Chapter 12 - Lies

Can there be love?

It was a beautiful morning. The sun was up. Birds were chirping melodiously. Everything seems to be starting out well. Hyunjoong woke up with a smile on his face. It seems that he had a beautiful dream ast night. He sat up and flashed back to the dream he had last night. 

He was at the beach. With CL and a small boy. Hyunjoong was playing with the kid smiling and laughing. While CL was under the shade preparing the picnic food for them. The child was believed to be his child that CL is carrying when he grows up. A healthy baby boy. 

He was happy for what he had dreamt about. The thought of the baby growing up being a healthy boy kept playing in his mind. He was going to have a baby boy. That was what he kept thinking. A BABYBOY. He was so excited to tell CL. He jumped out of his bed and ran to CL's room to tell her about his dream. He ran at the speed of lightning and when he reached outside CL's room, he knocked at her door. 

* knock knock knock *

CL didnt open the door. That was strange. 

and he knocks again. this time, LOUDER.


" CL shi, are you awake? " Hyunjoong said. 

No one replied. He got abit worried and decided to just open the door and go into her room. He did. He walked in, and didnt see anyone on the bed. He thought to himself "Maybe she woke up already and is at the dining area eating breakfast" 

And so he proceeded to the dining area. He saw his mother there alone. With the reading glasses on, reading the newspaper.

" Omma, have you seen CL? She is not in her room, i thought she might be here " Hyunjoong asked. 

" Chaerin? Aniyo. I havent seen her. I was here all alone since just now. I dont recall seeing her walking out of the house too. Maybe she is in the toilet. " his mom replied.

Hyunjoong felt weird. His senses are telling him something was amiss. He ran back to CL's room and went into the bathroom. He searched every corner while shouting to CL's name. He hoped for a reply from her. However there wasnt. He stopped in front of the mirror of the bathroom. Looked at himself at the mirror. 

" Chaerin, where are you? " Hyunjoong said. 

His eyes moved to a clear glass on the top of the toilet table. Thats the place where CL's toothbrush was always placed. His eyes widened. CL's toothbrush is not there. IT IS NOT THERE. He panic. 

" Could she...... " Hyunjoong said. 

He rummaged through her closet. Her stuffs was all gone. From her clothes, to her suitcase. She left behind, the handphone that hyunjoong had gotten her with a note. 

" Hyunjoong shi, by the time you read this, i am gone. Goodbye to you. Hope you will be happy always! remember to smile! "

Hyunjoong dropped to his knees on the ground. He started crying out loud. He held on to the handphone and the note that CL left for him. 

" Chaerin ah! Chaerin ah!!! Why did you leave? " Hyunjoong said. 

He went out of CL's room and walked slowly to the baby's room. He looked around in the room. Looking at every single thing the room had. From the toy, to the baby's bed. Gone. Its all useless now. Everything is back to normal. Life was like it used to be. 

A big house with him and his mother. 

Suddenly, the door bell rang. *DING DONG*

" Hi ma'am, a package for Mr Kim Hyunjoong " 

" Hold on for a moment " HJ's maid said.

She ran into the house and called out for HJ. HJ dragged himself to the door. He signed the form given by the postman and took the package. It was a big brown envelope. He opened it. Read the content. He was shocked to see what he read. It was a letter from the hospital. Showing results from a test. It was a test to show whether CL's baby was whose. The test results showed that Hyunjoong's DNA doesnt match CL's baby's DNA. How could that be? Hyunjoong couldnt believe what he is reading.

" Is this real? Who the hell sent this to me? Chaerin have been lying to me? Is that why she left? She couldnt continue lying anymore, Is that why she left?! " hyunjoong cried.

He walked to the dining table where Mrs Kim was. 

" Omma, the woman who you have been doting on is actually a big fat liar. Congratulations mum. Congratulations. " Hyunjoong threw the piece of test results onto the dining table and walked to his room. 

Mrs Kim was confused in what Hyunjoong had just said. She looked through the paper. She also was shocked at what she saw. ( :O ) 

She kept shaking her head. Denying what she said. 

" NO, i wont believe this piece of paper. This could be fake. Someone is just trying to play a prank on us. " Mrs Kim convinced herself. 


" Have you sent the letter? EJ said through the phone.

" Ye ma'am. " The man replied

" Good job. I will transfer the money soon to your account. " EJ said. 

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Chapter 21: update plesaee!!!
Chapter 21: Although i know yoyr plot because I already watch the drama. But I still want to continue read this ff. Please update soon author nim
lovelyceel #3
Chapter 21: i don't want chae back to hyunjoong, he dont deserve her.
yes and i think Jaejong better than hyunjoong.
Chapter 21: im not sure if i still want chae to be with hyunjoog, pfft... jae is a way better candidate here~
mimi_qitchi #5
Chapter 21: I hope chaerin will not come back to hyunjong, i.hope she will choice he' boyfriend....
mimi_qitchi #6
Chapter 20: U updateeeeeee, thanks god u not leave this story.
U hope u will updatee sooon....
JaejoongluvEunjung #7
Chapter 20: u know wat author nim its my first fanfic i read...
but aftr such a long time i read it again wid ne chaptr
but author nim i want to ask u dat is eunjung is evil in dis story?????
Chapter 20: aah finally u update author ! Thank u ^^ I really miss this :')
he did it becuase he dont know the truth ..
And i hope hyunjoong will relize his mistake n know the truth that boy is his son !!
He should know that n hope he will still get the chance to fix that ..
Please update soon author nim ^^
Thanhmai #9
Chapter 20: OMG! You're still alive? LOL! Please update! I miss your story a lot
kyaa~~update soon author-nim glad i found this fic!! YAY! hihi..i love the storyline so far. Hwaiting!! <3<3