system went on once more in the middle of their conversation and announced that they are nearing Seoul, Korea. Taeyang out of nowhere yawned out loud and rubbed his eyes. He greeted the other two and pulled back his seat up from its reclining position. "Are you the only ones who are up?" he asked Seungri to which the maknae nodded at. "Naomi and I have been bonding since we took off." he said smugly. Taeyang rolled his eyes and said to Naomi, "I apologize if he has bored you with uninteresting stories about himself during our flight." She laughed and said in reply, "Naw it was more like I was the one boring him with my stories." Naomi grinned and started fiddling with her uniform's skirt. Taeyang noticed what she was wearing and looked at Seungri in alarm. "Maknae," he started. "- she can't be wearing her uniform when she gets down from this plane. She might be thought of as someone we kidnapped or a kid running away."

"I'm 19!" she cried indignantly at Taeyang. "Still, you have to change clothes. Your clothes scream High School student. Why do they even require uniforms for college?" Taeyang rolled his eyes at no one at this. "Do you have any change of clothes at your bag?"

"I think I have a pair of denim shorts there and my sneakers." Naomi said slowly looking up at the compartment where her carry on bag was located. She snapped off her seatbelt and stood up to open it and grab her knapsack. She rummaged around and let out a triumphant cry as she took out a pair of sneakers and the denims shorts she were talking about along with some socks. 

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rexiefauliks #1
@BunniesArePuffy - Thank you for that! Edited that chapter right now :) And thank you for the lovely comment :D I'm glad you like it!
Hey, I really like your story and your writing style C:
But, uhm.. chapter one is copied twice xc