It would kill me if you did..

Teenage Drama Love

A few minutes after thinking and "rehearsing" what to say to Donghae, she finally called him.

"Annyeong-haseyo, is this Donghae?"

"Yoona is this you? Annyeong, my love! I missed you so much and I was so worried about you. I thought you were in trouble so I was trying to contact you but you weren't answering the phone. I mean I would have gone to your house but.."

"Donghae wait.."

"I would have gone instead because I was so worried then.."

"Donghae, I'm pregnant!" Yoona shouted through the phone and tears rolled down her cheek. Silence filled in through their conversation. No one spoke and Donghae froze to death as he heard these words.

"W-w-wait, are you sure about this?"

"Yes.." Yoona sighed and waited for his reply.

"Hello, Donghae? Hello?" *click* 

Yoona just sat there in her room worrying about Donghae. Meanwhile, Donghae also sat in the corner of his room. Sitting down and worrying what he would do now he was a father. How could he handle that? He stared at the wall with complete silence. Yoona also could not think straight, because of Donghae. They were both in a crisis, which would be hard to get out off... So, a few hours later,

"Yoona!" Yoona just stared out the window.

"Your father let me in.." He sat down beside her.

"Yoona, I'm really sorry I have been such a jerk to you awhileago. I hung up on you and left you curious and worried for sure. I'm so sorry I did that to you. You know, I really love you and our soon to be baby.." Yoona started crying again and Donghae hugged her.

"So, we're basically adults now. I can really get a job just to support you and our baby. 10 jobs if necessary. I would do anything for you Yoona my love."

Yoona just smiled and laughed a bit. "Haha, I love you too Donghae. But you really scared me awhileago. I mean the thought of you just abandoning me? Wow, it would shatter my whole world and it would especially kill me."

"Aww, Yoona don't ever think that. I love you! Now come here!" Donghae cuddled with her and gave her a kiss. "Yoona, you have no idea how much I really love you." Yoona giggled saying, "Oh I think I do." 

Then the next few weeks after that, Donghae went to Yoona's house again. "Annyeong my love!" He sat down beside Yoona. They cuddled for awhile as Yoona talked about their new baby girl. Donghae looked excited and was so happy. 


"So we're having a new baby girl huh?" 

"Yeah, I can't believe it! What do you think of naming her Tiffany?"

Donghae squeezed her hands.


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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Woah! It has ended huh? Overall a good and nice story :)
There!! Now its going smooth! :D
yay they reconcile!update soon!
nice going :) but please no drug addiction :( that would totally ruin the story in my opinion.
If possible I would also like Jessica and Eun So to get a beating lol!~
yay ^^ <3 ur ff so much update soon and yoonhae hwaiting ^^
hey sorry but father in korean is appa not oppa. :D
btw nice fanfic :))