Page 12, Date Proposal

Enchanted - a story of us -
Yonghwa, Jung
I look at my phone screen which is showing the text message application. I've been staring at it for at least fifteen minutes but the only thing I have typed is the recipient's name, Song Iseul.
It's been more than a week since the last time I met her. I haven't talked to her after I kissed her forehead. She surely doesn't know that I lied to her and that's exactly why I feel guilty.
That night I could barely sleep. I finally told myself that I took a wrong step in comforting her. I'm not her real boyfriend. Both of us just bound together because of a contract.
For the whole week, I was wondering if she's mad at me because of my bold action. It's quite difficult to find it out because we rarely contact each other even when we're in good terms.
Somehow I don't know how to define the good terms between us either. Our relationship is not that close yet I think Iseul is one of the nicest persons who treats me good without looking at me as an artist.
It always feels nice to have a friend like her. She doesn't need to say anything whenever I visit her but her presence is like telling me that I'm not alone; that's my main reason to visit her whenever I have free time instead of going somewhere by myself.
"What's with that long face?" Jonghyun snaps me back to my senses, taking a seat next to me. "It's Christmas and you're giving us such an expression?"
I smile sheepishly and spin my phone carefully, playing with it for seconds before I ask Jonghyun a silly question, "Do you think I need to visit Iseul today?"
He raises an eyebrow, giving me a teasing smirk, "What is it? Someone is getting attached to her for real, I see."
"Don't get me wrong," I stop spinning my phone and look at him. "It's just... It's Christmas, you know."
There are seconds of silence before Jonghyun pats my shoulder twice, "Go if you want. I know that you're trying your best to fulfill your duty as the leader of CN Blue. Our reputation is in your hand but that doesn't mean you can't be friends with Iseul."
"I don't really know much about Iseul but I think she is a good girl. It's good for all of us to have a good friend like her, isn't it?" Jonghyun gives me an assuring smile. "Besides, well, it's Christmas."
He is right. Maybe I need to give her a visit after a while. I need to stop thinking about complicated matter. It's just a simple friendly visit.
"Give her our hello later," Jonghyun stands up and gives me a sign to follow him. "We have a radio interview to finish first."
I leave my seat but my eyes are fixed on the phone screen once again. This time I type a short text message and hit the send button without hesitation.
I smile to myself as I put back my phone in my pocket. I hope she will read my message immediately.
Iseul, Song
"Don't you have somewhere to go today?" my mother asks me softly. "Don't let yourself stuck in here with me. It's alright, Iseul. Have fun. Christmas is only once a year."
"It's alright," I continue slicing the apple into pieces carefully with the fruit knife. "It's not like I have anywhere to go so I think here is better than the empty apartment."
"Where is Yonghwa?" she mentions his name, making me to stop my hand for a second. "I haven't seen him for a while. Are you two fighting?"
"Of course we're not. Why do we even need to fight?" I answer calmly, putting away the knife on the table. I hand the apple to her, "I'm sure he is busy."
I know that he is indeed busy because his manager always sends me the schedule every week through email so I can work as a good girlfriend who doesn't care about her boyfriend.
However I know nothing else about him. It's not like a problem for me either so I just continue my days without him.
The moment when Yonghwa kissed my forehead crosses my mind again. I keep myself calm, reminding myself that he did it just to convince Jang Dongho that our relationhip is real.
"How about that boy from yesterday? Myungsoo, right?" my mother asks another question. "I think he is younger than you, isn't he?"
"Kind of," I answer, having my attention diverted because of a new text message. I open it to find a message from Yonghwa.
"Can you listen to the radio now?"
I frown, tilting my head aside. I remember that he has a radio interview today. It's something new that he wants me to listen to his interview.
"I'm going out for a while. Is there anything you want?" I stand up, smiling to her. She shakes her head, a sign that she doesn't want anything. "I'll be back in a while then."
I walk out from her ward, heading out to the cafetaria. I plug my headset which I've connected to my phone. I open the radio application and find the channel where CN Blue is attending at the moment.
"...and what do you think about CN Blue's popularity  lately?" I hear the voice of the radio DJ. "Not to mention that Yonghwa is going to star in a new drama pretty soon, aren't you, Yonghwa?"
"I hope we're doing our best so the fans will be satisfied as well," Yonghwa's voice answers to the question. He smoothly gives a good answer.
Looks like I find the right channel to listen whatever he wants me to listen. I walk to the vending machine to buy strawberry milk, listening to their interview session. I take a seat without diverting my focus on hearing the questions.
After around five minutes, they sing their previous hit song and the DJ continues the session with some songs before return to the interview. This time they talk about their individual activities.
"Yonghwa, the leader who is falling in love, I guess," the DJ sounds interested with the topic. "It's been more than a month since you opened up to public about your relationship. Does this affect your carier?"
"Of course it does, in a good way though," Yonghwa laughs. "I'm busy with my schedule but she is really patient and she never stops giving me support. I'm grateful to have her."
I know it's only an answer based on the script so I don't feel something special. What suprises me is the continuation of his answer after that.
"Lately I haven't met her because of my busy schedule to prepare for our comeback but I want to wish her a Merry Christmas today," Yonghwa mutters. "Let's have a date tonight."
"Wow, you're proposing a date on a live broadcast!" the DJ sounds really amused with what Yonghwa just did. I can hear laughter from the others before the interview continues again.
Is it just another part of the script to show the public that we're still in a relationship? That must be it because I'm pretty sure that I don't have a plan tonight with Yonghwa.
Actually I have a job to help a cafe tonight. It's only for a week because it's the holiday week and the customers are increasing. The salary is good so I take the chance right away.
So, technically, of course there will be no date between me and Yonghwa. Besides it's not like we ever had a date before.
My phone vibrates right after they finish the interview. My eyes widen in surprise when I read the new text message from Yonghwa.
"9 PM. Are you free?"
He can't be serious.
Yonghwa, Jung
I stare at the box in my hand and smile to myself. I look at the night sky, tucking my hands inside of my pockets to protect myself from the cold weather.
My manager just drove away, telling me to return before midnight. I'm allowed to spend my time with Iseul after my bandmates teased me because of my sudden date proposal on live broadcast.
In the other hand, my manager complimented me because he said public must be convinced once again that Iseul and I are a real couple.
However what I said at the interview is real. I do want to ask her to go somewhere with me today. It's Christmas and I think it's not a bad idea to spend the night with her.
It took me surprised when I found out that she has work to do tonight. I told her that it's alright for me to wait for her because I will visit her mother first at the hospital after I finished my schedule for Christmas special show.
"Yonghwa!" Mrs Song smiles widely when I step in the ward, greeting her warmly. "It's been a while! Ah, you look tired..."
"Don't worry about me," I assure her with a smile. "I will be more worried about Iseul if I were you."
"Ah, what a kind hearted boy you are," she laughs softly as I take a seat next to her bed. "She is working right now, I think. Does she know that you will come here?"
"She will come here after her work," I retort. "Have you taken your medicine yet?"
She nods and looks at me, studying my expression, "Tell me something, Yonghwa, do you have a girlfriend?"
Her surprising question surprises me. I blink for numerous times before I answer, "No, I don't."
I remember that Iseul told me to keep the deal between us as a secret. All Mrs Song knows is the fact that Iseul and I are friends who knew each other because I was a regular customer at the restaurant where she worked before.
"Iseul doesn't really have many good friends. She is a good girl but because we are poor, she can't continue her study to college," Mrs Song smiles sadly. "I'm glad that she has you as a good friend."
"And I will be really glad if one day she introduces you not as a friend," she reaches out her hand to hold mine. "What do you think about Iseul, Yonghwa?"
I have a feeling where this conversation is going to.
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Chapter 34: I both love CN Blue and INFINITE.
Thanks for putting them both in your story.
Chapter 34: this is a great one! I really love Taylor swift's songs and myungsoo yonghwa huhu thank you for the beautiful story author-nim I really wanna see myungsoo & yonghwa duet ;___;
Chapter 28: let me guess isn't he the one who brought her a letter from her father? don't tell me that letter was fake too!
OMG my heart totally forgot to beat when Myungsoo and Yonghwa met! ottokajo?
Chapter 11: i got nervous every time she meets Myungsoo, i know so soon their relationship would be revealed
i really love your writing skills, from the exact first chapter captivating!
Chapter 34: well, the are not really my bias but it was fun.
i love the story line.
keep on writing ^^v
vanillacookie #8
Kyaaaa! This story has 2 of my bias in it and i love it already just by reading the forward! Will enjoy reading this thankyouuu~
WhiteFlower #9
Beautiful story , I like the ending so much <333
azelawonnie #10
I love your story^^ daebak!
Keep it up author-nim :)