
Can there be love?

Ding Dong.

Chaerin heard her door bell rang. 

"who could it be? coming to my house this early in the morning? its only 9am." Chaerin said to herself.

She was in the kitchen, busy preparing breakfast for herself and also Jonghyun when she heard the doorbell rang. She wiped her hands dry against her apron, and proceeded to the door.

"hold on a sec!" she shouted.

She rushed to the door and peeped through the door hole.

"oh?! omonim? what is she doing here?" she was shocked to see her used to be mother in law, mrs kim standing outside of her house at the moment of time.

Chaerin hesitated for a while whether she should open the door and face Mrs Kim. But Mrs Kim would have already known that chaerin was at home from her shout a second ago. Chaerin started feeling nervous and her heart beat faster and faster. She pulled her door knob and turned i slowly. She pulled the door open and there she saw. Mrs Kim standing there right in fron of her doorstep. 

" ah ne, omonim, whast brings you here? and how do you know where i stay?" chaerin asked while stuttering.

" chaerin my dear, arent you going to invite me into your house first, before we continue this conversation?" Mrs Kim replied with a sweet smile.

" Ah ye, mianhe, come on in omonim. my house is small though, hope you dont feel uncomfortable about it" chaerin said humbly. 

As Mrs Kim, come from a rich family and all, chaerin is scared that she will make her used to be mother in law feel uncomfortale in any way in her house.

" Have a sit on the sofa omonim. I'll get you a drink first. Is tea fine for you?" Chaerin asked.

" Anything is fine for me my dear. " Mrs Kim smiled. 

" Just give me a minute omonim " Chaerin said and then she proceed to the kitchen.

Just then, Jonghyun woke up from his deep sleep and walked out from his bedroom. He walked towards the living room in his pyjamas and messy hair while rubbing his eyes. 

" omma..... " Jonghyun called out for his mother.

He walked towards the lady sitting in the living room thinking it was his mother. 

" Omma.... " he called out again. 

Just then he stopped rubbing his eyes and looked up.

" Oh? Omma aninde? Where is omma? " Jonghyun said while looking up at Mrs Kim.

Mrs Kim stopped blinking her eyes for a moment. Who is this smart cute little boy in front of her? omma? is chaerin the omma?

" Oh jonghyun ah, you're awake? " Chaerin said as she carried a tray with hot tea from the kitchen and then places it onto the table infront of where Mrs Kim is sitting at.

" Annyong omma! " Jonghyun said and hugged Chaerin's legs. 

" Aigooooo, why are you so cute? have you greeted halmoni? " Chaerin said while ruffling with Jonghyun's hair.

" oh Annyonghaseyo halmoni. Chonun, Lee Jonghyun imnida. This year i am 5 years old" Jonghyun introduced himself to Mrs Kim formally and bowed 90 degrees to Mrs Kim.

" Ommo, such a clever and bright child you are. I love to have a grandson like you" Mrs Kim commented.

" Jonghyun ah, can you bathe by yourself today? omma have something to discuss about with halmoni. " Chaerin told jonghyun.

" Ofcourse i can, i am a man now! hehe " Jonghyun's cuteness gave a smile onto Mrs Kim's face.

" good boy, now go and bathe. " Chaerin said.

Both mrs kim and chaerin watched as jonghyun skipped his way back into his room. Jonghyun is like a happy virus at home. easily putting smiles onto people's faces with just his attics and personality. Such a lovable child.

" Jonghyun is really cute, is he...... " Mrs kim said and paused for a while.

" omonim, you are going to ask who is jonghyun right? " Chaerin didnt dare to raise her head to face Mrs Kim.

" Chaerin ah, i need to know the truth and onoly the truth. only then my heart and mind can rest in peace. all that i heard so far from hyunjoong is only one sided story. it might not be all 100% correct. and i dont want to be siding anyone at this moment. Not until i understand whats happening now. Do you care to explain to me what exactly happened chaerin? Why did you leave us? Why did you leave him? " Mrs Kim said softly.

" Omonim, i left because its what i think is the best for us all. i want to live happily with my child and it seems that my presence doesnt really make hyunjoong happy. its my fault that i got in the way between hyunjoong and eunjung. i wasnt suppose to exist. thats why i made a decision to leave. go back to where i came from. so that life would be back to normals for hyunjoong, eunjung and yourself omonim. back to the days where i wasnt in your lifes. normal life. " Chaerin started to shed a tear.

"Chaerin ah, you came into our lived for a reason chaerin ah. Why are you saying stuffs like as if you ruined our lives? " Mrs Kim said.

"omonim, because of me, eunjung and hyunjoong got into fights and all. because of me, the woman he has been loving for god knows how long got cheated on. all because of me " Chaerin cried. 

"Eunjung doesnt deserve hyunjoong chaerin ah. he's meant for you. everything happened for a reason. " Mrs Kim said sternly.

"No omonim. NO. " Chaerin replied.

"now chaerin, i just need to know. who's the father of the child chaerin ah? its him isnt it? " Mrs Kim waiting for chaerin's reply.

" Jonghyun...... is my child with hyunjoong. No other guys is his father. it has always been hyunjoong. but it seems that he thinks otherwise " Chaerin said crying even more.

" i feel your love for jonghyun is strong. i am a mother too. i sense it. i admire your strength in having going throught this past few years alone. " Mrs kim also started to cry.

" Chaerin ah, about what happened recently. Hyunjoong, being harsh to you....... Would you care to help me Chaerin ah? " Mrs Kim asked.

" Help in what way omonim? " Chaerin said.

just then... the door bell rang again. 

Chaerin walked to the door, and opened it. it was jaejoong. 

"Good morning chaerin ah" Jaejoong said with a smile. 

Just then he realised chaerin's sad face. She was crying. why is she crying? then he looked over to the living room and saw his aunt, Mrs Kim.

"Oh aunty is here too? " jaejoong said.

He held chaerin by the side of the arms and walked to the living room together.

" Annyong haseyo " Jaejoong greeted politely.

" Oh annyong ah jaejoong " Mrs Kim said.

" Omonim, me and jaejoong are currently...."

" APPAAAAAAAA, you came!!! " Jonghyun ran towards jaejoong and hugged him. 

" APPA?! " Mrs Kim exclaimed.

" Omonim, dont be scared. I'll explain. " Chaerin tried to calm her down.

" Oppa, can you go bring jonghyun in his room and play with him for a while? i need to settle some things here in private " Chaerin whispered to jaejoong.

He gave a nod and carried jonghyun away from the living room.

" Chaerin ah, whats all this? " Mrs Kim immediately asked.

" Omonim, he is my boyfriend. "Chaerin said softly. 

" Oh really? i see that you have moved on. thats kinda good. but why chaerin? you dont love hyunjoong? " Mrs Kim asked.

" i moved on omonim, times have changed, my heart too. i need to forget about hyunjoong cause he deserves a better life off without me, he can live happily with eunjung. " Chaerin said.

" oh omonim, what is the favour you asked for?"  chaerin asked.

" First i would need to know if you agree in telling to hyunjoong about jonghyun. about who jonghyun really is, who is father really is? " Mrs Kim asked,

Her face waas full of hope. Hoping to hear the words that she wants to hear come out from chaerin's mouth.

" well...." Chaerin doubted.

" Chaerin ah, he deserves to know the truth. He deserves the right to see his son. He slapped you cause he was mad, believing that you cheated on him, cheated for his money and think jonghyun wasnt his. " Mrs Kim explained.

" I need to think about it omonim. bt how to you intend to convince him? " Chaerin asked.

" DNA Test" 





Hello there my friends. sorry for the hiatus for my fanfic. i's busy with school and work and all. but i decided to post one today. Yahooooo. hopoe you enjoy reading it. will come out with next chapter asap!!! my holidays are coming soon. so that means more time for writing.

Anyways, i am thinking of writing another fanfic starring, Yoon Bomi from Apink, Yoon Doojoon from Beast and Kai from Exo? Cast are still changeable :)

Anyways, do check out my other fanfics that i wrote and give comments yeah? i know they are also in hiatus mode, but i/ll be updating them soon:) seeyaaaa

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Chapter 21: update plesaee!!!
Chapter 21: Although i know yoyr plot because I already watch the drama. But I still want to continue read this ff. Please update soon author nim
lovelyceel #3
Chapter 21: i don't want chae back to hyunjoong, he dont deserve her.
yes and i think Jaejong better than hyunjoong.
Chapter 21: im not sure if i still want chae to be with hyunjoog, pfft... jae is a way better candidate here~
mimi_qitchi #5
Chapter 21: I hope chaerin will not come back to hyunjong, i.hope she will choice he' boyfriend....
mimi_qitchi #6
Chapter 20: U updateeeeeee, thanks god u not leave this story.
U hope u will updatee sooon....
JaejoongluvEunjung #7
Chapter 20: u know wat author nim its my first fanfic i read...
but aftr such a long time i read it again wid ne chaptr
but author nim i want to ask u dat is eunjung is evil in dis story?????
Chapter 20: aah finally u update author ! Thank u ^^ I really miss this :')
he did it becuase he dont know the truth ..
And i hope hyunjoong will relize his mistake n know the truth that boy is his son !!
He should know that n hope he will still get the chance to fix that ..
Please update soon author nim ^^
Thanhmai #9
Chapter 20: OMG! You're still alive? LOL! Please update! I miss your story a lot
kyaa~~update soon author-nim glad i found this fic!! YAY! hihi..i love the storyline so far. Hwaiting!! <3<3