Rehab and Drama

Teenage Drama Love

Donghae had no other place to go to or sleep. He kept on cursing and kicking everything he sees in sight. He roamed around the city at night. He had reached unknown places by going into different streets and not knowing where to go. It was 3 o'clock in the morning and he was tired going around Korea. He sat down and watched a few people walking around. "It's already late! Why are people still up and outside walking?" he said to himself. He took out the syringe and put the needle directly to his vein. "Ahh better." He just stared into space thinking of Yoona and Tiffany. Then he saw Jessica taking a drag off her cigarette at a near-by corner.

"Jessica!" Donghae called out.

She walked closer to him and stared at him with disgust.

"Ugh ew, what a hobo!" she snorted.

"No Jessica, it's me Donghae." She carefully looked at him.

"Ew I don't talk to losers and hobos." She said then she walked away.


It has been 3 days since Donghae was gone. He couldn't take his surroundings. He was in an unknown place, being away from home, sitting beside a dumpster and being broke. Suddenly, he found his drunk and bad influence friends walking  and begged to stay with them. They lived in the outskirts of town though. The place where drugs were a priority and people would steal from each other. The place was dirty, but he had to stay there with his so-called "friends" in order to survive.

"Hey little bro. Why the sad face? Did you take some of those stuff already?"

Donghae just stared at his friend and blinked. Another girl from there gave him a cigarette and they took a drag off it. He was just blankly staring into space and suddenly, his thoughts and his mind came back. All his memories with Yoona and his memorable ones started playing in his mind like a movie. From the days when they were still young, playing together, Yoona leaving, him getting his first goal, graduating elementary, his first kiss with Yoona and everything. He realized that he should come back to Yoona, fix everything and do his obligations as a father.

"Wait, what am I doing here?" he said.

He grabbed his backpack and left his friends, running as fast as he can. He looked around if he was close. It turns out that his house was only near-by. Donghae just needed to follow the lake in order to get there.


As he got home, he tried to open the front door but it was locked. He shouted to Yoona. Nobody heard him so he started throwing rocks at the window. It still did not work. He had shouted for the last time and Yoona looked out the window.

"Yoona!" She just ignored him.

"Yoona let me in please! I'm going to quit this. I promise I'll quit smoking and drugs just for you. But I can't do it alone!"

He shouted and begged. Yoona felt sorry for him and wanted to help him get his life back. Yoona went down and stood by the door looking at Donghae. He went closer.

"Yoona, I'm so sorry for everything. I love you! I love you more than anything and I love you more than these stupid drugs. Just give me a chance, please!" Yoona had unlocked the door and let him in.

Donghae held her hands. "I'm really sorry for what I have put you through. But I want to quit it. I want our life back, I want you back! I'm so sorry for being a weak, immature idiot." He came closer to Yoona and looked her through the eyes. "I really love you Yoona. Will you give me one last chance?"

She thought for awhile. But she really loved him so she forgave him. She gave a huge smile to Donghae.

"I really missed you so much Yoona!" Donghae said, almost crying.

"I missed you too, Donghae. A LOT! I hope you know that." she smiled.



Donghae's way of getting rid of his drug addiction was to be locked in a room for a month or two. Yoona would bring up food to him and lock him there. Since they had no money and could not afford rehab, they did this instead. It was his 48th day of rehab. He kept on banging the door with his head.

"UGH, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!" Donghae looked at the wall and banged his head there. 

"Yoona, please let me out. I change my mind! I am dying here!!" he tried to unlock the door but has failed... AGAIN

"Please just open the door and let me out."

Yoona could not stand his whines and complaints. "It's just the drugs trying to hypnotize you Donghae."

Donghae finally shut up and went to bed.


After the whole two months of his rehab, Yoona finally let him out. Donghae looked better and healthier but still thin but he really looked so much better than before. He sat down by the couch in the livingroom, sadness in his eyes. Yoona saw him and sat by with him.

"Donghae, what's wrong? You're finally free from those drugs' effects! You should be happy already."

Donghae put his hand over his face and said, "Yoona. I've hurt you so many times already.... How do you manage to put up with me and why?"   

Yoona looked at him with so much love. "Because I love you Donghae."

"Well, I could not have done it without you Yoona. You saved me." He said, smiling so much.

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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Woah! It has ended huh? Overall a good and nice story :)
There!! Now its going smooth! :D
yay they reconcile!update soon!
nice going :) but please no drug addiction :( that would totally ruin the story in my opinion.
If possible I would also like Jessica and Eun So to get a beating lol!~
yay ^^ <3 ur ff so much update soon and yoonhae hwaiting ^^
hey sorry but father in korean is appa not oppa. :D
btw nice fanfic :))