Hard Times

Teenage Drama Love

Donghae, Yoona and their new baby had been really happy for the first few months. They would go out together in the park and sometimes all three of them would eat ice cream. It was a happy-go-lucky life for them. They really didn't worry about anything at that moment because Donghae's father would pay for their bills. But that changed. They never realized that having a child was harder than they thought. And they really needed to work in order to support the three of them...


"Donghae, the bills are already a month overdue.."

"Um, don't worry Yoona. I'll talk to my dad. Maybe he'll lend us some money or at least something!"


A few minutes later, Donghae knocked in his father's office.

"Oppa, I know you already lent us a lot but even Yoona cannot afford diapers anymore... Could you lend us some more, please?" Donghae pleaded. "Please oppa, I promise to pay you back."

His father ignored him. Donghae groaned, "Please? We're desperate!"

His father stood up. "For God's sake! Donghae! When are you going to grow up and start taking responsibility? I just lost my job because of you! I can't be supporting you and your girlfriend too!"

"Arghh! Okay fine! I knew you would be like this! You know oppa, I make one mistake and now you're already punishing me for it! Well thanks so much for everything! And don't worry. You won't have any trouble with me anymore. I'm moving in with Yoona. That's final! I won't be here so you won't see my face ever again!"

Donghae takes all his things and moves out. His father watched him leave with anger. But he did not do anything about it. "Donghae will learn his lesson soon."


The next day, Donghae applied in a job in a downtown restaurant. He was accepted but only as a cleaner.  Everyday, Donghae would skip school in order to work and earn money. He only receives 100 won per hour which won't pay their bills.


One day, Donghae was late AGAIN in his soccer practice. He approached the gym with his coach really angry and disappointed.

"Annyeong-haseyo. Coach! I'm really really really sorry I'm late for practice. I got caught up in work and my boss was disappointed when I spilled water everywhere."

His coach stared him in the eye. "Well, I'm sorry too Donghae. But this has happened too many times. I'm sorry to say this but you're out of the team."

Donghae's eyes widened with fear. "WHAT!? You can't take me off the team!! How am I going to get into college without soccer?! PLEASE! I'll come on time, next time! I promise!!" Donghae was close to crying his eyes out. He loved soccer all his life and he had been the captain of the team for 3 years.

"I'm sorry Donghae. You're too much of a liability."

Donghae couldn't take it anymore. Then he started throwing tantrums at his coach.

"Wow! I'm already working 2 jobs a day to support my girlfriend and my baby! I'm SOOO sorry if I come in late sometimes, you inconsiderate ."

"Donghae, just go. Before I get you suspended here in school as well." 

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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Woah! It has ended huh? Overall a good and nice story :)
There!! Now its going smooth! :D
yay they reconcile!update soon!
nice going :) but please no drug addiction :( that would totally ruin the story in my opinion.
If possible I would also like Jessica and Eun So to get a beating lol!~
yay ^^ <3 ur ff so much update soon and yoonhae hwaiting ^^
hey sorry but father in korean is appa not oppa. :D
btw nice fanfic :))