A/N I had this in mind for days, but I didn't know for which ship I wanted to write it for. And during work today, I made a bit up how the oneshot had to turn out

Taekwoon sat in front of the TV and looked at the interview of one of the most popular rappers in Korea at the moment, a rapper who went by the stagename Ravi. But no matter how Ravi looked on the screen, Taekwoon knew what a Ravi could be. Taekwoon thought he could trust Ravi, but Ravi used Taekwoon's own trust against him. After the night they made love, Ravi left him behind and went on as if nothing happened. At least, that's what Taekwoon experienced.

When Taekwoon suffered from morning sickness, he wondered what was going on. He just thought he was having a flu and wasn't thinking too much of it. And for the first two months, he kept living his life. That changed until he was 4 months along and felt something move. That's when Taekwoon visited the doctor and he said to Taekwoon that he was pregnant. Taekwoon's world crumbled when he heard this. Pregnant? Him? How was that even possible?

Taekwoon suspected that Ravi was the father of his child, as Ravi was the only one Taekwoon had with. But Taekwoon wasn't going to spend time to find Ravi and to tell him that he was pregnant, because Ravi wouldn't believe him anyways. Ravi would think that he was one of those fans who tried to claim Ravi when he would reveal that he was pregnant.

But what Taekwoon never realised, was that Wonshik never stopped thinking about Taekwoon. Whenever Wonshik wasn't on stage or wasn't having interviews, he wanted to go find the young man he had with. But Wonshik never knew the name of this young man, so it became a lot harder to find this young man. And he wanted to find this man even more when his personal assistent told him that he heard that his young man was pregnant with his child. His personal assistent once saw him leaving a doctors office with some baby pictures in his hands.

When Wonshik was recording a show which was all about pregnant mums and children, he realised that he had to pay a visit to this young man who was carrying his child. Yes, he looked like a guy who didn't care whoever ended up pregnant. But this guy had something special and Wonshik wanted him near him.

Meanwhile, Taekwoon was 7 months along and pregnancy was hitting him hard. He was expecting a little boy and Taekwoon decided to name him Hakyeon. He used to have a close friend who was named Hakyeon, but he died at the age of 18 due to a heartattack. So Taekwoon wanted to honor his close friend and decided to name his little boy Hakyeon.

Taekwoon rolled his eyes whenever he heard Ravi talk on the TV. To him, Ravi looked full of himself and never cared about anyone he had with or dated. So Taekwoon had made the decision for himself to raise Hakyeon on his own, Ravi wouldn't be there anyways and Taekwoon would tell Hakyeon that his dad left him when he heard that Taekwoon was pregnant.

''Ugh, this is so full of himself. I will keep Hakyeon away from him if he wants that.'' Taekwoon softly said and Hakyeon responded to him by a strong kick. Taekwoon groaned a bit and rubbed over is stomach with both hands.

''Your daddy let me down since the beginning, Hakyeon. You do deserve a daddy figure in your life, but Ravi won't be the father you wish you have.'' Taekwoon said to his unborn child and sighed deep. He wanted to give Hakyeon a father figure he deserves, but Ravi doesn't deserve it to be a father according to Taekwoon.

Then, the bell rang and Taekwoon quickly switched to another Channel before he got up. He didn't want people to know that he was following things of this Ravi guy. Not that he wanted to see whatever Ravi did, but he basically came by on lot of Channels.

Taekwoon opened the door and saw Ravi standing in front of him.

''It took you a lot of balls to stand on my property. What are you doing here anyways?'' Taekwoon said and rolled with his eyes as Wonshik sighed. Wonshik was kinda expecting this reaction, because he wasn't there for Taekwoon when he discovered that Taekwoon was carrying his child.

''I wanted to pay you a visit, because I heard from my personal assistent that you are pregnant with my child.'' Wonshik said and it was that moment that Hakyeon gave a strong kick. It hurt Taekwoon, but he did everything he could to hide it towards the man in front of him.

''Oh wow, you finally got together and decided to visit me huh? You have missed your chance Ravi! You could've been there for me a lot earlier, but you just act like you don't care and you have wasted your time to visit me. So, bye!'' Taekwoon said loud and wanted to close the door, but Wonshik's foot was stuck between the door.

''No, I'm not leaving. Yes, I might look like a who doesn't care. But even I have a heart, young man! And I want you to give me another chance and to fully accept me as the father of your child. When I recently was in a show surrounded by pregnant women and toddlers, I realised what I had done to you. I realised what an I have been to you and I want you to forgive me.'' Wonshik opened the door again and looked into the dark brown eyes of the pregnant man in front of him.

Taekwoon sighed and he felt Hakyeon kick pretty strong again. Apparently, Hakyeon was glad to know that his dad had shown up. Taekwoon placed a hand on his 7 month stomach and looked at it, before he looked at the rapper again.

''Your child has forgiven you, but you have to prove to me that you can be a good dad to him. Because it was your biggest mistake to leave me behind after I ended up pregnant with your child.'' Taekwoon snarled and Wonshik nodded. He realised that he was wrong, but he wanted the two to be with him. Taekwoon let Wonshik in and closed the door behind him.

Taekwoon walked to the livingroom and sat down on the couch, before Wonshik sat down next to him. Wonshik couldn't believe how big Taekwoon's stomach was right now, he indeed had missed a lot of the pregnancy.

''How far along are you and do you know what the gender is of our child?'' Wonshik asked and Taekwoon sighed, before he looked at Wonshik.

''I'm 7 months along and I'm expecting a boy, which I decided to name Hakyeon. Hakyeon was a close friend of mine and I want to honor him by naming my child after him. I'm due in June if you wanna know that.'' Taekwoon said, but the irritation was clearly heard in his voice.

''May I?'' Wonshik asked and Taekwoon only rolled his eyes as Wonshik placed a hand on Taekwoon's stomach. It didn't take long before he felt a strong kick against his hand. Hakyeon was definitely a feisty one and he apparently was glad to notice that his dad was back in the picture.

Hakyeon was glad that his dad was here, but Taekwoon wasn't a big fan of it that a successful rapper showed up at his house and asked him for forgiveness. Taekwoon wanted that this man was going to show some balls and was going to prove that he truly cared about Taekwoon and the little one inside Taekwoon's stomach.

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Chapter 78: I'm curious about what it'll be like once the baby is born
Chapter 78: How this baby going to look?
M really curoious
Chapter 66: Amazing
JeprizKey #4
Chapter 63: This stories are all amazing
Shyoung_ #5
Chapter 62: Thank u so much!! I love u authornim <3
Shyoung_ #6
Chapter 55: Wah Hongbin!! So, he impregnates a lot of people? I'm shocked..

Part 2, please.. I curious what will happen next..
Chapter 50: I cant help but melts when this chabin is written. Hakyeon wearing the pants in the relationship hehe
Chapter 48: What ll happen after taekwoon give birth hakyeon?
Tenshina #9
Chapter 47: so cute !!!!!
Chapter 45: Nice