Chapter 7

Charmed ones




                        At home Suho was busy cleaning the gas cooker when Baekhyun enter ............'' Alpha trouble?'' Baekhyun ask Suho '' I don't wasnt to talk about it'' Suho reply to Baekhyun..........'' By the way, where were you last night?   something wrong? '' Suho ask Baekhyun..........'' I don't wanna talk about it'' Baekhyun reply to Suho and take hand gloves .......................'' Okay, you never clean, and you'll talk about anything , so what's up?'' Suho look at baekhyun and ask..............'' Baekhyun'' Suho hold his hand..................'' Okay...i had a premonition, a really bad one, i saw a guy getting run over by a pink cadillac''...........'' Pink cadillac?'' Suho ask....................''i know it sound ridiculos, but it's true...i saw it, and i don't know what to do about it''............................'' did you warn him?''........''yeah i tried, he thought i was out of my mind, thought i was stalking him or something.....i mean,how do you tell a complete stranger that you know they're going to die?''.....................................''Where is he now?''.................................'' The hotel neptune"Baekhyun whisper.......................'' And what were you doing there?'' Suho ask......................'' I knew you were going to ask that......i wanted to get a job ,,, you and Luhan both work  and i don't have any education papers to get me to have a job, so i got a job at the hote as their lounge psychic................go ahead and yell at me''......................'' Baekhyun you have to save him, you can't let him out of your sight''.........................''Oh, don't worry i waited untin he went to sleep,and then i broke a key off in his door to lock him in....he's safe till, you are not mad at me?'' Baekhyun ask....................'' No, i am not Luhan, and you were trying to do something good''


.......................'' You guys have to see this'' Luhan yell and baekhyun and Suho went to the living room.......................'' They found my body'' Mark told the two as he point the tv.........................''Although police reported that the body was burned beyond recognition, personal effects found at the scene preliminarily identify him as Tony Wong- head of the chinatown triads'' ......................''No, that can't be, That's the guy who kiiled me'' Mark thell the brother when a picture of a man was shown at the news .........'' Oh,no...wait, i see him'' ...........baekhyun say as his eyes were closed..............''Wong,he's still alive'' ...............''Ofcourse he's still alive, that's me they found''Mark told Baekhyun......................''Can you see where he is right now?'' Suho ask baekhyun.....................''I-I see a sign. uh quick''Luhan gave him a pen and a paper....................''what does this mean?''...''Wu Han imports, it a warehouse ,i know where that is'' Mark told him



''Luhan, i think this is too dangerous'' .........Mark and Luhan enter the warehouse that Baekhyun saw .................''It's your only chance''Luhan tell him.................''Luhan listen to me, you don't want to go up there,Those mens pulled the trigger on me without even thinking, they'll kill you''...............Mark hold Luhan hand to stop him ...........'' i can throw things ,remember?''................''But there are three thugs in there''.............''Keep talking '' Luhan told him.......'' With guns''Mark say.............., even better'' ...................''wait,wait,wait, He's got an amulet on the door, i can't go in''.......................Luhan saw the amulet an throw it .............'' Never mind'' mark smile........''are you not scared''Mark askrd luhan.........''Terrified, trust me that's a good two three'' Luhan open the door and throw the three thugs ................'' we have to hurry'' ..........He took the margazine that say Wong found dead and give it to the wong and take a picture of him...................'' he throw the mens again when they run to him............''Run''Luhan goes out of the room ...................''GET HIM''the wong man shout at the other two mens who were with him.................luhan run to his car .................


'' Okay, i have put the photograph on Kris table .....''................''So my Afterlife is on the hand of a cop named kris''.....................'' He's an inspector and he's is very Good mark..After he sees Wong is alive,he'll know exactly what to do''..........................''Busts Wong maybe, but that doesn't help me, They won't have any way of identifying my body as mine'' .........................''I put your name in with the picture, Kris will get dental records or something and match it up....All we have to do is keep Yama away from you until then''.....................................''I don't know what to say''.......Luhan look at mark who was smilling............'' Don't say anything, i made you a promise, didn't i?.......................

'' Tlking to yourself, huh?'' Luhan look behind him  and saw kris .........''Kris, hi...Yeah,um it's an old habit, i do it all the time''....................''My mom used to call it interesting conversations with an interesting person''.................''Yeah, haha interesting''...........''Very interesting''Mark Laugh at Luhan ..............'' So,what are you doing here?'' ...........''Oh,um nothing ,you know just passing by''..............''Suho tells you,what's going on?'' Kris ask Luhan....................''No, well, yeah, i mean sort of..kind of screwed up huh?''................................''Any idea what i should do?'' ...................''Oh ,so that kris?''Mark asked ..............''Yeah'' luhan answer him...............''I mean,yeah,um..just give him some space,let him work it through.......'' '...............''Yeah,okay''Kris hug Luhan........''thanks...take care''.............................................''What?'' Luhan ask Mark who was just smilling looking at him.........''You're really a sweet person,you know that?....i want to take you somewhere,something i want to do for you''Mark tol Luhan


''You leave me alone, you locked me in my room''...................''Yeah,but just for your own protection''Baekhyun run after the man ...........''What do you want,money huh?'' The man ask him sound so angry and mad at baekhyun.................''No,i'm trying to save your life For God sakes, listen to me'' ........................''You are crazy'' the man run away from baekhyun .................''If you walk out that door, you're a dead man!'' Baekhyun shout at the man...........................''Mr, don't do it'' Baekhyun run after him ..................''Watch out'' Baekhyun shout and throw the man away fro the car...............'' That will be twenty dollar, tips will be included'' he tel the man and he walk away from him


'' this is your place?, it's beautiful'' Mark took Luhan to his place.............''Camus, i'm impressed'' Luhan took one of the book that was on the table.....................''Wish i heard a chance to finish it, ofcourse i could say that about almost everything i guess''Mark told Luhan...............''i love this world, as a dead world and always there comes an hour where one is weary of prisons,and all one craves for is a warm face the warmth and woner of the living heart'' Luhan read part of the book and look at mark..........'' I like that part'' Mark told Luhan...............''Listen,if your cop friend comes through,maybe i'll get a chance to ask camus himself how it turns out.......................i want you to reach for something'' Mark told Luhan ...............'' Go ahead,open it''......Mark told Luhan after he took the black box on the shelf............

''What are they?''.......................''my grandmother ring ,.............i want you to have them , they are important to me ,he told me to give it to someone take it  , it a thank you for being here and help me ''.........................''Thank you...i wish i can hug you '' Luhan look at mark nad wipe his tears '' close your eyes ''Luhan told mark and went near his lips wanting to kiss him...............''Where were you my whole life?''Mark asked him............................''No Luhan , somebody help''

''Suho, Baekhyun help, they took him , wong men took Luhan''.................Mark enter luhan home..............''Do you know where they took him?'' Baekhyun ask...''I'm calling 911'' ..............''No,do it from the car we have to find him'' Suho run out of the house'' even if it takes all night ''  Marrk told them


''The first time i saw you,i thought you were a ghost'' The wong told Luhan................''You know these ropes are really tight  if you could just untie my hands?...Why did you kill mark?'' Luhan asked  Wong...............''I needed his identity, who else knows i'm alive?'' Wong hold Luhan hair and pull him ..........'' I had plans, i had a boat ready to take me to Hong Kong, i had a whole new life, but you screwed it all up'' 

''Quick, they have her upstairs!Look out!''Mark shout at Suho and he quick freeze the man who want to shoot him...................''I'll take her, you shoot anyone who comes through that door'' Wong tell his mens..............''Suhooo'' Luhan shout and use his hand which are untied and throw the Wong guy away from Suho..............''Thanks Luhan'' Suho breath...'' Freeze him ...'' Baekhyun shout and Suho fast freeze the whole room................'' Let get you out of here'' Suho run to open the ropes at Luhan legs....................''How long will this last again?'' Mark ask ...........'' Not very ''Suho reply..................'' Who are you peoples?'' Wong run away facing the omegas after he had unfreeze...........Luhan throw him away with his hands .............the police car start surrounding the warehouse.......................'' Police Freeze!'' Kris shout at Wong when he try to run away and kris shoot him when he wanted to shoot  him ................

the brother went to look down from the warehouse balcony,,,'' I've never seen anybody killed before'' Suho look at kris ...............'' Jeremy, Jvna'' Baekhyun tell him ...........'' i mean humans'' Suho tell baekhyun...............'' Come on, we need to get out of here before Kris sees us'' Luhan tell them............

'' Wong'' ..........the brothers run only to stop  when he saw Wong infront of them............'' But... you're dead'' Wong tell mark...................'' Yeah, so are you'' Mark tell wong when yama appears....'' Mark, i think you should get out of here'' Luhan tell Mark...............'' Make a wish you bastard'' Mark throw wong to Yama  and he took his soul.......'' No, you can't take him , he is agood man and he doen't belong to you''  Luhan run infront of Mark to stop Yama from taking him too and  his brothers join him..............they all sigh when Ymama dissapear.............


''Take it from me , don't miss any of your birthdays , they're precious..............i wish'' Mark told the brothers in his funeral.................'' I know, me too'' Luhan start crying and Mark move his hand near Luhan face making Suho and baekhyun look away ............''I'm gonna miss you Luhan'' ................Luhan smile at Mark when a amn appears   wearing a ablack suit........'' Who is that man?'' Baekhyun ask................'' That's my dad'' Mark told them..........'' i gues this is really good bye'' the brothers wave at him seeing him dissapear with his father and they hug Luhan who start crying ...........''Leave it to me to fall for a dead guy '' Luhan start laughing while crying ...............




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2439 streak #1
Chapter 8: who is this Aviva and what is she gonna do to the 3?
also, Suho will have the house alone with Kris? last time i checked, they were not together yet? so... when and how did that happen???
Chapter 8: Just let Chanyeol be cupid, Just let Chanyeol be cupid, Just let Chanyeol be cupid.
2439 streak #3
Chapter 7: wow, this is a whole adventure of a chapter!!!
at least they finally saved Mark's soul! the audacity of those who wanted to use him as another person's dead body!!!
Luhan tho... I'm sure you'll find someone... someone alive...

ughhh the man Baek saw in his vision is so stubborn!!! just trust Baek pls!
2439 streak #4
Chapter 6: Lu getting cold feet!
but it was just Luhan there to meet Mark's mother, right? or was Suho with them? anyway, Lu! Mark needs a proper burial for his soul to be at peace! he needs you!

Kris turning the tides on Suho tho! wow...
2439 streak #5
Suho's power is so interesting tho! and his first use of it in public is even more interesting! HAHAHA revenge cake over the head!!!

LMAO at Baek using his powers to get a job tho! HAHAHAHA Baek is really oh so a headache for his hyungs... anyway, where is the dead soul taking the two?
2439 streak #6
lmao at Jun wanting to test if he'll burn when he enters the church tho HAHA

why is Baek so generous, if it were me, I'd certainly save the winning numbers for myself! HAHAHAHAHAHA
2439 streak #7
Chapter 3: powers fully activated!!!
ugh Suho! you've chosen someone over Yifan who already has the vote of your brother! and turns out, said boyfriend has been a demon waiting for him to awaken his powers this whole time!!! UGH what luck lol

ps. i think aside from the fact that Suho was in peril coz he faced the demon alone, i think Lu is gonna appreciate that his ship is gonna sail soon HAHA
2439 streak #8
Chapter 2: is this based on the TV show Charmed?
i haven't watched that i only know bits and pieces... but, this is interesting...
Beau1996 1372 streak #9
Chapter 2: Powers granted!!
Beau1996 1372 streak #10
Chapter 1: I like it!! Baek is the black sheep😁