Page 17, Song

Enchanted - a story of us -
Myungsoo, Kim
"Happy New Year, Noona!
Do you watch the live performance yesterday night? ^^"
I re-read the text message again and again, making sure that I sent it to the right person, checking just in case I typed something wrong, but I don't find anything wrong.
I've sent the text message around twenty minutes ago but there's still no reply from Iseul. I wonder if she is currently busy on New Year. Is she with her mother?
"Waiting for someone?" my mother flashes me a smile, putting down the plate on the dining table. "Looks like your mind is not in the house, Myungsoo."
"Ah, no," I put down my phone and smile to her. "Of course I'm happy to be back at home. Let me help you."
My agency let all of us to visit our families today but we must return again before the night because we have a schedule for special New Year program so we must enjoy our times to the fullest.
After my surprising greeting yesterday before the show started, I was scolded by Sunggyu and my manager. They kept asking me why I did that but I just grinned and told them it's for a friend of mine.
I must admit that it's a little bit reckless but I tried my best to show my affection for Iseul's birthday without mentioning her name. I didn't text her or call her but at least I wished her a birthday wish.
Fans are wondering who I referred to as my 'Noona' because obviously I don't have one. Even my parents asked me and I just smiled, giving them the same excuse I gave to the others.
I wonder what Iseul thinks about me now. I was afraid that she would see me differently but this is the way she would realize that I'm serious about her.
I don't know if she actually realized that I have confessed to her. Maybe she doesn't take me seriously but at least I've tried, right?
When an hour has passed, I finally feel that something is odd. I have finished lunchtime with my family but Iseul still hasn't replied my message.
I excuse myself and give my family members a hug for a person, wishing them a new year wish before I leave my house, heading to Iseul's apartment as fast as possible.
She can't be working on New Year, right?
Iseul, Song
I play some random notes with the guitar strings but I don't focus at all with the guitar. I stare blankly at my notebook screen which shows the profile of INFINITE, a famous idol group consists of seven members...
...and Kim Myungsoo is one of the members. He is well known with his stage name, 'L'.
I can't believe he doesn't tell me this important thing. I'm not mad at him for being an idol; it's his life but I just don't understand why he hid this from me but all of a sudden he revealed it so boldly.
When I came to the show yesterday, I was actually waiting for Yonghwa's turn to perform but when Myungsoo stepped on the stage, my eyes widened in shock.
However it's not the reason why I left before CN Blue performed. I spotted Jang Dongho not far from the stage and I don't think it's a good decision for me to stay just to meet him.
I left the area and headed back to meet my mother, telling her that Yonghwa was currently busy.
There my birthday went away along with the last day of the year. No birthday wishes except from my mother.
"I'm such a loner," I murmur to myself, mocking myself for being a girl who doesn't have a close friend. "Pathetic..."
There are two text messages that I received today but I reply none of them since my feeling is kind of messed up at the moment.
One is from Yonghwa; I think he sent it after the show was over because I received it around 2 AM in the morning.
"Happy New Year, Iseul.
I hope you will have a great year."

Looks like he has no idea that I just had my birthday yesterday and, to be honest, I kind of feel disappointed. Is it wrong for me to expect a birthday wish from Yonghwa?
The other one is from Myungsoo. I received it an hour ago but I also ignore it.
"Happy New Year, Noona!
Do you watch the live performance yesterday night? ^^"
Why did he even call me 'Noona' all of a sudden? I really don't get him for being so random.
The knocks on the door interrupt my wandering mind. I stand up and walk to the door, opening it without hesitation just to find Myungsoo is standing in front of me with black coat.
He smiles widely and greets me happily, "You're home!"
I sigh and put a straight face, "Can I help you?"
"Eh? Why are being so cold all of a sudden?" his smile vanishes and he starts to look worried. "Are you... Are you mad at me because of what I said yesterday?"
I blink with confusion, "What did you say yesterday?"
"Oh, you haven't watched the end year performance then?" his face beams. "I have the recording! I asked my manager yesterday. Here, I can show yo-"
"I don't think an idol like you can come and go to my place whenever you want," I cut his words. "What if someone spotted you? What if rumors attack you?"
I know I'm being a little bit harsh but I'm just worried about him. I know already that rumors can be really nasty, according to Yonghwa's explanation, and I don't want Myungsoo to face it because of me.
Myungsoo drops his gaze reluctantly and mumbles, "Sorry... I just... I just wanted to give you the birthday wishes..."
Birthday wishes?
"You gave me birthday wishes yesterday?" I assume his words in one. "When did you say that?"
"Before the performances started," he grins awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. He gives me a CD, "It's for you and it's a confidential one so... Please keep it for yourself."
As much as I want to be cold towards Myungsoo, I just can't. Maybe he has a good reason for hiding the fact that he is an idol from me and I don't want to be unreasonable.
I take the CD and finally smile, "I take it as a birthday present then."
Myungsoo smiles happily and then takes a box from his jacket pocket. It's a small gift box and it has a silver bow on it, "This. This is your birthday present."
I reach out my hand to take the box and stare at it for a moment before I smile sincerely to him, "Thank you. It's my first birthday present for this year."
The strange feeling of comparing Myungsoo and Yonghwa strikes me again. Knowing that both of them are idols somehow makes me feel even more uneasy now.
"So...," Myungsoo pouts cutely, "...can I go inside? You know, watch the recording perhaps?"
I unconsciously tighten my grip on the door knob. It's not good to have an idol except Yonghwa in my apartment but I must admit that it should be good to have a company today, even just for a while. As long as I remember, Yonghwa has a tight schedule today.

I step aside and gesture him to walk inside, "Sure. Kim Myungsoo is still my friend, right?"
Myungsoo, Kim
I sigh in relief when Iseul lets me to step inside her apartment. I take off my shoes and walk to the main room. I notice the same white guitar she played the last time I visited her.
"Do you want to drink anything?" she asks me, still holding the CD and the birthday present I just gave to her. "Strawberry milk?"
"Will love to," I smile bashfully and take a seat next to the guitar. I take it and play random notes while she takes a drink for me.
"So you really can play guitar," she mumbles, putting the bottle of strawberry milk in front of me. "You are a singer. You are a dancer. You are an actor."
"Those are not good enough for you?" I bite my bottom lip. If she gives me a 'no', she surely has a really high standard for her ideal type.
She just smiles and sits across from me. She opens the gift box, revealing a silver bracelet with four letters.
"SONG," she reads the letters and looks up at me. "Thank you. I don't think I deserve this beautiful bracelet though."
"Song represents your family name and, since you're learning guitar, it also represents music," I explain shyly. "I'm glad you like it."
She tilts her head and glances at me, "Myungsoo... or should I call you L?"
"Myungsoo!" I quickly answer without even thinking twice. I cover my mouth with embarrasment and I blush really hard, "S-Sorry... I-I-I..."
Iseul chuckles at my reaction and I can't help but to captivate by her bright innocent smile when she says, "Fine then, Myungsoo will do."
Now tell me how to stop myself from being enchanted to be with her.
"I'll wear this here then," she puts the bracelet on her right wrist. "It's my pleasure to receive a present from a multi-talented idol like you."
Before I can respond to her gratitudes, someone knocks the door, waiting for someone to open it for him.
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Chapter 34: I both love CN Blue and INFINITE.
Thanks for putting them both in your story.
Chapter 34: this is a great one! I really love Taylor swift's songs and myungsoo yonghwa huhu thank you for the beautiful story author-nim I really wanna see myungsoo & yonghwa duet ;___;
Chapter 28: let me guess isn't he the one who brought her a letter from her father? don't tell me that letter was fake too!
OMG my heart totally forgot to beat when Myungsoo and Yonghwa met! ottokajo?
Chapter 11: i got nervous every time she meets Myungsoo, i know so soon their relationship would be revealed
i really love your writing skills, from the exact first chapter captivating!
Chapter 34: well, the are not really my bias but it was fun.
i love the story line.
keep on writing ^^v
vanillacookie #8
Kyaaaa! This story has 2 of my bias in it and i love it already just by reading the forward! Will enjoy reading this thankyouuu~
WhiteFlower #9
Beautiful story , I like the ending so much <333
azelawonnie #10
I love your story^^ daebak!
Keep it up author-nim :)