Charmed 3

Charmed ones



                 '' Excuse me, i am here to see Kim Baekhyun'' Luhan went to the hospital after he got a call .......... '' one second please , what the name again'' the women at the hospital register ask a man standing next to him............''Inspector Wu Kris,Homicide, Dr.Donghae's expecting me.''the man answer the women ...............'' Kris '' the man look at Luhan side..................'' Hey Luhan, what you doing here?'' Kris hug him .............'' Baekhyun got into a little accident '' Luhan answerd him .........''Baek......he is here, i thought he live outside town'' Kris answerd him ...............'' He moved in with us how are you ..........can see you look smart with the inspector stuff'' Luhan smile at him..................'' Akh, thank you, but your brother doesn't think the same'' Kris shake his head dissapointing.............'' Hey, i know Hyung will come around, after all you two have come so far..........and i can tell you Suho Hyung, keep talking about you at home, so dont lose hope brother in law'' The two start laughing 

'' Your, brother is still in ex-ray that will be 15minute......and Dr.Donghae's office is to the left and down the hall'' the women told them and they both thank her.............'' It was nice meeting you Luhan.......say hi to Suho and Baek'' Kris hug him again and left .................'' Akh , Hyung........this man is perfect for you'' Luhan smile and went to sit at the waiting area.


'' The Chosen ones?....Baekhyun, this is insane...''  Luhan took Baekhyun at Suho rstaurant to talk ............'' Are you telling me , that nothing strange happened to you today?..You didn't freeze time or move anything?'' Baekhyun ask him ................'' Actually co worker took my project away from me....'' Baekhyun sighs looking away..........'' Okay look Baekhyun.........,I know that you think that you can see the future, which is pretty ironic...'' ........................'' Since you don't think i have a future....that my vivsion of life is cloudy compared to your perfect life?'' Luhan shake his head looking at his brother  '' Even if you don't want to believe me, .. just once can't you trust me?'' Baekhyun hold Luhan shoulder to make his brother look at him....................'' Baek...I do not have special powers......Now where is the cream?'' ....Luhan ask and a jar of cream move itself to him...............'' Really, That look pretty special to me'' Baekhyun look at Luhan who was shocked looking at the cream and suddenly his coffee was filled with cream................'' Oh, my God.. So.. UM...I can move things with my mind?'  Baekhyun nod at him far i see Yes... that make Suho hyung freeze time'' Baekhyun answer him...........'' i don't believe this...........'' ;Luhan took a bottle of alcohol and drink it .............'' Are you okay?'' Baekhyun ask him taking the botthe away from his brother.................'' No , i am not've turned me into a witch damn it'' .......Luhan rub his face ...........'' Luhan... you are born one...we all were ...And i think we better start learning to deal with that.................'' ..........Luhan look at his brother and stand ....' We are going home............


'' Luhan... when i was looking through the book of shadows...i saw these wood carvings...they looked like something out of a Bosch painting..All these terrifying images of these three omegas , battling different incarnations of evil.'' Baekhyun follow Luhan walking down the street ..................'' Evil fighting evil ?'' Luhan asked

'' Actually a witch can either be good or bad ..A good witch follows a wiccan rede: harm none,do what ye will.....A bad witch or a warlocks, has one kill good witches and obtain their powers..unfortunately, they look like regualr people..They could be anyone or anywhere'' Baekhyun explain the things he read on the books to Luhan

'' And this has what to do with me?'' Luhan ask............'' Well, in the first wood craving, they were in slumber..but in the second one, they were battling some kind of warlock.....i think as long as we were in the dark about our powers we were safe.....Not anymore''


'' let go , i want  to take you somwhere'' Suho boyfriend went to take him from the restaurant...............'' Take me where?'' Suho ask as he wear his coat...........'' Come on it a secret''......................'' i hate secret'' Suho look at his boyfriend but still he followed him till they reach to one of old looking house...............'' I don't care what the suprise or secret you have from me , i am not going in there'' Suho shake his head ..........'' Oh come on...there is nothing to be afraid are with me'' Suho look at his boyfriend and hold his hand entering the house..........'' What is this place?'' Suho ask looking behind him as his boyfriend look the door...'' You were going to love this and i am sure Luhan and Baekhyun will love it when you tell them'' ..................'' hey..i never mention that Baekhyun has come home'' Suho look at his bouyfriend...................'' Opps...........'' Suho boyfriend remove a knife from his jacket arming it at Suho..............'' I have waited for this time since one year ..ever since i meet you in the hospital ..You see i've known for quite sometime that the moment the old witch die that all your powers, they'd be released...powers will be given back to you as soon as you three get together again...and here we are ... witch'' ...............'' Why?'' Suho asked looking scared ....his boyfriend fingers start growing and his voice changing to a demon one........................'' .............'' AKKKHHH AKHHH'' Suho start shouting and he freeze him...............'' Okay Suho...think..stay calm and gotta get out of here '' Suho start running to door and his leg was cought with the Demon....'' AKKHHHH akhhhhhh leave me alone Help.....Suho start shouting till his hand get hold of one of the chair that was beside him and throw it to the Demon and he start running 


'' Luhan..Baekhyun''......Oh God , what wrong............'' I have no time to explain, cehck the windows are closed ... Baekhyun , in the book of shadows , did it say how to get rid of a warlock?'' Suho ak Luhan panicking

''Oh My God'' Luhan say ..........................'' I am calling Kris'' ..............Luhan take his phone, '' and then tell him what , that we are witches, that some freak with powers beyond comprehension is trying to kill us?...Even if they cops come they can't match him ...Baekhyun anything'' Suho ask entering the attic after closing all the doors and windows.........

'' Got the answers , it's our only hope'' ................'' Okay, we've placed the nine candles anointed with oils and spices in a circle..what next"" Suho tell his brothers... '' now we only have to cast the spell'' Luhan say..................'' your love will wither and depart from my life and my hear.Let me be Jeremy and go away forever'' Suho put a rose in a bowl '' Okay,the spell's complete'' Suho say .......suddenly smoked start coming out of the bowl and alight going up..... they both look through the attic window and so Suho boyfriend scream ....'' Why it didn't work?'' Luhan ask....

'' they heard the door opening and both Baekhyun and Suho run behind Luhan.....Luhan throw him far using his powers and run to close the attic door .... '' What should we door,we are trapped?'' Suho asked.....''Come on you remember the spirit board ? the insciption on the back...........'' The Power of three will set us free.....'' all the three omegas brother hold hands and start saying the words... The Powe Of Three Will Set Us Free... The Power Of Three Will Set Us Free... THE POWER OF THREE WILL SET US FREE'' they keep sying the words together till they say Suho boyfriend goes on fire

'' akhhhh that was Awsome'' Baekhyun start laughing  ....


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2439 streak #1
Chapter 8: who is this Aviva and what is she gonna do to the 3?
also, Suho will have the house alone with Kris? last time i checked, they were not together yet? so... when and how did that happen???
Chapter 8: Just let Chanyeol be cupid, Just let Chanyeol be cupid, Just let Chanyeol be cupid.
2439 streak #3
Chapter 7: wow, this is a whole adventure of a chapter!!!
at least they finally saved Mark's soul! the audacity of those who wanted to use him as another person's dead body!!!
Luhan tho... I'm sure you'll find someone... someone alive...

ughhh the man Baek saw in his vision is so stubborn!!! just trust Baek pls!
2439 streak #4
Chapter 6: Lu getting cold feet!
but it was just Luhan there to meet Mark's mother, right? or was Suho with them? anyway, Lu! Mark needs a proper burial for his soul to be at peace! he needs you!

Kris turning the tides on Suho tho! wow...
2439 streak #5
Suho's power is so interesting tho! and his first use of it in public is even more interesting! HAHAHA revenge cake over the head!!!

LMAO at Baek using his powers to get a job tho! HAHAHAHA Baek is really oh so a headache for his hyungs... anyway, where is the dead soul taking the two?
2439 streak #6
lmao at Jun wanting to test if he'll burn when he enters the church tho HAHA

why is Baek so generous, if it were me, I'd certainly save the winning numbers for myself! HAHAHAHAHAHA
2439 streak #7
Chapter 3: powers fully activated!!!
ugh Suho! you've chosen someone over Yifan who already has the vote of your brother! and turns out, said boyfriend has been a demon waiting for him to awaken his powers this whole time!!! UGH what luck lol

ps. i think aside from the fact that Suho was in peril coz he faced the demon alone, i think Lu is gonna appreciate that his ship is gonna sail soon HAHA
2439 streak #8
Chapter 2: is this based on the TV show Charmed?
i haven't watched that i only know bits and pieces... but, this is interesting...
Beau1996 1372 streak #9
Chapter 2: Powers granted!!
Beau1996 1372 streak #10
Chapter 1: I like it!! Baek is the black sheep😁