
Charmed ones




                                   A lady was sitted in a dark room lighten candles around her and start saying some spells '' come to me kali, i congure thee kali ,come to me kali'' when a women appear at the mirror infront of her...'' I'm here Aviva'' the women say..................'' I't been over a week'' the lady tell the women at the mirror................'' i know, be patient Aviva'' .................'' But i have done everything that you've asked, I've followed the 3 Omega brothers , i know their every move'' ........................'' Which will all become valuable in good time , you must trust me, You must make them want you as badly as you want them ....Are you ready to receive your power?'' the women in the mirror asked..............'' You know i am'' the lady smile happily........'' Remember , it's a sacred power, if i give it to you, you must use it only as i say''.................'' i will, i promise''..............'' very well , reach for the mirror, put out your hands, Feel the power '' the lady sighs and put her hands on the mirror and light start comming out from his hads  ...............'' You know what to do . go to Suho,Luhan and Baekhyun'' The woemn say and dissapear 



Luhan is sitting looking at some papers when a man went infront of him bending to fix somethings , Luhan start looking at the man ....'' Yeah, there's definitely something here'' the man say...........'' Definitely'' Luhan say in a low voice ..........'' My,Santa,you've changed'' Baekhyun eneter the living room with a acup of coffee .....'' He's looking for kit'' Luhan tell baekhyun..............'' The cat, right, four legs ,fur, i remeber'' Baekhyun bite his lower lips looking at the man too.............''Aah, Sorry, you know, have you tried the shelter?'' the man asked..................''Yeah, nothing'' Luhan relipied ..........'' but i am sure he has a coller right, with your number on it'' ..................'' A vet distinctive collar, actually'' Baekhyun tell the man.........................'' Anyway ,thanks for looking , i'm sure you must be hungry after all that work''..............Luhan stand from the chair and tell the man, .......'' All that work?'' The man asked Luhan and baekhyun giggle....................''Oh , that just Luhan ,he's got to be everyone's mom. Think of him as your mom, i know i do'' Baekhyun tell the man ................the man start laughing ........ '' thanks, let me put these , flyers up first  and, uh, i'll be right back okay?'' the man took the flyers about missing cat from Luhan hands ..............''Oh, the finest glutes in the city'' Baekhyun tell Luhan while both of them stare the man back.......'' i saw him first'' Luhan tell baekhyun..............'' Uh-uh''...........''mhh-mhh'' 


Luhan enter the kitchen and prepare a meal and a glass of milk ..............'' Here you go , Sehun'' ...............'' thanks '' ,,,,,,,,,'' Just don't call me mom '' Luhan smile at Sehun  and saw baekhyun and Suho coming down from the stairs ....................'' Hey, Sehun, how's it going?'' Suho asked...............''Good, uh, this wall only needs two coats then i got to do molding and i'm done''Sehun tell Suho...............'' mmh, are you sure it doesn't need three coats?'' Baekhyun ask and Luhan look at him.................'' Uh...nice outfit, at 9 in the morning with no place to go'' Luhan tell Baekhyun.............''Hmm! Oh Sehun come here ''Baekhyun took sehun coller and bring him near his face and wipe Sehun lips with his thumb... Got milk'' ......................'' uh, Baekhyun ,come here '' Suho drag him away to the kitchen...............................'' i think that Luhan likes Sehun, '' Suho tell baekhyun................'' What's not to like, he's a great Alpha '' Baekhyun bite his lips .................'' No, i mean really likes him'' .....................'' your point being?'' Baekhyun ask.................''i think you know '' .................. '' okay look Suho, i think we need to put some major closure on this or we're gonna be in rocking chairs, slurping oatmeal out of rubber spoons and i'm still gonna hear about roger..............luhan  good you came,. am i a boyfriend thief?'' Baekhyun ask Luhan who just enter the kitchen.................''Totally'' Luhan replied ............'' whom have i touched other that one Alpha?''...............'' won bin'' Luhan tell him.................'' Won bin, Eight grade Won bin? '' Baekhyun asked..................'' you kissed him , at the homecoming'' .....................'' No, i did not kiis him at homecoming, i was helping him finding a contact lens''..................'' Oh please you were all over him with your chest all,whatever ''.........................'' i didn't even have a chest back then''...........................'' Baekhyun, you've always had chest'' Suho tell him looking angry...................''So, i think i will let you two work this out on your own, but remember i get the house for myself tonight just kris and me, no warlocks,no innocents to protect and expecially no brothers '' Suho tell them and leave ......................''So, Baek you know, it's not like either one of us has a problem finding if one of us got Sehun, it'd be okay with the other one.............................''Absolutely'' .................''so we can just consider this a friendly competition'' Luhan told Baekhyun..................''Siblings rivalry''....''War''....''exactly''


please comment so that i know who is reading     TT

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2439 streak #1
Chapter 8: who is this Aviva and what is she gonna do to the 3?
also, Suho will have the house alone with Kris? last time i checked, they were not together yet? so... when and how did that happen???
Chapter 8: Just let Chanyeol be cupid, Just let Chanyeol be cupid, Just let Chanyeol be cupid.
2439 streak #3
Chapter 7: wow, this is a whole adventure of a chapter!!!
at least they finally saved Mark's soul! the audacity of those who wanted to use him as another person's dead body!!!
Luhan tho... I'm sure you'll find someone... someone alive...

ughhh the man Baek saw in his vision is so stubborn!!! just trust Baek pls!
2439 streak #4
Chapter 6: Lu getting cold feet!
but it was just Luhan there to meet Mark's mother, right? or was Suho with them? anyway, Lu! Mark needs a proper burial for his soul to be at peace! he needs you!

Kris turning the tides on Suho tho! wow...
2439 streak #5
Suho's power is so interesting tho! and his first use of it in public is even more interesting! HAHAHA revenge cake over the head!!!

LMAO at Baek using his powers to get a job tho! HAHAHAHA Baek is really oh so a headache for his hyungs... anyway, where is the dead soul taking the two?
2439 streak #6
lmao at Jun wanting to test if he'll burn when he enters the church tho HAHA

why is Baek so generous, if it were me, I'd certainly save the winning numbers for myself! HAHAHAHAHAHA
2439 streak #7
Chapter 3: powers fully activated!!!
ugh Suho! you've chosen someone over Yifan who already has the vote of your brother! and turns out, said boyfriend has been a demon waiting for him to awaken his powers this whole time!!! UGH what luck lol

ps. i think aside from the fact that Suho was in peril coz he faced the demon alone, i think Lu is gonna appreciate that his ship is gonna sail soon HAHA
2439 streak #8
Chapter 2: is this based on the TV show Charmed?
i haven't watched that i only know bits and pieces... but, this is interesting...
Beau1996 1372 streak #9
Chapter 2: Powers granted!!
Beau1996 1372 streak #10
Chapter 1: I like it!! Baek is the black sheep😁