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Charmed ones

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'' home'' Start with Suho shake his wet hair which he got from all the rain ...he put his umbrella beside the front door .........''In here, working on the chandelier.''  

'' sorry ..i know i am late'' Suho went in the living room and saw Luhan on the ladder............'' Yah ...What new know Hyung ,i would've been here to meet the electrician myself..but i have work too...we promise each other that you will stay till the electrician leave....but here i am on the ladder trying to fix this damn thing'' Luhan  get down on the ladder and face Suho

'' Sorry... promise ,tomorrow i will call the electrian man first thing in the did anyone call for me?'' Suho ask  ..................'' No, but there are flowers delivered for you''  Luhan put the ladder aside and follow Suho...............'' oooh, i didn't know you are seeing the Officer guy'' Luhan smile after seeing the letter name that was written  when Suho open it ...............

'' I am not dating him... .. you know i have a boyfriend '' Suho put the flowers in a jar .................'' Yah yah,,,i don't know what you see in that man .. he not even handsome like kris.....,, Okay sorry how is work?'' Luhan change the topic after Suho give him a shut up look

'' Good... .. i had a visitor at the restaurant today... he to have a baby shower suprise party for his wife ..and he want me to make the foods'' Suho put a coffe cup infront of Luhan and put sit on the kitchen chair drinking his.........................'' wow that wonderful... i wish i have someone to love me like that ..this life is boring '' ....Suho laugh at him     '' OH MY GOD...i don't believe it.. tell me this is not our old spirit board'' Suho put his coffee cup 

''Yeah..i found it in the basment when i was looking for the circuit tester...'' Luhan answer him..................'' To my three beautiful Omegas, may this give you the light to find the shadows  .. The power of three will set you free, love mom'' Suho read the words written at the board and look at Luhan..............'' We never did figure out what this inscription meant'' Suho tell Luhan........

'' was thinking of sending it to baekhyun.. that omega is so in the dark..maybe a little bit of light will help'' Luhan tell suho 

'' You're always so hard on him'' Suho put the board on the table ......"Hyung, that omega has no vision, no sense of the future '' Luhan answer him and take his cup to the sink

''I really think Baek's coming around'' Suho nod at his own words as he say them

'' Well, as long as he doesn't come around here, i guess that's good news'' Luhan answer him and went to his room ...Suho give out a heavy sigh and take his bag and leave   didn' t get to see the board move


''Ah , it about time '' ................'' I got here as soon as i heard., Another dead female rihjt? Mid to late 20s?'' ..............................'' I've been paging you for over an hour Wu, where have you been?    ....'' town..checking out a lead  '' the Wu answer and he follow the man inside a house ..'' What lead?'' the man asked 

'' One that did'nt go anywhere'' Wu answer him

'' you are avoiding my question'' the man answer him 

'' Beacause you don't want to know ..i went to an occult shop'' 

'' Ah .. i know you hate me man... anyone someone is after witches..Women....that women up[ there i'll bet she was killed with an athame'' 

'' can i see the knife?'' wu asked and the man give him a paper which contain the knife full of blood..............'' WITCHES''  Wu shake his head and look at the man

'' kris wu ... man just don't do anything stupid... '' The man pat his shoulder and leave...........


'' mmh mmh mhhh'' Suho cough looking at Luhan...................'' What?'' Luhan ask 

'' know  how we've been talking  what to do with that spare room.....i think you are right we do need housemate'' Suho bite his lips 

'' Well, we could rent out the room at reduced rate in exchange for help around the house'' Luhan answer him and countinue reading his book

'' Beakhyun is good with a wrench'' Suho bite his fingers looking at his brother 

'' Hyung , Beakhyun live in outside the town'' 

'' Not anymore '' ...........................;'' What?'' Luhan put the book on the table  and look at Suho.................'' He's moving back in with us'' Suho close his eyes 

'' You've got to be kidding me '' Luhan stand angrily and went to the fridge 

'' Well, i could hardly say's her house too'' Suho followed Luhan......................'' yah .. we haven't seen or spoken to him for three years now'' Luhan put the bottle of water back in the fridge.......................''Well, you haven't spoken to him too''  Suho keep following Luhan around

''No, i have'nt ...Look, maybe you've forgotten why i'm so mad at him'' Luhan stop going around the living room and look at his elder brother 

'' No , i have not forgotten ...but he is my brother too, and he had nowhere else to go ......He lost his job, he is in debt''.....................'' And this is new? How long have you known about this anyway?'' Luhan ask folding his hand across his chest

''A couple of days.....maybe a week ..or two'' Suho whisper

'' Oh.. thanks for sharing.......when does he arrive?'' Luhan asked ............................................''SUPRISE'' ..........luhan look at Suho who was smilling at him 

'' I found the hide key'' .....................'' Beakhyun....welcome home'' Suho went and hug him..........'' OH , Suho hyung's soo good to see you ....''...............''it so good to see you too .... right Luhan?'' Suho ask Luhan who was angry

'' I'm speechless.........''.........Luhan look at beakhyun  '' i forgot to pay the taxi.....'' Luhan look at Suho...................'' Don't worry i will take care of it.........Suho took a purse on the table.

'' Hyung that my purse'' Luhan shout

'' I know ...''Suho reply 

Luhan and Beakhyun look at each other.............'' Wow you still hate me.... '' Beakhyun bite his lower lips

'' Hey ...why don't i make a reunion dinner?

'' I am not hungry'' Luhan 

'' I ate on the bus '' Beakhyun

the two say the words at the same time and both leave Suho 




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2439 streak #1
Chapter 8: who is this Aviva and what is she gonna do to the 3?
also, Suho will have the house alone with Kris? last time i checked, they were not together yet? so... when and how did that happen???
Chapter 8: Just let Chanyeol be cupid, Just let Chanyeol be cupid, Just let Chanyeol be cupid.
2439 streak #3
Chapter 7: wow, this is a whole adventure of a chapter!!!
at least they finally saved Mark's soul! the audacity of those who wanted to use him as another person's dead body!!!
Luhan tho... I'm sure you'll find someone... someone alive...

ughhh the man Baek saw in his vision is so stubborn!!! just trust Baek pls!
2439 streak #4
Chapter 6: Lu getting cold feet!
but it was just Luhan there to meet Mark's mother, right? or was Suho with them? anyway, Lu! Mark needs a proper burial for his soul to be at peace! he needs you!

Kris turning the tides on Suho tho! wow...
2439 streak #5
Suho's power is so interesting tho! and his first use of it in public is even more interesting! HAHAHA revenge cake over the head!!!

LMAO at Baek using his powers to get a job tho! HAHAHAHA Baek is really oh so a headache for his hyungs... anyway, where is the dead soul taking the two?
2439 streak #6
lmao at Jun wanting to test if he'll burn when he enters the church tho HAHA

why is Baek so generous, if it were me, I'd certainly save the winning numbers for myself! HAHAHAHAHAHA
2439 streak #7
Chapter 3: powers fully activated!!!
ugh Suho! you've chosen someone over Yifan who already has the vote of your brother! and turns out, said boyfriend has been a demon waiting for him to awaken his powers this whole time!!! UGH what luck lol

ps. i think aside from the fact that Suho was in peril coz he faced the demon alone, i think Lu is gonna appreciate that his ship is gonna sail soon HAHA
2439 streak #8
Chapter 2: is this based on the TV show Charmed?
i haven't watched that i only know bits and pieces... but, this is interesting...
Beau1996 1372 streak #9
Chapter 2: Powers granted!!
Beau1996 1372 streak #10
Chapter 1: I like it!! Baek is the black sheep😁