Chapter 3 - The Agreement

Can there be love?

HJ went into CL's ward. CL was crying silently. She was hugging her knees with her head down. HJ felt her sadness when he saw her crying.

" Hmmmmm, CLshii. I need to tell you something. I know this is a big blow to you. It is to me too! The thing is, i have a girlfriend. I cant be doing this now. Lets make an agreement. I will marry you yes i will. But as soon as the baby is born, we will divorce and lead our own lives. Till then i hope you can just be patient and live with me and my mother. " HJ said.

" HJ shi, thank you very much. I dont know what to say to my mother if she knows bout this. " CL replied, still crying.

HJ brought CL to his house and introduced her to his mother. His mother was delighted by the news. CL was shocked to se HJ's mother all happy bout her being pregnant and all. In actualy fact, HJ mother never relly liked Eunjung, HJ's current girlfriend. She always thought that Eunjung wasnt serious about their relationship and always made HJ waiting for her like a log in Korea while she travels around the world. HJ's mother always asked him to break up with Eunjung, but HJ was very stubborn. 

" Sorry CL for my sons careless actions. He caused you to be in this state of misery right now. But dont worry, i will take care of you and my future grandchild! I will make sure you are happy here! okay? " HJ's mother said.

CL smiled. 

" Tsk, this girl is really happy huh? Arghhhh, i shouldnt trust her to much. I should get a test with the doctors. I must check whether this baby is really mine or not " HJ whispered to himself. He didnt believe CL. 

" HJ ah! What are you doing there! Come here and bring CL to your room! She needs plenty of rest! " Shouted HJ's mother. 

HJ brought CL to their room. And asked her to sit down while he took out an envolope.

The letter states.....

To Lee Chaerin,

We are getting married because of the baby and nothing else. As soon as the baby is born, we will just say that we re not compatibl with each other and will get a divorce, and we can lead our own lives from then on. There are a few rules that you have to take note.

1. Dont tell anyone bout this agreement 

2. Respect my relationsip with Eunjung


I hope we have a mutual agreement. 

HJ wanted to take out the letter and show it to CL. But looking at her tired state, he decided to just delay it. He asked CL to lie on the bed. CL instantly fell asleep. HJ stared at her face. 

* she is somewhat pretty * the thought flashed through his mind.

" What am i thinking? Eunjung is my one and only love! I should be thinking bout her! " HJ said to himself.

The next morning........................................

" CL shi, i am going to work. Please take care of my dog, poodong. She is my baby. Me and Eunjung's baby! Guard her with your life! If anything happens to her, i will not forgive you! " HJ said with a stern voice and left for work.

CL just nodded. CL cleaned the room, and while doing so, she saw all the framed photos of HJ and Eunjung. There is also one big framed poster of Eunjung on HJ bedroom wall. She could see how important Eunjung is to HJ. 


DRING DRING the phone rang. 

" YAH lee chaerin! Do you see a big brown envelope on my desk?? " HJ said over the phone. 

" YES " CL replied.

" Take that, bring it to my office. Dont open it! I say again, dont open it! " HJ said.

" OKAY! " CL replied.

So CL made her way to HJ's office.

She was waiting to cross the zebra crossing, when suddenly the envelope she was holding on flew away from her hand and landed on the road. Without thinking twice, she rushed to the road, and chased after the envelope. Suddenly, a loud horn was heard!! CL screamed.

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Chapter 21: update plesaee!!!
Chapter 21: Although i know yoyr plot because I already watch the drama. But I still want to continue read this ff. Please update soon author nim
lovelyceel #3
Chapter 21: i don't want chae back to hyunjoong, he dont deserve her.
yes and i think Jaejong better than hyunjoong.
Chapter 21: im not sure if i still want chae to be with hyunjoog, pfft... jae is a way better candidate here~
mimi_qitchi #5
Chapter 21: I hope chaerin will not come back to hyunjong, i.hope she will choice he' boyfriend....
mimi_qitchi #6
Chapter 20: U updateeeeeee, thanks god u not leave this story.
U hope u will updatee sooon....
JaejoongluvEunjung #7
Chapter 20: u know wat author nim its my first fanfic i read...
but aftr such a long time i read it again wid ne chaptr
but author nim i want to ask u dat is eunjung is evil in dis story?????
Chapter 20: aah finally u update author ! Thank u ^^ I really miss this :')
he did it becuase he dont know the truth ..
And i hope hyunjoong will relize his mistake n know the truth that boy is his son !!
He should know that n hope he will still get the chance to fix that ..
Please update soon author nim ^^
Thanhmai #9
Chapter 20: OMG! You're still alive? LOL! Please update! I miss your story a lot
kyaa~~update soon author-nim glad i found this fic!! YAY! hihi..i love the storyline so far. Hwaiting!! <3<3