Page 5, Roses

Enchanted - a story of us -
Myungsoo, Kim
"Myungsoo!" Sunggyu calls me from the main room while I'm at the kitchen to find a strawberry milk to drink. "Come here!"
I close the refrigerator after I take the strawberry milk. I walk to the main room and find my manager are sitting in a circle with Sunggyu and Woohyun, "Ah, what is it, Hyung?"
"There is an offer for you to star in a new drama," my manager explains briefly, giving me the script. "We've discussed and we think your schedule can fit for the filming. You will be one of the main male protagonists along with Yonghwa from CN Blue."
"Yonghwa Hyung?" I repeat his name as my eyes widen in surprise. I will be grateful if I can star along with him in a drama since he is well known as a good actor and also a great vocalist. "Really?"
I read the drama script where Yonghwa will be the main role who falls in love with the Ice Queen, an actress who will be starred by Moon Geunyoung, the multi-talented actress who is affectionately called "Korean nation's little sister".
I will play the role of Geunyoung's childhood friend who is also her first love yet he only sees her as his little sister. The story will revolve about Yonghwa's attempts to have Geunyoung's heart and how she avoids him because she only wants me.
It is indeed a rare chance to be featured with both talented artists like Yonghwa and Geunyoung. There is no way I'm going to let this chance to slip.
"The filming will start after the New Year so we can prepare everything in one month. What do you think?" my manager asks me. "I think this is a good chance for you as well."
"I'll take it," I answer with a wide smile. "It will be my pleasure to be one of the main protagonists!"
I do a high-five with Sunggyu and he congratulates me for the offer. My manager tells me that he will give me the details later once he has confirmed my role for the drama.
"Since you are really happy today, why don't we have dinner outside?" Sunggyu gives an idea as he quickly stands up. "I'll call the others!"
"Yah! Hyung!" I try to stop him but it's too late. Well, I guess I need to treat them and I already know where I will head to have dinner tonight.
Unfortunately the other members have their own request. They really want to eat sushi tonight so we decide to have dinner at our favorite sushi restaurant.
"Let's have a toast!" Woohyun raises his glass and we follow him. "For Myungsoo! The actor! Toast!"
I laugh along with them and enjoy the dinner. However once in a while I take a glance at my wristwatch to check the time. It's almost 8 PM now and I think it's time to leave if I want to see her.
"I'll leave first," I grab my jacket and stand up from my seat. "I'll pay for the bill. Don't worry. I'll see you guys at the apartment. I will be careful, Hyung. Don't worry!"
I storm out from the restaurant and button my jacket to protect myself from the cold breeze. I put on my glasses and hat, walking towards the place I want to go for dinner originally.
Actually I really want to celebrate today with having a dinner at the restaurant where Iseul works but I know it's not a good idea to force my decision. I don't need the others to tease me when Iseul knows nothing about me as an idol.
There is no specific reason why I want to meet her. It's just I feel like I want to tell her that I'm really happy. I know it sounds so random.
I stop my steps immediately when I walk pass a florist's shop. An idea crosses my mind and I quickly step inside to find what I'm looking for.
I don't know if she likes flowers but, well, it's worth to try, right?
Iseul, Song
I put the tray on the table as I try to gain my focus back by closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. My head is aching real bad since the morning yet I still force myself to work today.
"I shouldn't take the new part time job...," I mumble to myself, shaking my head slowly and turn to the kitchen to take the new order and serve the other customers.
Looks like my body is not friendly with the cold weather or I just overwork myself with four part time jobs in one whole week. Whichever it is, I can't collapse now.
It's already 8 PM and I only need to endure for an hour before I can have a rest. An hour will not be a problem for me.
"I'm sorry. Are you Song Iseul?" a man with thick-rimmed glasses asks me when I give him the menu book.
"Yes, I am," I answer him politely. I don't think I met him before. "Can I help you?"
"Ah, so it's true that Yonghwa's girlfriend works here," he laughs and opens the menu book. "I thought I mistaken you with someone else. Let's see what I can have here..."
When he mentioned Yonghwa's name, I quickly snap back to my senses. I frown and study his expression but I have no idea who he is, "I will recommend you to have the seafood spaghetti. It's our recommended menu this month."
"Ah, I'll have one then and a glass of grape juice," he closes the menu book and looks up to me again. "It's really surprising when I heard about Yonghwa and you actually. Sometimes I wonder if he is just trying to avoid scandal with other idols."
Whoever this man is, I think he is smart enough to have that assumption. I take the menu book and bow slightly to him, "A seafood spaghetti and a glass of grape juice. Please wait for your order."
After giving out his order, I watch him carefully. He takes out a notebook from his bag and starts to type something with a wide grin on his face.
When he has finished his dinner, I walk to his table to give him the bill. He puts the money and smirks mischievously, "It will be really romantic if you and Yonghwa have a dinner here, don't you think?"
He laughs and leaves the table after telling me to keep the change as tips for me. I watch him walk out from the restaurant with a satisfied and mysterious grin.
When I try to shove away the thought, someone just steps in the restaurant with a bouquet of roses in his hand. I welcome him warmly, "Welcom-"
I stop when I see his face. A bright smile greets me and he hands over the bouquet of pink roses to me, "Just dropping by a bouquet for Song Iseul."
"I'm working, you know," I chuckle but I still take the bouquet from him. "What's with the sudden flower delivery?"
"I owe you a strawberry milk so I think I need to be creative this time. Since there is no a bouquet of strawberry flowers, I think pink roses look alike with strawberries."
"Well, thank you," I step backward and show him the way to an empty table. "A table for one?"
"No, I can't stay too long," he retorts, looking around. It's a good thing that the restaurant is almost closed so there are only two customers at the moment. "I just want to drop by since there is something good today."
"Really?" I tilt my head. "Well, good to hear that."
"Can this florist know where to send the next bouquet in case you're not working here on the day?" he suddenly asks me. "Perhaps next time... the red roses?"
I can't help myself to laugh when I hear his question. He looks confused with my reaction but I ignore him and walk to take a blank paper which customers can use to give us critics.
I write my apartment's address on the paper and give it to him, "It's not for the florist but I will be glad to accept another delivery next time."
His face beams and for a moment he looks like a little kid who just received candies. He looks quite cute actually.
"Thank you," I mutter softly. "I need to return to work now. I'll see you again then. I'll take care of the roses."
He bows slightly to me and leaves the restaurant. I walk to the staff room quickly to put the bouquet before returning to work again.
It's so sweet of him to give me a bouquet of roses as the return of the strawberry milk. It even makes me feel my headache is better now.
Yonghwa, Jung
"I'll return in two hours," I tell my manager as I step out from the car. "Thank you, Hyung."
As the car drives away, I turn around to look at the restaurant. The sign is still showing 'open', meaning that Iseul hasn't finished her work yet.
Lately things are getting busier for me since CN Blue will make our comeback in three months and I have accepted the offer to star in the new drama starting on January.
"It's cold...," I rub my hands, trying to make myself to feel warmer. December's cold breeze is indeed more deadly than November's.
"Yonghwa Oppa," Iseul greets me when the restaurant is closed already. "You should have waited inside. It's really cold!"
My attention is caught by the bouquet of pink roses in her hand instead of her worried expression. When she approaches me with the roses, I ask her slowly, "Who gave you that?"
She looks at the roses and then at me, "This? A friend gave to me as his gratitude. He just left around twenty minutes ago I guess."
As much as I want to ask her who her friend is, I think I will cross the line with the question. She has her own life and I don't need to know every detail of her private life, right?
"Ah," she suddenly turns to me when we're on our way back to her apartment. "There's this someone. I don't know who he is but looks like he is curious about our relationship."
"Eh?" I blurt out, looking at her as if she is joking. "What did he say?"
"Don't worry. I didn't say anything but he is wondering whether our relationship is real or not," Iseul answers without stopping her steps. "I'll be careful if I meet him next time."
That man can be a reporter or perhaps a fan. I don't know since I haven't met that person. Well, I hope that there is nothing bad will happen.
Suddenly Iseul grabs my sleeve with her right hand when we almost reach her apartment building. I stop and turn to her, "What is it?"
"Ah, no. It's nothing," she lets go of my jacket and hugs the bouquet tighter. "I just... It's nothing. I guess I'm just tired."
We enter her apartment room and the first thing she does once we arrive is to put the bouquet in the vase carefully, filling it with water.
Now I feel really curious about who gave the bouquet to her. Her lips form into a curve while she is taking care of the roses.
"Is your friend a guy?" the question finally comes out from my mouth. I know that it's not a really important question but I can ask, right?
Iseul raises her eyebrow and smiles, "You sound like a real jealous boyfriend, you know?"
Heat creeps onto my cheeks because of her simple statement. I fake a cough, looking away from her quickly. Iseul holds her laughter as she asks, "Do you want a strawberry milk?"

"Ah, sure," I retort, trying to calm myself down. She flashes me her usual smile and walks to the kitchen to take a strawberry milk for me.
I don't need to think about who her friend is. I just need to enjoy my time here since I can't visit this place tomorrow due to my schedule.
I mean it's just roses. It's not a big deal. It's a friendly present.
Why do I need to bother about it anyway?
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Chapter 34: I both love CN Blue and INFINITE.
Thanks for putting them both in your story.
Chapter 34: this is a great one! I really love Taylor swift's songs and myungsoo yonghwa huhu thank you for the beautiful story author-nim I really wanna see myungsoo & yonghwa duet ;___;
Chapter 28: let me guess isn't he the one who brought her a letter from her father? don't tell me that letter was fake too!
OMG my heart totally forgot to beat when Myungsoo and Yonghwa met! ottokajo?
Chapter 11: i got nervous every time she meets Myungsoo, i know so soon their relationship would be revealed
i really love your writing skills, from the exact first chapter captivating!
Chapter 34: well, the are not really my bias but it was fun.
i love the story line.
keep on writing ^^v
vanillacookie #8
Kyaaaa! This story has 2 of my bias in it and i love it already just by reading the forward! Will enjoy reading this thankyouuu~
WhiteFlower #9
Beautiful story , I like the ending so much <333
azelawonnie #10
I love your story^^ daebak!
Keep it up author-nim :)