Page 2, Strawberry Milk

Enchanted - a story of us -
Yonghwa, Jung
"Do I need to pick you here again?" my manager asks me when I am going to close the door. "One hour? Two hours?"
I smile politely and shake my head, "It's alright. I'll go back by myself. It won't take long."
He nods randomly and bids me goodbye, driving away. I heave a sigh and turn around to look at the small restaurant in front of me. It's small but somehow it feels warm even just by looking from outside.
It's already November and the cold breeze of the night is actually freezing. I wonder how Iseul still has spirit to do a part time job here.
Today I have my free time once again after the announcement about my little fake relationship. The President of my agency told me to pay a visit to Iseul just in case the public is wondering about the truth.
So I called her around two hours ago and she told me that she was working at a restaurant. I didn't say that I would visit her. I just asked her when she would be off from her shift.
I check my phone screen while leaning my back against the wall, right next to the door to the restaurant. It's ten minutes to eight and she will be finished at eight.
Despite the fact that I have spent at least seven dinners together with Iseul, we never really talked about something else than our deal. I guess both of us are just too good in faking a relationship.
From the first till the third time, we tried to understand every detail of the deal, including the term that she should never cause any scandal because it would involve me somehow. At the same time I should never look too close with female artists.
Iseul got used with me pretty quick on the fourth dinner. Until the fifth dinner, we're supposed to know each other better from the form we have filled; our favorite food, favorite artist, favorite movie, and so on.
However after the announcement has been made, both of us must be more careful since the public must raise their awareness towards our relationship. Entertainment works that way, doesn't it?
"Ah," the familiar voice catches my attention. I straighten my body and face the girl with her usual favorite black jacket. "You're here."
For seconds, I am hesitating whether I need to smile or not. It's not like I always fake a smile in front of everyone but I'm actually preventing for further possibility.
It's cliche, isn't it? Two persons. A deal. They fall in love for real. Things like that; I've heard about that kind of story line.
"Are you done?" I finally decide to smile, considering that there will be people who recognize us together. "I'll walk you home."
Iseul returns my smile and then nods, "Sure, Yonghwa Oppa."
I feel something unusual inside of me when she calls me 'Oppa'. I know that she is two years younger than me since she was born on 1991. Or perhaps she calls me that way to ensure our drama will work.
We don't say a word as we walk side by side. It feels awkward that you need to treat someone like your girlfriend when she's actually not. It's just awkward.
"How's work?" she breaks the silence. As usual. Iseul is always the one who starts the conversation between us. "You know, couples talk when they're together."
I my lips nervously and take a deep breath, "Work is good. How is yours?"
"Good," she answers shortly but still put a smile on her face. She suddenly stops when we have reached an intersection, pointing to the west direction, "I guess we're on our own from here."
I blink in confusion since I know her apartment is the east direction, "Did you move?"
"No, no," she chuckles. "I need to visit my mother."
Iseul, Song
I push open the door slightly, taking a peek inside. Actually I don't need to do that since I'm the only visitor for this room.
"Omma," I greet the woman who is laying down on the bed weakly. I step inside while Yonghwa, who insists to visit her with me, follows me behind, "Ah, you're sleeping."
I approach the bed, looking at her pale face. Looks like she has already fell asleep for a while so I don't want to bother her. I touch her hand softly, "Omma, how are you doing?"
Yes. The woman who is laying on the bed is my mother. Six months have passed since she was diagnosed with cancer, right two months after we decided to left my drunk father who had ruined our life with debt and more debt.
The medical expenses are really expensive that I was really desperate at first. I tried my best to work at many places as possible so I could pay for her chemotherapy.
My mother once told me to stop torturing myself, that I should leave her to die. I remember I held my tears to roll that night. How could I let my only family who loves me to die?
Three months ago I found a mysterious vacancy about someone who needed money in big amount but could act through internet when I was working part time at a PC Bang. I know, I wasn't supposed to try such a crazy chance but that's why I was selected I guess.
I don't know how or why but a week after I applied for it, someone called me and asked me to meet him. I was in a complete shock when I knew I was going to work with Jung Yonghwa, the leader of famous band group, CN Blue.
After listening for the detail, somehow I felt relieved that I didn't work in entertainment world. It must be really though that such crazy idea was invented for his good.
Since I really need money and he needs a partner in the deal, I took the offer and the deal started smoothly.
I must admit that my life becomes better gradually. I have a new apartment and his agency even gave me many new facilities. I bet it's because they don't want Jung Yonghwa's girlfriend to ashame his reputation.
I don't really care about it as long as I can help my mother. The doctor has told me that the chemotherapy will take times but I can think positive since the money I earn from the deal can cover the expense.
"Ah, I will buy something to drink," I stand up and look at him. "Strawberry milk, right? I'll be right back."
Without waiting for his answer, I walk out from the room, heading to buy something to drink.
Yonghwa may be really quite when he is around me but I try my best to fulfill the deal. After all my mother's life depends on him, right?
Myungsoo, Kim
"Aish, how many times I've told you to be careful?" Sunggyu smacks Sungyeol's head lightly. "What if it is worse than what we thought?"
"It's alright, it's alright," Woohyun tries to shrug it with a joke. "Sungyeol is not that easy to beat up! Right, Sungyeol?"
"Right," Sungyeol grins wider. "And why do I need three members to accompany me just to meet a doctor for my sprained ankle?"
"Because we're good people," I laugh and pat his shoulder. "You're going to treat us for dinner next time."
"Yah! I didn't ask you to come!" he complaints, trying to hit me but I avoid his attack. I stick out my tongue, knowing that he can't run to catch me.
We were practicing dance when suddenly Sungyeol sprained his ankle. While the other members went to buy something to eat with our managers, I accompanied him to the hospital with Sunggu and Woohyun.
"I'm going to buy something to drink," I tell them when we're waiting for our manager to come. "Anything you want?"
"Mineral water," Sunggyu requests. "Don't take too long. He will arrive soon, Myungsoo."
"I know, I know," I reply and walk away, heading to the cafetaria to find the vending machine.
"What should I drink?" I murmur to myself while throwing a coin inside. My eyes find the only left strawberry milk and I smile wider. I choose the button to buy the strawberry milk.
After buying a bottle of mineral water, I turn around, ready to gather with them again.
"Ah, the strawberry milk has sold out?" I hear someone whines. I stop and glance at the girl who is looking at the vending machine with disappointed expression.
Isn't that the girl I met days ago at the bridge?
"Iseul?" I manage to blurt out her name; I really hope I don't mistaken her with someone else.
Hopefully I'm right because she reacts and turns to look at me. She tilts her head as if she is wondering who I am.
"It's Myungsoo," I step closer to her, smiling  politely to her. "The one at the bridge. Remember?"
"Ah, Myungsoo," she repeats my name and smiles at me. "I'm sorry. You look different without glasses somehow."
What actually surprises me is the fact that she still doesn't recognize me as a member of Infinite even though I don't use any disguise equipment.
"Are you sick?" I ask her, trying to shove away my random thought. "Or are you visiting someone here?"
"I'm visiting someone," she answers. "I just want to buy something to drink but I guess it's sold out."
I glance at the strawberry milk in my hand. Maybe she really likes it. I hand it to her, "Here. You want a strawberry milk, right?"
"Eh? But it's yours...," she politely refuses my offer but I take her hand and put the strawberry milk on her hand.
"Take it," I smile and show her the mineral water. "I still have this."
She smiles brightly and that's when I notice that her eye smile is really captivating, "Thank you, Myungsoo."
"I better go now," she mutters and takes her wallet out. "How much is it?"
"No, it's alright," I quickly stop her from taking her money. "Just consider it as my treat. My apology for thinking that you're going to do suicide that day."
Iseul holds her laughter and then looks at me, "I guess I owe you one strawberry milk then, Myungsoo."
Before I could think about asking her something else, my phone vibrates; Sungggyu calls me. I guess my manager has arrived.
"I'll see you again then," I bow to her slightly. She waves at me and gives me a really cheerful smile.
Is she that happy because of the strawberry milk or does she always smile to everyone she meet?
Perhaps I will know the answer next time.
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Chapter 34: I both love CN Blue and INFINITE.
Thanks for putting them both in your story.
Chapter 34: this is a great one! I really love Taylor swift's songs and myungsoo yonghwa huhu thank you for the beautiful story author-nim I really wanna see myungsoo & yonghwa duet ;___;
Chapter 28: let me guess isn't he the one who brought her a letter from her father? don't tell me that letter was fake too!
OMG my heart totally forgot to beat when Myungsoo and Yonghwa met! ottokajo?
Chapter 11: i got nervous every time she meets Myungsoo, i know so soon their relationship would be revealed
i really love your writing skills, from the exact first chapter captivating!
Chapter 34: well, the are not really my bias but it was fun.
i love the story line.
keep on writing ^^v
vanillacookie #8
Kyaaaa! This story has 2 of my bias in it and i love it already just by reading the forward! Will enjoy reading this thankyouuu~
WhiteFlower #9
Beautiful story , I like the ending so much <333
azelawonnie #10
I love your story^^ daebak!
Keep it up author-nim :)