Finally Adults

Teenage Drama Love


Years had gone by and their baby girl Tiffany is growing up as well as they are. It was Tiffany's 7th birthday and they decided to celebrate it in a fast food restaurant and go to their memorable park. Donghae and Yoona sat down by the bench and watched  their daughter play around the swing with some other kids.

"She's growing up so fast, Yoona. It only seems like yesterday when we were young like her." Donghae opened up the subject.  Yoona smiled and just looked at him. "How could I ever think anything or anyone was more imporant than you two? All I ever wanted to be was a good father and a good husband."

"So you're FINALLY going to make an honest woman of me?" Yoona smirked.

Donghae didn't react. "Well, I already know how much you love me Donghae." she winked.

Donghae thought for awhile and looked at Yoona.

"I know Yoona," he said with a big smile. "And I want the whole world to know how much I feel about you."


The next day, Donghae brought Yoona to a beautiful garden in a blindfold as a surprise for their 8th anniversary.

"Donghae, you better know what you're doing or else I might trip or something here!" she laughed.

"Wait, it's a surprise." he smirked.

As soon as they got to their destination, he removed the blindfold. Yoona saw a beautiful garden, with a romantic ambiance and also a romantic dinner table for two and a sparkling lake flowing by.

"Donghae! What's all this?"

"Happy 8th anniversary dear!"

"Aww Donghae! You shouldn't have! Happy 8th anniversary!" Yoona kissed Donghae's lips. 

They had spent the whole day together. They rode the small boat and enjoyed the view and each other's company. When dusk had came, they got off the boat and went to their dinner table. The garden had turned vividly beautiful. The lights and the scent had made it scenery beautiful indeed. They had their own personal chef and ordered anything they wanted. It was part of Yoona's father and Donghae's plan. Plus Donghae had prepared a very special surprise for Yoona. After eating, Donghae had small talk with Yoona.

"So Yoona, how was your evening?"

She was still picking on her food. "It was romantic Donghae! How sweet of you!"

"Oh, that reminds me! I forgot to order our cake! Waiter!"

The waiter immidiately came as soon as he was called.

"Waiter, please give my love over here the cake I had ordered." Donghae winked and smirked.

"Donghae, that's really sweet of you! I can't believe we made it this far. Our 8th anniversary... Imagine that?"

"Yeah, it's been that long. But we've known each other longer than that." Donghae gave out a small smile.

The waited handed the cake to Yoona. She smiled and began eating. Donghae watched in joy as she was eating and accidentally laughed.

"Hey, what's so funny?"

"Nothing, you're just cute when you eat."

She continued eating but as soon as she took her second bite, she bit something hard which made her say "ouch." She placed her hand inside and suddenly she felt a ring. A diamond ring. She was stunned and looked immidiately at him. "Oh my god Donghae!" Donghae took the ring and kneeled. "Yoona, I know this is crazy. And we've known each other since we were still young. Ever since that time, I have always loved you and I hope you know that. Yoona, I love you so much. Will you marry me?" She shed tears of joy and hugged Donghae. "Yes, Yes I will!" she screamed. "Donghae, that was awfully sweet of you. I love you so much." she said, enjoying the night with him.

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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Woah! It has ended huh? Overall a good and nice story :)
There!! Now its going smooth! :D
yay they reconcile!update soon!
nice going :) but please no drug addiction :( that would totally ruin the story in my opinion.
If possible I would also like Jessica and Eun So to get a beating lol!~
yay ^^ <3 ur ff so much update soon and yoonhae hwaiting ^^
hey sorry but father in korean is appa not oppa. :D
btw nice fanfic :))