Chapter Three

Playing Hard To Get

This story is not mine and I already ask permission to post this! Please see her website @ - author is Janelle or known as IAmTheGoddamnWalrus




Chapter Three



~Dara’s POV~


At school on Monday, I was a little bit afraid of what might be in homeroom. What would Jiyong do? Would he talk to me? Would he ignore me? I knew I shouldn't be stressing over it, but I did. And that bothered me too.


I walked into the classroom and some other kid was sitting in my spot. Jiyong watched me stride across the room to my seat. I looked down at the kid, who I presumed was one of Jiyong's friends.


"Why, it's the girl who's playing games with little Jiyong boy here," the kid said laughing. I cut my eyes towards Jiyong and stared at him. He kicked the kid.


"We're not playing games, Seungri," he muttered. The kid laughed and got out of my seat so I could sit in it. I flipped to the right page in my textbook and began to read.


The morning went on like most mornings should. When I got to the cafeteria, every table was flooded with people, especially Jiyong's. I sat at the most empty table I could find. There were two girls there with and they smiled at me. I returned the smile.


"You're Dara, right?" one of them asked. She was a pretty brunette girl with short curly hair. She had chubby cheeks and cute brown eyes.


"Yeah," I replied nicely. They nodded.


"I'm Amber," the the other girl said, extending her hand. She was pretty too, and she had short orange hair the colour of fire and equally dangerous dark orbs eyes.


She looked sweet, but I had a feeling she was sort of a rebel.


"And I'm Sulli," the first girl said. I shook their hands and began to eat my sandwhich.


Amber and Sulli were pretty cool. Sulli was born in Yangsan, and she had such a cute accent. Amber was part Chinese, which she said explained the orange hair.


 "But, my mom is from the states and she was born in a trailer park. She grew up with five brothers as the only girl. She's sophisticated now, but I've got some of her rebellious side," Amber snickered. I smiled at her. I liked her; she was my kind of people.


"So, what's your life like?" Sulli asked sipping her cola. I took a sip of my milk before speaking.


"Well, nothing too special. I'm from New Jersey, but my parent’s transferred me to Seoul for their jobs," I said shrugging. Amber and Sulli looked at each other, smiling.


"So you're a Jersey girl? As in, like the girls from Jersey Shore?" Amber said.


I looked at her, trying to hide my distaste. I hated Jersey Shore. Those people were nothing like true Jersey people were like. They were all hyped up and party people, while most Jersey people are laid back.


"Uh, not really. Those people are kind of wild for most of the people in New Jersey," I explained. They nodded, but kind of frowned.


I felt somebody poke my shoulder, and I turned to see who it was. Nobody was there, so I turned the other way to see Jiyong smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and he sat down beside me.


"So, how's your day today, Dara?" he asked sweetly. The way his voice sounded almost made my heart melt, but I restrained myself.


I glanced at Amber and Sulli, who were looking at Jiyong funny.


"Jiyong, what are you doing here?" Amber asked coolly. I sensed some ex rivalry.


"Did you guys used to be dating or something?" I asked glancing at them. Amber and Sulli laughed.


"That's a good one, Dara. We've never gone out with Jiyong, it's just we don't like him like him," Sulli explained. I nodded, pursing my lips.


"Besides, Jiyong's never had a girlfriend," Amber teased. He blushed and I looked at him, astonished. A smiled cracked through my face.


"You've never had a girlfriend?" I asked, trying to stifle a laugh. He blushed harder.


"I uh-"


The bell rang and I got up to leave for class.


"Hey, Dara! Meet us in the foyer after school, kay? We can walk together!" Amber and Sulli called. I gave them the thumbs up and began walking out the cafeteria. Jiyong walked beside me, really close, and I could smell his cologne. It smelled really good, like a mixture of chocolate and mint or something.


Everyone stared at us walking so close. The guys gave Jiyong thumbs ups and I got jealous glances from the girls that made me feel uncomfortable. I tried walking further away, but everyone kept pushing us.


"Everyone is feisty today, aren't they?" Jiyong observed. I looked at him, getting lost in his brown eyes again. God, I had to stop looking at him.


I didn't respond to his question and walked to my locker, retrieving my books. He leaned against the other lockers, watching me.


"What the hell do you want, Jiyong?" I sighed. He smiled and shook his head.


"Nothing," he responded, looking around. I looked at his empty hands before walking away. He followed me to the second floor.


"Don't you remember my request?" I asked, annoyed. He chuckled and kept on following me.


I got to the science lab. Jiyong was still on my heels, so I turned around to face him.


"Jiyong, stop stalking me!" I shouted. Everyone turned heads to look at us. They started whispering, then coming closer to us. Oh , what had I done?


"Alright, alright," he said, backing up. He still had that mischievous grin on his face.


"Just meet me in the foyer after school, kay Dara?" He winked at me and walked away. The bell rang, but I was frozen in my spot with rage. This kid just couldn't take a damn hint!


After school, I noticed Jiyong looking at me from his locker. I tried not to glance at him, but its hard knows that he was looking at me like a hawk. I closed my locker and braced myself. I would have to pass his locker if I wanted to go to the foyer. I took a deep breath, and began walking. Just as I feared, Jiyong paced in beside me.


 "Hey, D," he said casually, sticking his hands in his pockets. I glared at the ground.


"Don't call me D unless you want one yourself," I mumbled. He laughed and put his arm around my shoulder. I shrugged away and began walking quicker. His pace matched mine again.


I reached the foyer and Amber and Sulli were waiting for me. They got up from the bench and headed over to Jiyong and I.


"Hey, so you ready?" Sulli asked. Amber glanced from me to Jiyong and whispered something to Sulli. Sulli shook her head.


"What?" I asked. They both smiled.


"Look, Dara, we both love you to death," Amber said. "But maybe you should walk home with Jiyong. I mean, he lives closer to you than we do."


I stared at them in awe. I could just imagine the smile slugging its way across Jiyong's face. How could they do this me? Jiyong was a stalker!


Amber and Sulli waved goodbye and walked out of the school. Jiyong started pulling me along, and I didn't object because a million different emotions were swimming through me. Betrayal, hurt, sadness, anger and happiness.


Jiyong put his sunglasses on even though it was cloudy and he put his hood up. I snorted at him.


"What?" he asked looking around. I shook my head and kept on walking.


We walked in silence for a bit. The steady pace of our feet against the pavement was comforting, I guess. It just made me feel good inside, like I wasn't alone or something.


"Why do you hate me so much?" Jiyong asked. I kicked a rock ahead of me, watching as it bounced against the road.


"I don't hate you," I replied. He didn't look too convinced.


"Yes you do. That's how you act," he said. I felt guilty from the amount of hurt in his voice.


He's probably just acting, I told myself.


"I promise I don't hate you, Jiyong. It's just... I don't know. I don't want to cave into your IDOL good looks," I said, kicking another rock. He smiled.


"So, you think I have movie star good looks?" he said, waggling his eyebrows. I sighed and kept on walking. I walked faster, and he caught up with me.


"Look, I'm sorry. It's just, I like you," he said.


"Mmhmm," I mumbled turning onto my street. Jiyong followed me. I raised an eyebrow at him.


"You're still stalking me," I said. He shook his head.


"Nope. I live on the next street around the corner," he said. I faced palmed myself. Dammit, I lived close to him.


I sighed and walked down the road to the house with the big blue door. I walked up the walkway.


"Dara," Jiyong called. I turned around and saw him smiling sweetly. "Thanks for walking with me."


 I couldn't help but smile back. "No problem, Jiyonggie."


 He smiled and walked back down the road, turning on the other street like he'd said..


~Jiyong’s POV~


Chaos is what awaited me at home.


The second I walked in the door, I heard my parents arguing in the next room.


"You didn't even ask me!" I heard my mom holler.


"This family needs this!" my father responded.


"You're insane, Myung Soo."


My mother walked into this room followed by my father and... A dog. A big Shar Pei padded after my dad, panting in all it's glory. It came up to me and nuzzled against my leg.



"You got a dog?" I asked, kneeling down to pet it. Its tail wagged furiously.


"Your father is nuts and he bought a dog," my mom said sitting on the couch. My father looked rather pleased with himself.


"Look, Eun Joo, this family needs a dog. Now that my son has gone all Hollywood, we've lost the touch of our roots," my dad said. "So, I got a dog."


The dog barked once in my ear and I got up. He was cute, but he was big.


"Get that dog away from me!" my mother shrieked as the dog came closer to her.


My father restrained the dog by grabbing its collar. He pet the dog and it relaxed.


"Good job, Gaho," my dad cooed. I looked at him doubtfully.


"You seriously named him Gaho?" I asked. He shrugged. I sighed and put my bag down. I trudged into the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar.


"Oh, Jiyong! Kush called!" my mother said. I rolled my eyes and continued to my room. Kush is a serious pain.


I walked into my room and headed straight for my computer. I turned it on and opened up an internet browser. Celebrity entertainment news popped up. Pictures of Sohee and I flooded the page. I pursed my lips and quickly went to my email, fully expecting an e-mail from Sohee. And there it is, staring me in the eye.


Hey Jiyong, did you hear we're the newest couple? Teehee, I wonder who could've made that happen? I'm hoping to see you at the MTV’s Europe Music Awards! See you then, sweet cheeks!


                                                                                                                                                                Sohee <3


I sighed and deleted it, like I did to every e-mail from her. I leaned back in my swivel chair and just let myself spin freely. Gosh, this life was so hard. I loved rapping like it was the air I needed to breathe, but I hated the fame. Most people would love the fame, getting attention and freebies and stuff. But I'm a hockey player from a small town. I hate the fame. But this was what made me angry. The fact of rumors spreading. I've never been the centre of a rumor, and I never paid rumors much attention. But now that I was caught in the whirlwind of it all, I hated it.


I quickly logged onto a website that I knew was around. All the girls at school told me Chaerin had made it; I logged on and was surprised. Music from the new album was flooded the speakers. Pictures of me in the background danced across my eyes. I looked for the button that said blog. Almost a thousand people and counting had become members already. There was a free discussion place, but I had to become a member first. I sighed and registered. If I wanted to get my word around, I'd have to make my username something like TheRealKwonJiyong. I decided it was worth a shot.


Once I was done, I quickly went back to the free discussion. I sighed and began to type.


Hey guys. This is the real Kwon Jiyong. I just want to clear some rumors up; I'm not going out with my co-star Ahn SO Hee. We have no connection with each other regarding the music video. Thanks guys, I'll keep in touch!



I knew they'd believe me better if I said I'd keep in touch more. I clicked the enter button and watched as my comment popped up in the blog. Already, almost five people had liked the comment already. Somebody had already commented, "YES! I've got my Jiyong back!" Somebody else responded, "Hey, Jiyong is MINE."


I logged off quicker than the speed of light. Great, now I'd caused a fight on the World Wide Web. Soon I was going to get arrested or something. I scratched my head. I only wished that Dara were all over me like everyone else.


"Jiyong, supper!" my mom called. She still sounded upset, so I knew she hadn't gotten rid of the dog. I trotted down the stairs and into the kitchen. Sure enough, my mother looked uncomfortable in her seat as the dog panted beside her.


I sat down in my usual seat and began to eat.


"Why did you get a dog, dad?" my brother asked with disgust.


"Because this family needs to get back to it's roots," my father explained, waving his knife around. My sister scoffed.


"I bet you Lee Minho’s dad wouldn't just pop in with a dog one day," she mumbled. My father slammed his fists on the table, causing everyone's drinks to spill a bit.


"That's the problem right there! You people are too Idols," my father turned to me. "I miss the old hockey playing son I had. Now, if you're all going to act like Mr. IDOL over there is the best thing in the world, I'm leaving."


My father got up and walked out of the house, slamming the door. I couldn't believe that just happened. I glanced at my mother. She sighed and popped a piece of tortellini in . The dog begged at her feet and she pushed it with her foot.


My dad still hadn't come back by dinner. My mom was putting her coat on.


"If I'm not back by ten, can you make sure the kids get to bed?" my mom asked me. I nodded and she kissed my cheek before retreating out the door. I sighed and went to check the messages on the machine.


The first message was filled with screaming girls. One girl told them to shush and she claimed she was my biggest fan. But I could recognize that stuck up voice anywhere; Chaerin.


I instantly hit delete. The next messages were the same, involving my work. I started heading up the stairs to my room.


"Where are you going?" Minzy asked.


"Bed," I mumbled.


"It's not even nine yet," she said. I ignored her and slammed the door to my room. I flopped onto the bed, face first. I groaned into my pillow and soon drifted to sleep.





Yahoo! Chapter Three!

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Unixai21 #1
Chapter 14: Cute story
carolinebestever #2
Chapter 14: Thanks for sharing this wonderful story...
MissRoseBlossom #3
Chapter 14: love this... more authorim :) my daragon hearts <3
inakuyon #4
luv it......
eun_bi #5
wholesome story. love it :D
This is awesome =)))) XDD
Great story >:D<
Stillbe #7
This is such a cute story!