

A black minivan pulled up in front of the entrance of the small college, its lights for hazard turning on in a short while. In a matter of seconds out stepped a tall man with light blue hair styled to look windblown, followed by another with a tall Mohawk, then out stepped another this time with bleach blonde hair swept to the side of his face, another one came out after him with a hair that could be alike to that of Spuk's hair from Star Trek and finally the last man to step out with hair more unique than the others, looking like a Mohawk grown out up to his neck which was draped at the side of his head. Even in attire their differences is evident, screaming their personalities in what they're wearing and how they hold themselves with the clothes on their back. "Is this the place, Jiyong hyung?" asked the man with blonde hair to the man who was Jiyong, this being the one with the most eccentric style out of all five from his hair to the outfit he was wearing. Jiyong nodded as he glanced at his iPhone before uttering, "Sajangnim already informed her Dean and the College's president that we're arriving. They gave us a copy of her schedule and right about now from what they texted me, she's having her break at the school's cafeteria." Spuk lookalike looked at Jiyong dubiously, "Hyung how are we sure she's there? She might've eaten someplace else or hung out in another place for her break." Jiyong frowned at this and mulled over what the other said before grabbing the handle of the door of the minivan and abruptly opening it to reveal a bespectacled man. "Hyung are you sure she's there?" he inquired. "Yah, you've been standing there for such a long time already she might've ACTUALLY left. The dean assured us she's not going to leave the cafeteria. Something about her performing a duty assigned by the Department Chair personally at the cafeteria."

"Fine by me, let's go. We're wasting time Ji." said the tall man with blue hair. Jiyong nodded and said, "Lead the way Top." He smirked at the man with the blue hair who gave him a lopsided smile before heading to the college's entrance. The rest followed him until they were stopped by a frowning woman in an all dark blue ensemble with a yellow sash draped across her shoulder who apparently was the security guard. She eyed them suspiciously and asked the purpose of their visit after Top mentioned that the five of them were here to visit. "We're from YG Entertainment." Spuk lookalike said hopefully to jog the memory of the female guard. She narrowed her eyes even more and picked up a walkie talkie from her booth and started ringing in someone. "There's around five weird looking men here who wants to come inside. They're visiting apparently one of the students. Yeah, they said they're from YG something. They have passes already from the office? I'm not sure these are the people you're talking about, they look like a bunch of weirdos. One of them has blue hair for chrissakes!" she whispered aghast to the person on the other line as if the others cannot hear her. Jiyong and the others were trying to suppress their snickers as Top touched his blue hair with a frown, brushing his hand across his locks. "It looks cool." he murmured to himself determinedly as his band members snickered even more at his quiet declaration. The five of them quickly shut their mouths instantly as she finished her conversation and looked at them once more. "Please sign your names on the log book so your arrival will be acknowledged by the office. I'll need one of you to surrender his ID to me for the mean time in exchange for a pass to be able to go inside." the security guard instructed them with a deadpan voice. Jiyong bit his lip in thought and promptly tugged Spuk lookalike's elbow. "Seungri - ah will surrender his ID for us."

"Hyung!" Seungri cried shocked at his band mate's declaration. Jiyong only looked at him as if daring the other to say otherwise. Seungri grumbled and pulled out his wallet from his jean's back pocket. He handed the frowning security guard his ID in the office and took the guest pass she offered him after roughly taking away his ID. He pouted at the others when he tucked his wallet back in his pocket and asked them, "Well aren't we going inside?" Jiyong in reply smirked at his obvious distress, taunting Seungri even more and went past the security guard who by now has lost interest in their antics and busied herself with numerous forms scattered about in the desk of her booth. Top followed Jiyong then came the others. The man with the tall Mohawk smiled kindly at Seungri who was last to go in and clapped him on the back before heading inside. Seungri slumped his shoulders in defeat and followed the others. 


HI! So I edited this story, as I've been intending to do so. I noticed that the first chapter was far too long. The updates I'll be doing are already the cut and edited versions of what I posted here before. The real updates on the story will be done hopefully this week but I can't make any promises. I still have other fics to write from requests made by my friends.


- Rexie Fauliks


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rexiefauliks #1
@BunniesArePuffy - Thank you for that! Edited that chapter right now :) And thank you for the lovely comment :D I'm glad you like it!
Hey, I really like your story and your writing style C:
But, uhm.. chapter one is copied twice xc