Charmed 2

Charmed ones






  Down the living room Baekhyun and Suho were talking while messing around with the spirit board....'' I can see Kris is still wooing you, why don't you give him a try?'' Baekhyun asked Suho...............'' I have a boyfriend already baek '' 

'' mhhhh , where did you meet your boyfriend?'' Baekhyun asked ..............'' We met at the hospital cafeteria the day Grams was admitted.......He was there with his sister having lunch...There Father was admitted '' Suho answer him...'' I was crying so he gave me a napkin...and the napkin has his phone number'' Baekhyun start laughing..............'' Stop moving the pointer'' Suho telled him

'' i am not moving it'' Baekhyun answerd him............'' You, you always move the pointer.... more popcorn?'' Suho stand taking popcorn bowl  ..........

''HYUNG''Baekhyun shout and both suho and luhan run to him.............'' What with the noise?'' Luhan asked............'' The pointer on the spirit board, it moved on its own'' Baekhyun telled them , both Luhan and Suho looked at him as if he was crazy..................'' I am serious it spelled A T , i didn't even touch it , look'' Baekhun say and the two brothers start laughing leaving him when the pointer didnt move.... 

''AKHH , It did moved'' Suho look back and was shocked to see the pointer moved....'' There look...You saw that right?''Baekhyun ask Suho...................''I think so, yeah'' Suho answerd standing infront of the board....'' I told you i wan't touching it '' ......................'' LUHAN...GET HERE NOW'' suho shout when the pointer move again......Baekhyun took  a pen and paper and wrote the letters that the pointer moved to.........'' ATTIC''  Baekhyun show them the words  the storms were so loud which made the blackout all of a sudden when Baekhyun say the word .......''  Don't you think you're overreacting?..We are perfectly safe here ''  Luhan follow Suho who was on the way to the main door ........'' Don't say that, in horror movies, the person who say that is always the next to die'' Suho was so scared .. ...'' Hyung , it pouring rain...and there's a psycho on the loose , your boyfriend is not even home '' Luhan stand infront of Suho as Suho wear his jacket.........'' So ,, i will call Kris if i have to''  Suho say ..........'' oh , that will be wired '' Luhan tell him ...............'' Luhan , i saw that pointer move'' 

''No, look, what you saw is Baekhyun move the pointer with his fingers...There's nothing in the attic, He's playing a joke on us'' .........................'' We , don't know that, we have lived in this house for years since grandmother died and we have never be able to open the Attic door '' Suho took his telephone ....'' Great! now the phone is off'' Suho put his phone on the table ..................'' Look, just go with me in the basement'' ...............'' What?'' Suho look at luhan ........'' i need you to hold the flashlight while i check out the main cicruit box'' .....................Baekhyun will go with you to the basement,won't you , Baekhyun?'' Suho tell luhan when he saw Baekhyun

'' Nope, i'm going to the Attic'' Baekhyun tell them......'' No, you're not..we already agreed'' Luhan tell Baekhyun ...............'' I am not waiting for some handyman to check out the attic,and i'm certainly not waiting until tomorrow...I am going now'' Baekhyun start climb the stairs .............Luhan shake his head an leave Suho ..........''Luhan , wait.'' Suho start following Luhan to the basement

Baekhyun start moving slowly near the attic and try to open the door but failed .....''Akhhh'' he sighs and give up ...when he start making his way to  the stairs he heard the attic door open which made him stop walking , he look back and saw the door fully opened , he poin the flashlight in the room and slowly start entering it .... All there toys when they were young there grandmother couch .....Baekhyun start looking around and stop when he saw light going to one of the box that was kept alone and light start shinning inside the box...Baekhyun went to the box and open it .. He saw one big old book inside the box....he took it out and sit near the box

'' THE BOOK OF SHADOWS'' the word were written bold in the front page 

'' Hearnow the words of the witches,the secrets we hid in the night.The Oldest of Gods are invoked here.The great work of majic is sought.In this night and this hour,I call upon the ancient power.Bring your powers to we omegas three.We want the power.Give us the power'' Baekhyun read out the words on the book and when he finish the light start coming  ... one of there picture move and make the three brothers stand together.

''What you doing?'' Luhan ask and baekhyun look at them coimg inside the attic..................'' Uh....reading an was in this Book of Shadows ..i found it in that box'' Baekhyun stand and put the book in one of the book table 

'' Let me see that '' Luhan took the book ..........'' How did you get in here, the Door did'nt open at all'' Suho asked............''The door opened ,on it on ...i swear'' Baekhyun look at them

'' Wait a minute...An incantation?...what kind of incantation?'' Luhan ask while opening the book............'' It said something about there being three essentials of majic: Time,Feeling and the phases of the moon....If we were ever going to do this, now, midnight on a full the most powerful time'' Baekhyun tell them

'' This?...Do this what?'' Luhan ask...................'' Accepting our powers.'' Baekhyun say..................''What powers?'' Suho ask........'' Wait Our powers? you included me?'' Luhan ask.............'' No, he included all of us'' Suho say lloking at baekhyun ........... '' Bring yours to we Omegas three.'' Suho read on of the lind loudly for them to hear........'' It a book of wichcraft'' Luhan was so pissed of 

'' Spirit boards...books of figures all this freaky stuff started when you arrived'' Luhan say going down the stairs .............'' Hey, i wasn't the one that found the spirit board''  Baekhyun say............'' it wan't my fingers sliding on the pointer''.............the two starty arguing ...............'' stop it you two ... nothing happen right Baekhyun ..when you did that incantatio?'' Suho ask 

'' Well,my head spin around, and i vomitted split pea soup....How should i know? ''........................'' Well , everything look the same , '' Luhan look around the house.........'' Right, but the house still needs work'' Suho enter the kitchen looking aroud

'' Everything feels the same,so nothing changed right?''Suho asked  with a scared angry voice ...they all pass the photo 


in the morning baekhyun sit on the stairs outside there house drinking his coffee ...........'' you are up early'' He look behind and saw Suho coing out of the house ready for work

'' I never went to sleep'' Baekhyun deink his coffee................'' Don't tell me you still thinking about the book....what were you doing all night?'' Suho sit beside him '' i was Luhan around?''Baekhyun ask .............'' He went to work early...reading aloud?'' Suho ask........................'' No, but according to the book of shadows,one of our ancestors was a witch..named Kim Boa '' .................'' And we have a cousin who is spiderman'' Suho laugh at himself when he made the joke statement...............'' I'm serious'' Baekhyun stand on the stairs and follow Suho .. '' She practiced powers, three powers...she could move objects with her mind,see the future and stop time... before Boa was burned at the stake , she vowed that each generation of warren witches would become stronger and stronger culminating in the arrival of three these Omegas will be the most powerful withes that world has ever known...they are good witches, and i think we are the three Omegas'' Suho put his things in his car and look at baekhyun

'' Look, i know what happemed last night was wired and unexplainable,but we are not withes and we do not have special powers..................and besides, Grams wasn't a witch and far as we know, neither was mom..'' Suho kiss Baekhyun cheek and get into his car 


'' What you talking about, i have been doing this project since the beggining..and i am the one who know how it worked , how come i am not qualified?..... they can't pull me out of the project .................oh come on don't tell me you are the one who is qualified?'' Luhan was at his office talking to one of his coworker

'' I Could hardly say no to the entire board of directors could I? His co worker ask..'' But i know you'll be happy for me, after all, what's good for me is defintly good for you right Mr Kim?''.......................''Bastard'' Luhan close his eyes and leave  .....didn't see the ink feeling his co worker shirt


''Your time is up...............let see Uh...roast pork with gratin of florence fennel and penne with port giblet sause , huh?''........................

''Uh, chef moore''  ......'' Yes, Suho   .............'' the port ... i didn't have time''..............''Ah ah'' The chef intrupt Suho talking and took one of the meat ready to eat when Suho freeze him.............. '' Wow''' Suho was beyond shock .. he shake his head and took a binch of the port and add it to the meat he was holding............and  hold his hand up and it unfreeze the chef .............

''MMMH that is very good'' the chef tell suho who was still schoked but manage to nod his head


Baekhyun was riding his bicycle when saw to boys get hit by a car in his mind....he try to ignore it but he saw the same car that was in his mind coming and the boys showed up............'' No!wait'' Baekhyun jump out of his bick and run to the boys ....throw the boys out of the road only to hurt himself


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2439 streak #1
Chapter 8: who is this Aviva and what is she gonna do to the 3?
also, Suho will have the house alone with Kris? last time i checked, they were not together yet? so... when and how did that happen???
Chapter 8: Just let Chanyeol be cupid, Just let Chanyeol be cupid, Just let Chanyeol be cupid.
2439 streak #3
Chapter 7: wow, this is a whole adventure of a chapter!!!
at least they finally saved Mark's soul! the audacity of those who wanted to use him as another person's dead body!!!
Luhan tho... I'm sure you'll find someone... someone alive...

ughhh the man Baek saw in his vision is so stubborn!!! just trust Baek pls!
2439 streak #4
Chapter 6: Lu getting cold feet!
but it was just Luhan there to meet Mark's mother, right? or was Suho with them? anyway, Lu! Mark needs a proper burial for his soul to be at peace! he needs you!

Kris turning the tides on Suho tho! wow...
2439 streak #5
Suho's power is so interesting tho! and his first use of it in public is even more interesting! HAHAHA revenge cake over the head!!!

LMAO at Baek using his powers to get a job tho! HAHAHAHA Baek is really oh so a headache for his hyungs... anyway, where is the dead soul taking the two?
2439 streak #6
lmao at Jun wanting to test if he'll burn when he enters the church tho HAHA

why is Baek so generous, if it were me, I'd certainly save the winning numbers for myself! HAHAHAHAHAHA
2439 streak #7
Chapter 3: powers fully activated!!!
ugh Suho! you've chosen someone over Yifan who already has the vote of your brother! and turns out, said boyfriend has been a demon waiting for him to awaken his powers this whole time!!! UGH what luck lol

ps. i think aside from the fact that Suho was in peril coz he faced the demon alone, i think Lu is gonna appreciate that his ship is gonna sail soon HAHA
2439 streak #8
Chapter 2: is this based on the TV show Charmed?
i haven't watched that i only know bits and pieces... but, this is interesting...
Beau1996 1372 streak #9
Chapter 2: Powers granted!!
Beau1996 1372 streak #10
Chapter 1: I like it!! Baek is the black sheep😁