Chapter 4 - Part 1

Playing Hard To Get

This story is not mine and I already ask permission to post this! Please see her website @ - author is Janelle or known as IAmTheGoddamnWalrus



 Chapter Four Part 1

 ~Jiyong’s POV~


I was totally going to annoy Dara again today. I know, I'm horrible. But I'll do whatever it takes to get her to be my girl. I waited by her locker, waiting for her to get to school. I saw her head bobbing down the hall, bent over a book. She didn't look up and bumped right into me.


She looked up quickly and frowned at me.


"What do you want now?" she mumbled. She twisted her lock combo. I smirked and stopped leaning against the locker. I looked at her mischievously and pulled a stuffed monkey from behind my back. Dara's face looked puzzled, yet a little bit bright.


"What's this?" she asked as I handed it to her. I shrugged like it was no big deal.


"A stuffed monkey," I said. She cracked a tiny smile.


"How did you know-?"


"You should really upgrade your Facebook page protection," I whispered. She looked angry, then a little bit flattered. I began walking away, but she caught my arm. I chuckled. Looks like my charm was working.


"Jiyong, you shouldn't have gotten me this," she said sternly. I frowned.




She sighed and looked at the monkey in her hands. She looked up at me with a sheepish smile.


"Jiyong, I just can't. Look, why do you even like me so much?" she asked. She handed me the monkey, but I stuffed it in her locker.


Why did I like her? Well, she was the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen. She had the most amazing personality, too. She was a girly girl. She wasn't afraid to show her aggressive side.


"Look, I can't explain it. You're just... you're just different from other girls. In a good way," I said sheepishly, aware that I was being totally cheesy. She blushed and smirked, closing her locker to lean against it.


"You're so cheesy," she snorted. I smiled and nodded in agreement. We walked to homeroom together. She bumped against my arm, and she didn't stop walking close to me. Was she meaning to do this? Or was it just coincidence? The rest of the morning went by quickly, me thinking about the way she blushed when I told her that really cheesy thing. I caught myself looking at her a lot, and got in trouble four times for not paying attention in homeroom. Now it was lunch. Now it was my time to shine again.


I walked to my usual lunch table. As usual, it was full beyond compare. I wanted to run the other way; run out of the cafeteria, run out of the school to the other side of the world. And take Dara with me.


Seungri made a little room for me at the table. I squeezed in next to him. I saw Dara sit beside her friends, and my eyes drifted to her. She took her jacket off and I imagined her taking her clothes off with her jacket....


Woah, where did that come from? I shouldn't be thinking about girls that way. I promised my parents, my grandparents, I even promised myself. I shouldn't be thinking of Dara in that way.


I smiled a little despite my thoughts. I'd finally grown some balls. I chuckled and Seungri looked at me funny.


"That wasn't a funny joke, man," he said. I looked at him like he was crazy.


"What joke?"


He looked at me like I was crazy. He nodded over to Chaerin's direction. "Uh, Chaerin just told a joke that was la-a-ame."


Chaerin shot him a look. "Lame ," she scoffed. He smiled and winked at her.


She winked at me. I looked away. Whenever she winked at me, it kind of pained me a little. I don't know why. It's like, I wished so badly that Dara would wink at me, that other girls winking at me just felt like cheating it out.


The rest of the day progressed like a snail. I headed back to my locker, poking Dara on the back in the process. She looked back and half smiled, half glared. I chuckled to myself as I opened my locker. I stuffed my books in quickly, and then headed to Dara.


"Ready Ssantokki?" I asked while fixing the strap of my bag. She frowned at me.


"You're kidding, right?" she said walking slowly.


"Well, yeah. Always travel with a buddy, remember?" I said poking her lightly.


"Who says you're my buddy," she mumbled. We kept on walking and soon we were in the foyer. Some kid in my homeroom class named Lee Shin stood up and smiled at Dara. She smiled back and walked up to him. She gave him a hug.


"You ready?" he asked. She nodded.


I stared blankly. What just happened? Did Dara actally just give Lee Shin a hug? What the hell? Nobody likes Lee Shin. Nobody - Not even the guys.


"Ready for what?" I asked, acting happy. A lump had formed in my throat, and I feared my voice would crack or something.


Dara looked at me sheepishly, with some pride. "Oh, Shin's just walking me home today. No biggie," she winked. The lump grew bigger. She'd winked at me, but it wasn't the way I wanted.


"Oh. Well, see you tomorrow then?" I asked more to myself than to her. I walked off, pulling my hood over my head and my shades over my eyes.


The sun was hidden behind the clouds, making sun glasses useless. I was thinking about taking them off, but that would just mean getting caught as Kwon Jiyong. I sighed and kicked a stone in front of me. Why did I even like her? I mean, she didn't like me. She wasn't close. She rejected my gifts. She didn't even want to try going to the movies or anything. I sighed again and kicked the rock harder. It went bouncing off the toe of my shoe and flew up in the air. It sailed up, and landed on my head.


"Ouch," I muttered, touching my head. That would become a goose egg tomorrow. I rubbed my head, and was distracted, which caused me to trip. I stumbled to the ground and just kind of lay there for a while. It was kind of actually comfortable there. I watched as some elderly couple walking their dog looked at me funny. I crawled to my feet and began walking again, aware that the couple still looked at me.


~Dara’s POV~



Shin was cute. Shin was cute. Shin was cute.


Ugh, who was I convincing? Shin was the ugliest piece of crap ever. His hair is blonde and greasy, like someone used the top of his head to scrub out a deep fryer. His face was dotted with red mountains and he had Harry Potter glasses.


"Thanks for walking me home, Shin." I plastered a smile on my face. I tried not to hack up my lunch. He smiled his yellow, crooked smile.


"No problem," he cackled. It was harder for me not to hack my lunch up.


"Bye, Shin," I muttered. I opened the door and plopped my bag on the ground. I collapsed on the couch, exhausted from all Shins’ questions.


I'd only agreed to walk home with Shin because I knew Jiyong was going to walk home with me again. I didn't really want that. So, I accepted Shin's invitation to walk home with him. Biggest. Mistake. Of. My. Life.


First, he asked me if I liked men. I told him yes. Then, he asked me if I liked architects.


"Shin, I don't know. And would it really matter?" I asked, kind of pissed off.


"Well, it depends. They would be good at drawing, so they could make portraits of you."


The idea of sitting still for more than a minute just about drove me insane. And, the fact of portraits of me didn't warm me up either.


"So, do you like basketball players?" he asked. If fire could shoot out my ears, I’m sure it was right now.


"I don't know, Shin," I spit through my teeth. We finally reached my house.


I turned the TV on, well aware to avoid the MTV channel. I actually kind of wished I walked home with Jiyong. Oh well. It was all part of playing hard to get,


I suppose. I nibbled on my thumb nail as I watched Iron Chefs battle to the death with their food. My mom in through the door, all smiles.


"Hello, Dara. You'll never guess who I saw today," she said, almost giggling. I braced myself.




She took a little pause, obviously for dramatic effect. "Kwon Jiyong! It turns out his mom works in the same building as I do, and we've become friends. Oh, Jiyong was there today after school. Isn't he gorgeous? We're invited to their house tomorrow, since its Saturday, for supper. But we have to be sneaky. Lot's of paprazzi around there."


My mouth dropped, possibly all the way to my knees. I was going to Jiyong's house for supper. Our moms were friends. Did this obligate us to be friends now? I certainly don't think that could be accomplished, especially with Jiyong's feelings for me. I groaned, and my mother frowned at me.


"Dara, what's the matter?"


I groaned again. "Jiyong is the matter."


The gasped a tiny bit. She was probably going to lecture me on how I should treat people more nicely and blah blah blah. But I wasn't going to hear it.


"What's the matter with Kwon Jiyong? I hear you two are friends. That's what he told me," my mom said, hanging her red coat up. I rolled my eyes. Of course Jiyong would say that.


"We are not friends. He likes me, I don't like him. End of story," I muttered, walking into the kitchen. I grabbed a celery stick and began to nibble it.


"Well you should be honored that a great celebrity of your time has a crush on you, Dara!" my mom said matter-of-factly. I snickered.


"It's not a crush mom. It's an obsession."


"Even better. You'll get married and inherit all his money. And your kids will be darlings with their good looks and smarts," my mom smiled and grabbed my chin with her hand. The thought of having kids with Jiyong made me shudder. I headed up to my room and turned my laptop on. I headed straight to Facebook. A friend request from Jiyong awaited me. I sighed, and declined. I went to my page and upgraded my protection. There. Now he couldn't stalk me. Out of curiosity, I went to Jiyong's profile. He had over a thousand friends, and I doubt he knew half of them. His picture was a picture of him and this kid with similar features. The dimples when he smiled, the brown eyes. I smiled to myself, but quickly wiped it off my face. Tomorrow I was having supper with Jiyong. Great.


The next day, I avoided thinking of the time. We were leaving at four thirty, and that crept up quicker than I thought it would. At four I had to actually get dressed. I really didn't want to get all dressed up, but my mom had laid out a dress I was required to wear.


"It's a formal supper, dear. There are gorgeous, and we already established it would be formal," she'd said. I scoffed, but she didn't say anything.

I'll admit, the dress was really pretty. It was a pale pink color, almost like a salmon. I stopped just past my knees and it had this mesh thing for sleeves, kind of. It's hard to explain, but it's really gorgeous. I didn't get why I had to wear it- I mean, it was a subtle, simple dress- but I wasn't going to complain. My brother looked really funny wearing his clip on tie and his hair gelled back.


"Mom, I really don't think it has to be this formal," he mumbled. My mom just pinched his cheeks lightly with a smile.


"Nonsense. You look so handsome," she crooned.


We left the house at four twenty and drove for ten minutes to Jiyong's house. His house was huge, for one thing, with a lush garden and stone columns. It was hard to believe that his house was just around the corner from mine, because it was so close to my house. We walked up to the front door and my mom knocked with the big lion head door knocker. Jiyong opened the door, and smiled at our family.


"Hello, come in!" he said. He smiled at me, but I ignored him. He grabbed my jacket and helped me take it off.


"Thanks," I muttered.


"Any time," he said back. He was wearing a dark brown quarter sleeve plaid shirt that matched his eyes with black dress pants. Thankfully, his shirt wasn't tucked into his pants.


"You look really pretty," he said leading me into the dining room.


"Thanks. You don't look half bad yourself," I admitted. He seemed pleased with that answer. We walked through the hall into a spacious dining room with cherry wood floors and big windows that looked over a hill.


"Wow" was all I could mutter to myself. I felt Jiyong shift uncomfortably beside me.


"Well my goodness! You all look gorgeous!" Jiyong's mom said. She was really pretty, with Jiyong's brown eyes and short black hair. She was tall, and she could easily be a model. She gave me a hug.


"Well dinner will be ready in about a half hour, so let's just talk for a bit," she said with a smile. Jiyong pulled me along and we walked through the house.


"Wanna go outside?" he asked. Before I could answer, we had stepped out into the cool early autumn air. I assumed we were in his backyard, but I couldn't tell because flowers surrounded us. It was definitely every garden lover's dream.


I walked around, my hands dragging along gingerly across the flowers. My hand stopped on a pretty purple flower. I bent down to sniff it and was filled with a luscious aroma. I closed my eyes for a moment.


"They're really pretty," I said, mostly to myself.










Part 1 is up!

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Unixai21 #1
Chapter 14: Cute story
carolinebestever #2
Chapter 14: Thanks for sharing this wonderful story...
MissRoseBlossom #3
Chapter 14: love this... more authorim :) my daragon hearts <3
inakuyon #4
luv it......
eun_bi #5
wholesome story. love it :D
This is awesome =)))) XDD
Great story >:D<
Stillbe #7
This is such a cute story!