Daddy Green



The group of six reached the college's parking lot with little incident and in no time at all they were able to spot the minivan that would bring them to the airport. The door slid open as they approached to reveal their manager who greeted Naomi with a warm smile and a congratulations. He stepped out of the van to let the others step inside and settle themselves in comfortably. "Hyung what about you?" asked Daesung who was the last one to settle himself inside the van. "I'll stay in front with the driver. I won't fit anymore in the space left with you guys, and Naomi - ssi's luggage inside there." he replied before closing the door and opening the one in the front to sit beside the hired driver. Naomi glanced at the two people beside her, this being Jiyong and Daesung, "What does he mean by my luggage Daesung oppa?" she asked baffled. Top replied on behalf of his dongsaeng, "Before we picked you up we already grabbed your luggage from your home. We informed your parents four days ago what was happening so they won't be surprised when we come by your house to collect your belongings since Sajangnim wanted us to surprise you when we announce that you won the competition which means that it's more practical in this manner so we will head straight to the airport without any detours and you won't have a hard time packing."

"Wait, oppa, you mean to say you met my parents? Even MY Dad?!?" asked Naomi panic ringing in her voice. A collective shudder among the five occurred suddenly as soon as she mentioned her Dad. "Yes we met him." Daesung replied which resulted to another shudder. "I didn't know rulers could be used in such a sadistic manner." Seungri mumbled from the back with Taeyang grunting in agreement besides him. Naomi looked at Jiyong, alarmed at their reactions to meeting her father. "What happened?" she asked eyes wide at him. He bit his lower lip and glanced at the back to look at his bandmates. "Well it turned out that only your mother knew we were coming and she decided to 'forget"', at this he made quotation marks in the air,  "- about our arrival and not mention it to your father because if he knew he will most certainly not let you come with us. So when we arrived she greeted us and promptly shoved your luggage in our arms and told us that HE was about to come home from work and that he doesn't know what was about to transpire this afternoon, so we had to hurry and place your things at the back of the van."

"Unfortunately for us your father's car drove by as we were about to close the back of the van with your luggage peeking out from the side. I guess he figured out that it was yours and he soon stepped out of his car to interrogate us on what was happening." added by Taeyang from Top's other side. "Your mother tried her best to explain everything to him but it was futile. He was really, REALLY pissed off."
"He started threatening us to give back your things and that there was no way in hell he was allowing you to go to Korea with five grown men as your company. Thankfully your mother intervened and threatened your father with something, we can't hear what she told him. She was hissing like a snake at Mr. Green by this time. I take it back THAT scared the pants and briefs off of me." said Seungri as he continued his hyungs' story. "After that Mrs. Green just smiled at us as if her husband didn't threaten us with rulers and numerous things he could make use of as torture materials on us. She bid us goodbye and asked us to take good care of you before disappearing behind your house's gate with your father following her muttering quiet threats along the way." Daesung said concluding their traumatic yet short meeting with Naomi's parents. She groaned out loud and buried her face in her hands. "I'm really sorry. My Dad is really overprotective of me." she explained her voice being muffled by her hands. "It's alright Naomi we understand. Don't be upset anymore. The important thing is you're here and we're in our way to Seoul in less than 3 hours." Daesung said kindly while patting her head. She looked up at him and smiled shakily, ears bright red from embarrassment. "Thank you." she murmured to the Big Bang members.

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rexiefauliks #1
@BunniesArePuffy - Thank you for that! Edited that chapter right now :) And thank you for the lovely comment :D I'm glad you like it!
Hey, I really like your story and your writing style C:
But, uhm.. chapter one is copied twice xc