One of the hardest chapters in life: introduction

Teenage Drama Love

Yoona and Donghae's love is put to the test when they are forced to grow up quickly. Their extremely intimate relationship put them through the hardest times of their lives. Will their love remain through teen pregnancy and drug addiction?



*Hi sorry about the poster in this chapter. I'm not exactly good at editing pictures so yeah. Criticism would be fine for me, just NO hate. There's a BIG difference between the two. :) Thanks, love lots! ♥

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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Woah! It has ended huh? Overall a good and nice story :)
There!! Now its going smooth! :D
yay they reconcile!update soon!
nice going :) but please no drug addiction :( that would totally ruin the story in my opinion.
If possible I would also like Jessica and Eun So to get a beating lol!~
yay ^^ <3 ur ff so much update soon and yoonhae hwaiting ^^
hey sorry but father in korean is appa not oppa. :D
btw nice fanfic :))