A/N This is kinda in the style of Chained Up, so some names from that story might appear. Geez, it still feels uncomfortable to write this. But I hope that you guys like it. And also, I thought it was cute to turn Taekwoon into the pregnant one since I haven't read that many mpreg stuff with him as the pregnant one.

It was lunchtime and it was time for the Kim mansion. Wonshik completely isolated Taekwoon from the world outside those doors and besides that they were dating, Wonshik was still in control of whatever happened. He even had control over the maids that worked in his mansion. They had to sit in a certain order Wonshik wanted them to have at the table in the diningroom, so they had nothing to say.

And on top of that, Taekwoon was expecting their first child. He was 5 months along and he was showing. When Taekwoon found out that he was pregnant, he was scared. Not only for this new road that he was going to take, but he was scared that Wonshik was going to harm both him and the baby. So Taekwoon kept his mouth shut and wanted to tell Wonshik about it when he was showing, but Wonshik found out when Taekwoon suffered from morning sickness. Much to Taekwoon's relief, Wonshik was happy and Wonshik was happy that this baby was going to keep Taekwoon close to him.

Wonshik was scared that the baby was someone else's, but he believed Taekwoon when Taekwoon told him that Wonshik was the only one where he had with. Hearing that in his mind, Wonshik couldn't but smile. He could keep Jaehwan farther away from him, because Taekwoon was expecting his child and not Jaehwan's.

Taekwoon sat in the livingroom and was watching TV, but he constantly was looking down at his stomach and he couldn't help but smile. Next week, they were going to find out the gender of their child and Taekwoon was excited for that moment. Because he couldn't wait to go shopping for clothes, toys et cetera. When he felt some movement, Taekwoon placed his hand on his stomach and smiled.

''Can't wait to see what gender you are, I can't wait to spoil you.'' Taekwoon said and giggled. He already loved this baby dearly and couldn't wait to hold his child in his arms. The only thing that was in his way, was his choker. Ever since Wonshik brought him in at his company, Taekwoon is wearing a choker. And even when Wonshik separated Taekwoon and his friend Hakyeon by taking Taekwoon with him, the choker had to be around his neck.

Wonshik entered the livingroom and approached Taekwoon from behind. He wrapped his arms around Taekwoon and placed a kiss in his neck.

''Come on Taekwoon, it's time to have lunch. You have to eat well, because you also have to take care of our baby.'' Wonshik said and Taekwoon giggled.

''Alright, I'm coming.'' Taekwoon said and turned off the TV, leaving the remote on the table once he got up.

Wonshik smiled when he saw Taekwoon's protruding stomach and placed his hands on each side of the stomach, before looking from Taekwoon's stomach to Taekwoon.

''You already look gorgeous while carrying our child, you are going to be a perfect mother.'' Wonshik said and gave Taekwoon a short kiss, before he let go of Taekwoon's stomach and hooked in his arm to take him to the diningroom.

At the diningroom, the maids were greeting Taekwoon and a maid called Minah came over to Taekwoon to ask him how he was doing now that he was becomming bigger by the weeks. Minah became a good friend of Taekwoon and Wonshik was okay with their friendship, because Minah was a female and Taekwoon was gay so these two weren't dating at all.

''Well Minah, I'm doing okay now. The baby is doing okay too and isn't such a bully right now, so I'm happy about that.'' Taekwoon responded and Minah smiled.

''Haha well, that is going to change as soon as the months go by. The bigger you get, the more the baby is going to bully you.'' Minah continued and left to the kitchen to get the lunch that the maids prepared for the parents to be.

Taekwoon felt the baby squirm around and giggled, while placing a hand on his stomach. Wonshik looked at him and placed his hand next to Taekwoon's hand on the stomach.

''The baby isn't such a bully, so I'm glad that our baby is quiet for now.'' Taekwoon said and Wonshik rubbed over his boyfriend's stomach. Wonshik was already excited to feel their baby kick, but their baby was a quiet one and wasn't such a big kicker at this moment.

Then, the maids came back into the diningroom and placed the plates at the table. Taekwoon smiled when he saw what the maids prepared. No matter what the maids prepared for them, Taekwoon was happy with anything. But ever since he discovered that he was pregnant, he also noticed quite early that he had such cravings. Not that he wanted to eat things that you couldn't eat, but Taekwoon wanted to eat everything that he was thinking of.

''Eat well Taekwoon, your little baby is going to need it to grow.'' Minah said and sat down at her assigned seat. Minah was on cloud nine when she heard that Taekwoon was pregnant. Minah wanted to help the two out wherever they could, because she also did that when a friend of her went through the same. Minah was a maid since a very early age and went from one mansion to another. Now that she was working at Wonshik's mansion, she was glad that Taekwoon was living here aswell. To her, Taekwoon was more fun to talk with compared to Wonshik.

Wonshik only cared about his company, but he cared more of others when he brought Taekwoon to his mansion. That increased when he heard that Taekwoon was expecting their child.

As soon as everyone had their lunch, they started to eat and Taekwoon loved this lunch. Lunch was one of Taekwoon's favorite meals of the day, because everyone was more talkative and they had some stories to tell during lunch.

Wonshik placed a hand on Taekwoon's stomach and looked with a smile at Taekwoon. Even though Taekwoon was 5 months along now, it still felt unreal to Wonshik that he was going to be a father now.

Taekwoon smiled back at him and continued to eat his lunch. Minah gave him a bigger portion, because Taekwoon had to eat for two and not just for himself anymore.

''Well Taekwoon, what do you think?'' Minah asked and Taekwoon raised a thumb to the maid. Minah was one of the maids that was in charge of the cooking. Wonshik always told the maids what had to be prepared for breakfast, lunch and dinner and the maids had to prepare that.

And it seemed that the baby agreed aswell, because Taekwoon felt a soft kick. Taekwoon looked at Wonshik again and he saw Wonshik smiling, because Wonshik felt his child kick.

''Yes Wonshik, that's our baby. I can't wait to know what the gender is, but I'm happy with anything.'' Taekwoon said and Wonshik nodded, before he pulled Taekwoon in for a short kiss.

Wonshik was on cloud nine and already imagined what he was going to do with their little child once it was born.

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Chapter 78: I'm curious about what it'll be like once the baby is born
Chapter 78: How this baby going to look?
M really curoious
Chapter 66: Amazing
JeprizKey #4
Chapter 63: This stories are all amazing
Shyoung_ #5
Chapter 62: Thank u so much!! I love u authornim <3
Shyoung_ #6
Chapter 55: Wah Hongbin!! So, he impregnates a lot of people? I'm shocked..

Part 2, please.. I curious what will happen next..
Chapter 50: I cant help but melts when this chabin is written. Hakyeon wearing the pants in the relationship hehe
Chapter 48: What ll happen after taekwoon give birth hakyeon?
Tenshina #9
Chapter 47: so cute !!!!!
Chapter 45: Nice