Page 3, Smile

Enchanted - a story of us -
Myungsoo, Kim
"And that's all for the training. We'll continue tomorrow. Let's wrap up for today," Sunggyu clasps his hands together and grins. "Let's have dinner together now!"
"Sungyeol is going to treat us, right?" I joke and lean on Sungyeol's shoulder. "We accompanied you to the hospital days ago. Aren't we sweet?"
Sungyeol gives me a deadly glare before he circles his arm around my neck and hisses playfully, "Yah, you little kid, why don't you treat the sick one?!"
We laugh together as we walk out from the practice room, discussing where we will eat for tonight. It's already 8 PM and we still have no idea where to eat since the managers let us to have dinner outside.
When we ask for free time, we have no idea where to go but free time is indeed a prize that we always really want despite the fact that we love to perform together.
"They said there is a new restaurant nearby," Hoya gives an idea. "It's kind of small but the service is great and the food is delicious."
"Then that's all we need," Dongwoo exclaims, punching his fist to the air. "Let's go!"
Just like what Hoya said, the restaurant is small but my heart feels warm just by looking from outside, especially when it's almost December now.
They decorated the place with brown as the dominant color. When we step inside, I find many beautiful paintings and wooden dining furnitures.
"Welcome," a waitress greets us politely when I'm admiring the whole room. I follow the others to take our seats without bothering to look at the waitress.
Finally when she hands over the menu book, I look up with a smile to thank her, "Thank-"
I choke up with my own words when I recognize the girl in front of me. Her eyes also widen in surprise but her lips form into a curve again as she tilts her head, "If you're ready, I, Iseul, will be ready to take your orders."
She excuses herself to clean a table. My mind is still blank as I watch her walk away. That's why Woohyun elbows me with an evil smirk, "Yah, are you going to order or stare at the waitress until we finish the dinner?"
I can feel the teasing atmosphere already so I clear my throat nervously, trying to act cool, "I'm just wondering about the recommended menu. Let's order, okay?"
I did want to meet her again but I never expected to meet her now and here. Well, at least I know that she works at this place.
Unfortunately she is not the one who serves us after the first greeting. I can't help myself to glance at her secretly, avoiding the possibility for my groupmates to tease me again.
We discuss about our training and activities randomly during the dinner until we finish all the plates on table. This time Iseul is the one who takes our payment.
She doesn't look at me when she takes the money but she keeps smiling politely, "Please wait a moment for the change."
"Well, this restaurant is really good actually," Sungjong comments, pouting his lips. "I think I'm going to add it into my favorite list."
"I think Myungsoo is going to add this place as his must-visit-restaurant," Sungyeol raises his eyebrow. "Looks like someone is interested with the waitress."
"Very funny," I fake a laughter to hide my nervousness. I wonder if Iseul has recognized that I'm actually a member of Infinite after she met seven of us altogether.
Within seconds, she returns with our money and hands it back to Sunggyu. However it's not the only thing she gives to us.
"This is our small thank you present for coming tonight," Iseul puts a bottle of strawberry milk in front of me; I don't know whether it's a coincidence or not. "Thank you for coming."
The others leave their seat, thanking Iseul for the thank you present, which is I doubt it's given by the restaurant. I follow them, taking the strawberry milk in hand. Iseul opens the door for us and flashes a smile, "We will be delightful to welcome you again."
The moment when I see her smile, my heart flutters.
Iseul, Song
I bow once again to them before I close the door. For a moment, I'm pretty sure that Myungsoo is glancing at me as if he wants to make sure that he doesn't mistaken me with someone else.
As much as I want to greet him friendly, I'm currently working so I know it's not a good decision.
I check my wristwatch and realize that my shift is going to end in five minutes. I clean the table where the seven persons ate, bringing them to the kitchen before I walk to the staff room and change my uniform.
When I reach my bag, I remember that I don't have another strawberry milk. I actually bought it this morning so I could give it to Yonghwa when I met him again. However I guess I did owe Myungsoo for the last time.
"I guess I need to buy another one later," I murmur to myself and sling the bag on my shoulder. I excuse myself from the other staffs and walk out from the restaurant.
On my way back to my apartment, I suddenly change my direction and head to the hospital to visit my mother. I try my best to visit her everyday after my part time jobs.
I know it's actually useless since I always visit her at night when she already falls asleep but I just hope that she doesn't feel lonely even in her sleep.
For my surprise there is someone in my mother's ward. He is sitting on the chair, right next to the bed. His hand is working with a knife to cut an apple carefully.
"Yonghwa Oppa?" I mumble his name slowly, trying to make sure that my mother will not wake up because of me. He stops cutting the fruit and looks up at me.
I close the door and approach him. I smile when I see a plate of apple he has cut, "How long have you been here?"
"A while," he answers without looking at me. He continues to cut the apple, putting the slices on the plate. "It's really late already."
"Ah, my shift is extended for an hour," I tell him, looking at my mother. "Beside I still have another job to do."
Yonghwa puts the knife on the small table next to the bed and studies my expression, "How many jobs do you have actually?"
I look up randomly, trying to remember, "Three... I guess. Four, with our deal."
People may think I will overwork myself but I think it's nothing compared to what my mother had been through while she raised me under my abusive father.
It's the only way I can return her endless love to me.
Yonghwa, Jung
"I'll see you tomorrow, Omma," Iseul kisses her mother's forehead, smiling lovingly. She takes her bag and walks out from the ward while I open the door for her.
We walk out from the hospital in silence. Honestly speaking I don't feel comfortable with this situation.
I'm well known as a cheerful and enthusiatic person when I'm with the others but whenever I'm with Iseul alone, it feels like I don't know what to say. It's like a feeling when you're really excited to meet new friends on your first day at school but you don't know how to befriend them just because you're actually shy.
It's more like I want to draw a vivid line between us so it will remind me that we're only acting according to the contract. It's not that I have a feeling for her. It's just...
"You don't need to walk me back if you don't want to," Iseul interrupts my random thought. She stops and walks steps forward before turning around to face me. "I know you're tired and all."
"You know, I used to be alone so...," she drops her gaze but still forces a smile. "It's better to be alone than to have somebody who is half with me or doesn't want to be with me."
Her words stab me with no mercy. I don't know whether she does it on purpose or not but it does hurt me.
"I know. It's the deal. It's the contract. I get it," she spins around and continues with small steps. "I just don't want to be someone else's burden anymore."
Iseul walks away with her back facing me. She looks so fragile yet strong at the same time.
The guilty feeling strikes me but I don't know what I must say to her. I pace forward and, since I can't think of another way to show my support to her, I take her hand and embrace it.
I want to apologize to her but the 'sorry' word stucks within me. Why does it feel really hard just to say that simple word?
She returns my embrace gently. I glance at her and she is actually smiling sincerely to me, "I'll take this as your attempt to tell me that I'm not alone."
Just for split second, I wonder if I'm really the reason behind the sincere smile.
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Chapter 34: I both love CN Blue and INFINITE.
Thanks for putting them both in your story.
Chapter 34: this is a great one! I really love Taylor swift's songs and myungsoo yonghwa huhu thank you for the beautiful story author-nim I really wanna see myungsoo & yonghwa duet ;___;
Chapter 28: let me guess isn't he the one who brought her a letter from her father? don't tell me that letter was fake too!
OMG my heart totally forgot to beat when Myungsoo and Yonghwa met! ottokajo?
Chapter 11: i got nervous every time she meets Myungsoo, i know so soon their relationship would be revealed
i really love your writing skills, from the exact first chapter captivating!
Chapter 34: well, the are not really my bias but it was fun.
i love the story line.
keep on writing ^^v
vanillacookie #8
Kyaaaa! This story has 2 of my bias in it and i love it already just by reading the forward! Will enjoy reading this thankyouuu~
WhiteFlower #9
Beautiful story , I like the ending so much <333
azelawonnie #10
I love your story^^ daebak!
Keep it up author-nim :)