You Make My Heart Flutter

You Are My One And Only




KH and DB were relaxing on the sofa while waiting for DB dancers.


DB: “Unnie....unnieee.....unnieeeee”

KH still didn’t answer; look like she is busy texting with someone.


KH: “Uhh! What?...” KH startled.

DB: “I have been calling you few times but you did answer me. You really didn’t hear me, you pretend didn’t hear me or you have become deaf?” said DB and pouts.

KH: “Hahaha sorryyy” said KH and hug DB.

DB: “You are texting with JA, right?”

KH: “No I’m not.” KH try to deny it.

DB: “Cehh! Lier! Give me your phone let me see...” said DB and try to grab KH mobile from her hand.

KH: “I didn't text her. I was checking on something else.” KH try to cover.

DB: “Then why are you afraid to let me see your phone?”

KH: “Coz there’s uncensored pictures of me inside the phone hahahaha”

DB: “HAHAHAHA yeah right unnie. What an excuse....nonsense. I know you are too damn smart not to save that kind of pictures on your mobile.”

KH: “Hahaha yea you are right.” Both of them laugh.


DB: “Unnie can I ask you a favour? Actually a HUGE favour hahaha”

KH: “No you can’t. The sound of “HUGE” already makes me scared hahahaha” teased KH. Both of them laugh.

DB: “Please unnieeee. Only you can help me.” DB shakes KH shoulders. KH laugh.

KH: “Ok...ok...what is it?”

DB: “Can you choreography a new dance steps for me? Pleasee. I want it to be something unexpected, y of course and something that will make the fans will go wild screaming hahahaha.”

KH: “Wow! That is “HUGE” favour hahaha.”

DB: “Please unniee. You are my last hope, pleaseee....” DB makes sad face and pouts.

KH: “Hmmm yea sure why not. I’ll think of something....”

DB: “Yeahhhh!!! Thanks unnie. Love you hahaha” DB hugs KH tightly.


KH: “ about a dance step where you will caress one of your male dancer chest. During the song chorus you go behind him and caress his muscular chest with your hands.”

DB: “Ok...not bad but I guess most of the female singer already do that. I want something different from others.”

KH: “Hmmm.... you are right.” KH agree with DB.

KH: “In that case, if you are daring enough how about we switch, instead of caress a guy chest.... you rub a girl s hahaha.” KH winks and laughs.

DB: “Hahaha that’s a good idea but ....”

KH: “But afraid your fans will think that you are “les”? Hahaha”

DB: “Yea hahaha. But it’s just a dance choreography right. Fans sure know the different right. It’s not necessary I’m a les if I do that kind of dance steps right.” All of this question comes out from DB mouth, unsure with her decisions.

KH: “Well that’s difficult so say. Maybe some of them cool with it. Like you say it just a dance choreography and some might think otherwise. But one thing for sure I bet they will love it hahahaha.”

DB: “Hmmm. So you think I should do it?”

KH: “I don’t’s up to you.”

DB: “If you in my shoes will you do it?”

KH: “Ermmmmm... yea I guess. You know me right I like to do something different from others.”

DB: “Hmmmmm.”

DB: “Okay I’ll do it!”

KH: “Sure?”

DB: “Yes”


When DB dancers arrived they start practicing the new dance choreography. While they were busy practising JA come in the studio. As usual JA doesn’t want to disturb KH, so she just sit on the sofa watching them practising. After few hours practising they have a break.

BD: “Hey JA” said DB and wave at JA.

JA: “Hey DB” JA wave back at DB. KH just smile.

JA: “Here I bought you guys some foods and drinks.”

BD: “Thanks so sweet of you but how do you know me and my dancers are here?”

JA: “KH told me while we were texting just now.” DB look at KH, KH pretend to look at someway else.

DB: “Lier!” DB hit KH shoulder.

KH: “Auchhh!!!” KH and DB laugh, JA blur.


After an hour break they continue practice. Everything goes just perfect except the s rub dance steps.

KH: “No.... no.... not like that... like this.” Said KH and then show the right way of doing it.

DB try to do it again and still she unable to do it right.

KH: “NO WRONG...aishhh. Don't be too stiff. Feel the music and go along with it.”


DB: “JA comes here for awhile.”

JA: “Kay.” JA walks towards them.

DB: “JA can you do me a favour? Can you be my model for a minute? Please...”

JA: “Huh?! Model? Doing what?” JA blurs.

DB: “Don’t worry you don’t have to do anything. You just stand still. I need KH to show me how to do the s rub dance step.”

KH: “I’ll do the s rub on JA?” Suddenly KH interrupt.

DB: “Yea. You don’t mind right. It’s much easier for me to see how to do it.” KH don’t have other choice so she agrees.

KH: “Okay, if JA doesn’t mind.”

DB: “Please JA. Just once....please” DB begging.

JA: “Do I have other choice hahaha?”

DB: “Pleasee” DB begging again and make sad face.

JA: “Hmm okay” JA doesn’t have other choice and pity look at DB sad face so she agrees too.

DB: “Yeahhh! Thanks you guys. Love you two.” Said DB and hugs them.

KH: “Okay let’s start...”


DB turns on the music, during chorus KH goes behind JA. Run her hands around JA s and then slightly rubs JA s. Everything goes too fast. Maybe because feel nervous and awkward both of them don’t feel anything and glad that it ends well.

DB: “Unnie you do it too fast. Can you do it slowly?”


JA: “What?! Again?! Oh not again! I feel flutter and nervous when KH stand close behind me like that. And when she touch my s i feel like my heart stop beating for awhile hahaha. Oh KH you really take my breath away....” said JA in her mind.


KH: “What? Again? You didn’t see it?”

DB: “Not really. Too fast.”

KH: “Hmm okay.”


KH: “Damn you DB! I know you do it purposely! You really own me “HUGE” favour.” said KH in her mind.


This time KH show DB the dance steps slowly. KH goes behind JA. Feel KH stand close behind her like that somehow make JA flutter, nervous and her heart beat beating faster but JA tries to control not to sow it and try to act cool as if she feel nothing. Same goes to KH too but she tries to act professional. When KH place one of her hand above JA abs and another hand above JA s then run slowly rubbing JA s, KH and JA notice they start to feels something strange feeling. They tries to control not too blush but DB notice it. DB just smiles.


DB: “HEHEHEHEH mission accomplished HEHEHEHHE” said DB in her mind.

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Francean #1
Chapter 20: So I started this story today and I love it so much!! It's been awhile since your last update on here ,I've noticed... Update soon please? Hope you didn't forget about this. There aren't that many good junghi fics out there (: thank you for the awesome fic ^.^
Chapter 20: Please update soon author-nim :)
i hope for an updates miss@mr author.hurm.
rin898 #4
tq to all the readers, new subscribers and tq for the comments. love you guys *wink*

sorry i cant updated soon coz kind of bz but i'll try to finish this story k
Chapter 20: I love u author...thanks for the update...looks like they enjoying their moment so much ;)
mi_mi_junghi #6
Chapter 20: jung ah realized this is love... but will it be enough to just have kahi's presence... this is kinda torturing for jung ah ;__;

until kahi will admit too...

thank u for the update ^^

"There’s no one else other than KH. GN is just a crush. But KH is the person her hearts belong to."

Jungah finally realized where her heart lies!!!
Chapter 19: Wow never thought that love triangle could ends up so good....but i don't want to be in that situation it's too suicidal for me :D
omg junghiiii ~
novtalia #10
author,please come back ;)