Page 6, Visitor

Enchanted - a story of us -
Iseul, Song
I rest my forehead against the door, gripping the door handle tight. I close my eyes and take a deep breath but it's completely useless.
Since I woke up around an hour ago, my head has been aching really bad. Even though I have drunk a hot tea, hoping that it would make me feel better, I still feel really weak.
"Fever...," I feel that my forehead is burning. Why do I have to fall sick?
I open the door and step out from my apartment. It even takes around three minutes for me just to lock the door because my vision becomes blurry now.
I should have known that it will be this way since yesterday. When I was on my way back with Yonghwa, I felt that I was going to collapse if I didn't grab Yonghwa's sleeve.
Perhaps I really need to stop working on four part time jobs at the same time during winter. My body is not suitable for the cold wather. I need to think about which job I will give up later.
"This is too much...," I murmur to myself while I wait for the elevator. I rub my temple and feel that my fever is quite high. "Song Iseul, you're not going to fall sick now..."
I clench my fist and realize that I haven't put my key back to my bag; I'm still gripping it. I don't even have strength to do that simple gesture for now.
The elevator opens and I shake my head quickly to gain my consciousness. Unfortunately it just makes me feel even worse than before.
I stumble and bump onto the person who just stepped out from the elevator. The person holds my shoulders firmly, helping me to stand up properly but I already lost my senses.
I feel myself fall backward and the person catches me just in time. The only thing I remember before everything goes black around me is that person calls me by name.
Who is it? It can't be Yonghwa because today is not his free day, right?
But the voice sounds really familiar.
After that I lose my consciousness.
Myungsoo, Kim
I look at the building and check the note once again to make sure that I visit the right place. I step inside and walk to the elevator so I can reach the floor where Iseul stays.
It's still eight in the morning and I woke up earlier so I decided to give her a surprise visit. Since I don't have her phone number, I have no other way to contact her.
The restaurant is opened on nine so I think she is supposed to be still at her apartment now. I hope she doesn't mind that I visit her in the morning.
This may sound really crazy and random. Why do I need to visit Iseul when we don't even know each other more than just names? I even just met her yesterday.
There is something about her that makes me want to see her again. The more I see her, the more I want to spend times with her.
Perhaps it's because she doesn't know that I'm an idol but still treats me really nice. I guess I miss the feeling of being treated like an ordinary person by someone who is not an idol.
Sure I have a lot of friends but a friend who treats me equally like the others without even mentioning about my work? I guess Iseul is the first in my history and I find it's really interesting.
When the elevator is opened, I immediately step out and I'm really surprised to see Iseul is actually waiting for the elevator. My face beams but my smile vanishes when she stumbles forward.
I hold her shoulders to help her stand up. I realize that her face is really pale. Before I can even say anything, she faints but it's a good thing that I'm holding her so she doesn't hit the floor.
"Iseul!" I call her name with panic. Something falls to the floor; something which she has been holding on: a key.
"Yah, Iseul," I try to wake her up but it's useless. I use my back hand to check her temperature, pressing it on her forehead. Her temperature is really high. "Aish! You have fever!"
Should I bring her to the hospital? But if someone finds me with her, I'm afraid about what can happen to her. What should I do?
I take a glance at the key and grab it quickly before carrying Iseul on my arms. It's a good thing that she told me her apartment number. At least I can bring her back to her own apartment for now.
"This girl... Seriously. High fever and she still wants to go to work?" I groan after I managed to step in her apartment and laid her down on the sofa.
It's inappropriate if I barge in her room, right?
I look around and my eyes find the pink roses I gave to her yesterday. She put them in a vase and even gave them water. My lips form into a curve when I see her care for my present.
"Song Iseul...," I look at her and then squat down so my face is at the same level with hers. I look at her sleeping face in silence.
Even though I know that she is sick, she looks adorable when she is sleeping. I take off my jacket and put it on her as the substitue of a blanket, hoping that it will make her feel warmer.
"It's a good thing that I visit you today, isn't it?" I smile, tilting my head without looking away from her.
I feel like I can spend the whole day just with looking at her if I want to.
Iseul, Song
I open my eyes slowly and find myself is lying on the sofa in the main room of my apartment. When I want to rub my temple with my hand, I realize that there is a wet cloth on my forehead.
"Ah, you're awake," the familiar voice which I heard before I fainted echoes. "How are you feeling? Better?"
I frown, focusing my sight at him. He approaches me with a glass of water which he puts on the table before he takes the wet cloth from me, "I'll change the cloth, okay?"
"Myungsoo?" I murmur weakly. Am I dreaming? "What are... What happened?"
"I was going to give you a surprise visit but guess what? You surprised me even before I could surprise you," he chuckles and squeeze the cloth. "Do you think you can go to work with your condition?"
"Ah, work," my eyes widen and I try to stand up. My head aches again so I stop moving and cringe due to the pain. "Aigoo..."
"Yah, don't tell me you still want to go to work!" he approaches me and puts his hand on my forehead. "See? Your temperature is not good. Have a rest for today."
"It's alright," I retort, forcing a smile to assure him. "I'll be alright. Ah, is this your jacket? Thank you‌. I need to-"
"Song Iseul," Myungsoo states my full name, gaining my attention. He gives me a serious expression, "You're not going anywhere with your condition. What if your condition worsen? I don't want to visit you in a hospital, you know."
I freeze on my seat and stare at him for seconds. He has been really nice to visit me and take care of me. I guess I need to listen to him for now. Besides, he is right. I don't think it's a good idea to accompany my mother in the hospital.
I sigh and then smile to him, "Fine. I'll rest today."
His face beams and I can't help myself to laugh when I look at his expression. I don't understand why he looks really happy just because of my decision to stay out from work today.
"Can I use your kitchen?" he asks my permission. "Well, I think it's rude if I use your stuff without permission but I need the cloth to help you with your fever so..."
"Use it. Think of this place is your own house," I tell him. "I'll change my clothes first then I'll help you at the kitchen, okay?"
Myungsoo gives me a wide grin before he stands up and walks to the kitchen; looks like he knows where it is already.
Ah, what an interesting visitor he is.
Myungsoo, Kim
"Is it alright?" I check the porridge once again, checking the taste since I'm afraid it will taste awful. "Aish! It's hot."
"It's alright," Iseul chuckles and takes another spoon to taste it. She gives me an assuring smile, "It's delicious. Really."
I sigh in relief when I hear her reaction. I help her to carry the bowl of porridge to the main room so she can eat there.
When we prepared the porridge at the kitchen with Iseul, I felt like we're filming the reality show We Got Married. The new 'married' couple cook something to eat together in their own 'house'...

Wait, what am I thinking?!
"Do you want to eat?" Iseul puts the spoon near her lips. "It's really delicious you know. Here, have some."
"No, it's alright, I-" I want to refuse her offer but she takes a full spoon of porridge and feeds me. She tilts her head, waiting for me to take the porridge.
My heart beats really fast when our eyes meet. I open my mouth slightly and eat the porridge. She chuckles and continues to eat the porridge happily.
I bet she has no idea that I'm actually blushing because of her simple gesture. I try really hard to hide my blushed cheeks by excusing myself to use the restroom and wash my face.
"Kim Myungsoo, get hold on yourself," I talk to myself on the mirror. "You barely know her. She is just being nice. What am I doing?!"
I clear my throat awkwardly before returning to the main room to find Iseul has finished the porridge. She is resting her head on her crossed arms which she puts on the table.
"If you're tired, you need to sleep on your bed," I tell her while I take the empty bowl, heading to the kitchen so I can wash it. "I'll leave so you can take a good rest."
"It's alright. I feel better now. Thanks to you," she replies me. Even though I'm not looking at her, her answer is enough to make the butterflies in my stomach to dance.
"Ah, come to think of it...," she leaves the main room and joins me in the kitchen, "...don't you have to attend school or something?"
"I'm an university student," I answer her, trying to avoid her gaze. I can't tell her that I'm an idol yet. I don't know why but I'm enjoying the moment I have with her who doesn't know that I'm an idol. 
"I know it! You're younger than me!" she suddenly exclaims with excitement. I turn off the faucet and turn to her with confusion. "When were you born, Myungsoo?"
"13 March 1992...," I answer with hesitation. I am indeed late in starting my college year due to my busy schedule. "How about you?"
"Ah, four months after me," she clasps her hands together. "I was born 31 December 1991. Looks like I'm your Noona here."
My eyes widen in shock. Even though our birthdays are only four months apart, she is still older than me and I thought that she is younger.
My random thought stops when Iseul suddenly closes her eyes and looks down. I approach her and look at her face, "Iseul, are you alright?"
"I'm alright. I guess I just need to rest," she smiles weakly. She reaches out her hand and ruffles my hair playfully, "Thank you for today, Myungsoo. Thank you for visiting me."
It's just a common gratitude but my heart flutters because of her touch.
"I think it's not good if I force you to stay any longer. I'll see you again next time then," she pulls her hand back. "Next time I'll cook for you."
How can I tell her that I'm willing to visit her everyday if I can?
Kim Myungsoo, what are you thinking?!
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Chapter 34: I both love CN Blue and INFINITE.
Thanks for putting them both in your story.
Chapter 34: this is a great one! I really love Taylor swift's songs and myungsoo yonghwa huhu thank you for the beautiful story author-nim I really wanna see myungsoo & yonghwa duet ;___;
Chapter 28: let me guess isn't he the one who brought her a letter from her father? don't tell me that letter was fake too!
OMG my heart totally forgot to beat when Myungsoo and Yonghwa met! ottokajo?
Chapter 11: i got nervous every time she meets Myungsoo, i know so soon their relationship would be revealed
i really love your writing skills, from the exact first chapter captivating!
Chapter 34: well, the are not really my bias but it was fun.
i love the story line.
keep on writing ^^v
vanillacookie #8
Kyaaaa! This story has 2 of my bias in it and i love it already just by reading the forward! Will enjoy reading this thankyouuu~
WhiteFlower #9
Beautiful story , I like the ending so much <333
azelawonnie #10
I love your story^^ daebak!
Keep it up author-nim :)