Introduction and Awkward Encounters



Seungri taking this as his cue began his speech of thanking her for the effort that she put in making the video cover she submitted and that they were impressed by her work that's why they're here to personally congratulate her for being the winner of the competition and to pick her up to go to Seoul with them this afternoon. fell open at the news and glanced back at her friends. "We won?! We won! We're going to Korea!!!!" she cried happily, bouncing at the balls of her feet. "I'm sorry but -" Top began looking at the excited girl hesitantly. "- it said in the entry that you're a solo competitor and that you're not a group so we only have a ticket for you and arranged your visa only." Naomi furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and opened to say something to Hannah when she was beaten by the latter to it. "We submitted the video as a solo entry for you Naomi. We know you've been wanting to go to Korea for ages and you deserve it. Think of it as a thank you gift for being such an amazing friend to us." Hannah smiled encouragingly to her. She looked at them hesitantly but Rena glared at her and told her off, "Naomi don't ok? We all decided to do this for you so just accept it and have fun for us yeah?" At hearing this Naomi rushed to their side and hugged them tightly murmuring her thanks. She stood up once more and faced Big Bang shyly. "Let's go?" asked Jiyong. She nodded but then stopped, "Uhm I forgot my bag at my classroom."

"Alright then let's pick it up and head straight to the airport!" announced Seungri as he offered her his arm which Naomi took shyly. Jiyong not to be beaten at the younger man's antics offered his arm as well to Naomi which she accepted as well and as they walked to her room they began properly introducing themselves to her despite the fact that she knew them already. It started out with Seungri who was on her left, "I'm Seungri or VI, feel free to call me anything that you want. I'm the maknae as well as one of the main vocals of the group."

"I'm Daesung or D Lite, Daesung oppa would be fine with me too. I'm one of the main vocals as well." said Daesung grinning at her from Seungri's side.

"I'm Sol or Youngbae or Taeyang, call me anything you like but oppa is fine as well. I'm one of the main vocals too." Taeyang explained as he walked slightly ahead of them, only looking back to address Naomi.
Next came Top who said his whole name and grinned at Naomi when she tried repeating it to him. "I'm one of the rappers of the group."

Jiyong's turn finally came but was stopped by a wild shriek of, "Jiyong oppa!!!!!!!!" They all looked around for the source and saw a petite girl running towards them from the opposite direction that they came in. She stopped in front of them and stared at Naomi with hanging open. "Naomi?" she said shocked. "Hi Erin." Naomi replied waving her hand lamely from its position at the crook of Jiyong's arm. "It's a long story." she explained sheepishly to her friend. Erin just gaped at her and mouthed incredulously words that they can't comprehend. "I'll just grab my bag." Naomi said, taking her hands away from Seungri and Jiyong's before going inside her room. The five Big Bang members were left outside with Erin who just stared at them. Finally when she got her composure back she was able to ask them why they're here, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. Taeyang explained to her simply that Naomi won the Global Cover Contest and that they were here to personally congratulate her and pick her up to go with them to Seoul. Erin bit her lip and glanced multiple times at Naomi's classroom throughout Taeyang's explanation. In a matter of seconds, Naomi came out with her bag slung in one shoulder with a large canvas bag in one hand. Top grabbed the canvas bag from her while Jiyong offered his hand to Naomi silently asking for her bag. Naomi glanced at Erin who frowned at this gesture made by Jiyong and shook her head clutching the strap of her bag tightly to her. "Erin must like Jiyongie Hyung." Daesung whispered to Top who nodded his head as they watched the scene unfold in front of their eyes. Erin shrugged helplessly and told Naomi congratulations as well as bidding her goodbye and for the other girl to have a safe trip. Naomi looked at her hesitantly before hugging Erin tightly whispering something to the other girl as quietly as possible so the others won't be able to overhear. As they pulled apart a noticeable change in Erin's demeanor could be seen as she happily said good bye to them before turning back to where she came from. Naomi faced the rest of the group once more and bowed her head, apologizing for holding them up to which the others shook off with a smile telling her that it's fine. All six of them headed to where their ride was parked in after Taeyang received a message from their manager on where it is located. Naomi greeted the frowning security guard at the entrance and scanned her ID first before stepping out of the school following the other four members of Big Bang who was already waiting for her patiently outside. "Where is Seungri oppa?" she asked them once she noticed that the maknae was missing. Top pointed out his young friend who was held up by the security guard, making him surrender his pass and sign on different log books before returning his surrendered ID and finally letting him go. Once he reached them he told Naomi, "That woman scares the pants out of me."

Naomi laughed at this but was then surprised to have the bag slung on her shoulder taken away from her out of nowhere. Readying herself to scold the supposed thief, a habit that she got due to her daily routine of commuting going to school and her home which can truly cause a person to be paranoid about their personal belongings, she was surprised to see GD calmly putting on her knapsack before offering his arm once more to her. "You don't have to bring my bag G Dragon - ssi." she told him earnestly trying to get it off of him. He grabbed her wrist before it grasped one of the bag's straps and slid his hand to hers before intertwining them together. "Let me do it." Jiyong said as he squeezed her hand with a smile. "And please call me Jiyong oppa."

Daesung, Seungri, Taeyang and Top all shared knowing looks after seeing their leader's chivalrous side. Seungri out of the four snorted and mumbled to himself, "Smooth talker." Naomi flushed pink at Jiyong's actions and looked at the ground slowly tugging her hand back from Jiyong's grasp. Taeyang clapped Jiyong at the back, before dragging him away from the embarrassed girl, to prevent their leader from doing anything else that may cause their VIP guest to get more embarrassed than she already is. "Let's go! Hyung is waiting for us at the van. He won't stop messaging me since I told him we're about to head out of the school already." Taeyang said as he looked back at the others while walking side by side with Jiyong, his arm slung across his best friend's shoulder. Top nodded and followed them with Daesung and Seungri following after, Naomi in between them. 

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rexiefauliks #1
@BunniesArePuffy - Thank you for that! Edited that chapter right now :) And thank you for the lovely comment :D I'm glad you like it!
Hey, I really like your story and your writing style C:
But, uhm.. chapter one is copied twice xc