Is This Love?

You Are My One And Only




DB: “I don’t know that you love this restaurant too?”

KH: “One of my favorite. Almost every day I come here haha.”

DB: “Taking about this restaurant, have you met the owner of this restaurant. You should meet her. She is nice and such a babe haha but weird still single. If I’m a guy, I surely will tackle her haha.”

KH: “Yea I know her. Maybe she’s cautious and afraid to get hurt … am sure she has her own reason. Everybody want to be loved by someone right? And I’m sure that’s include her too”

DB: “Hmm maybe and yea you are right. Sometimes I feel that way too”

KH: “Hmm me too. So you know her too?”

DB: “Yea I know her thru my friend. My friend is her old classmate. Since that we become close friend. She is very caring and lovable kind of person that’s why people can easily get close and feel comfortable with her.”

KH: “Hmmm” KH nodded her head, agree with DB.

DB: “How do you know JA?”

KH: “She serves me coz the others are busy.”

DB: “So are two of you close?” DB tries to dig more info about KH and JA relationship.

KH: “Ermm so … so.” KH lie to DB, KH shy to admit that she is close with JA. KH know if she told DB she is close with JA for sure DB with keep on teasing her the whole day and ask so many questions about her and JA.

DB: “Ooooo I see. So honestly this restaurant is your favorite because of the foods or because of the owner? Hahaha” DB tease KH.

KH: “Of course because of the foods you silly. It’s got nothing to do with her.” KH hit DB shoulder. DB laughs.

DB: “Unnie”

KH: “Hmm”

DB: “What do you think of JA?”

KH: “Okay.”

DB: “OKAY?! Just okay… nothing else? hahah” DB tease KH again.

KH: “I know what’s on your mind and the answer is NO. I didn’t like her that way. We are just friend, that’s all. I already have GN, remember?”

DB: “Oya I forgot about your beloved GN hahaha”

KH: “Yah how could you forget about her… you betrayed your own best friend haha”

DB: “Hahaha sorry and please don’t tell her. If she know she surely gonna kill me hahaha” Both of them laughs.


While enjoying their meals and chit chatting once awhile KH glance at JA who is busy checking things with her crews.

DB: “Stop glancing at her. Just call her here or you want me to do it for you.” DB teases KH again.

KH: “Huh?! I did not glance at her…..” KH denied it. DB knows KH is lying, she laughs.

DB: “Unnie she’s coming.” said DB when she sees JA wave her hand and walks towards them. KH and DB wave back at JA.

JA: “Hey you two!” JA greets KH and DB.

DB and KH: “Hey JA!”

JA: “Ooo you two know each other? I didn’t know that?”

KH: “Yea we know each other for a very long time. She’s like a sis to me.” DB nodded her head.

JA: “Oo I see. How are you DB? I did see you quite a while, busy?” asked JA and hugs DB.

DB: “I’m fine. Yea… busy. You?”

JA: “Feeling much better. Just recover from high fever last week haha” said JA and glance at KH. When JA and KH eyes meet both of them look at someway else.

DB: “Ooo poor you.”

JA: “What to do…. you know me right I easily get sick haha”

DB: “Hmm” DB nodded her head.

DB: “Maybe you should find someone to take care of you.” said DB and wink.

JA: “Hmm maybe haha” JA chuckled and smile.


JY: “Excuse me… erm sorry to interrupt… JA unnie JD is here.”

JA: “Oh okay. Thanks JY. I’ll be there in 5 mins” said JA to JY.

JA: “Sorry you two, I have to go now. I have meeting. Maybe we continue talking next time kay.

DB: “It’s ok, no problem…. understands.”

JA: “Enjoy your hi-tea. Take care. Bye”

DB: “You too take care. Bye JA”

KH: “Bye"


DB looks at KH after JA left.

KH: “What?!”

DB: “You like her right?”

KH: “Huh?! What?!”

DB: “Come on unnie, you know what I mean right. Stop denies it. I see how you look at her…. I can tell that you like her more than a friend. Right? Right?”

KH: “Like I told you earlier, we are just friend. I love GN.”

DB: “I know you love GN but it’s not impossible to fall in love with JA too right?” said DB and wink.

KH didn’t answer DB question she just smile.





While lying on the bed….

KH: “Am I falling in love with JA? Is it true I like her more than a friend?”

KH: “What I know for sure, every day I want to see her… talk and teasing her. Be next to her. See she laughs and smile at me. See she’s happy somehow make me happy too.”

KH: “If one day I didn’t see her, I miss her so much.

KH: “But I love GN. I don’t wanna hurts her...”





While lying on the bed….

JA: “Why I can’t get her out of my mind?”

JA: “Why I miss her if one day I didn’t talk or see her?”

JA: “Am I falling in love with her?”

JA: “Is this love……???”

JA: “But she is in love with someone else….. KH love GN….” 

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Francean #1
Chapter 20: So I started this story today and I love it so much!! It's been awhile since your last update on here ,I've noticed... Update soon please? Hope you didn't forget about this. There aren't that many good junghi fics out there (: thank you for the awesome fic ^.^
Chapter 20: Please update soon author-nim :)
i hope for an updates miss@mr author.hurm.
rin898 #4
tq to all the readers, new subscribers and tq for the comments. love you guys *wink*

sorry i cant updated soon coz kind of bz but i'll try to finish this story k
Chapter 20: I love u author...thanks for the update...looks like they enjoying their moment so much ;)
mi_mi_junghi #6
Chapter 20: jung ah realized this is love... but will it be enough to just have kahi's presence... this is kinda torturing for jung ah ;__;

until kahi will admit too...

thank u for the update ^^

"There’s no one else other than KH. GN is just a crush. But KH is the person her hearts belong to."

Jungah finally realized where her heart lies!!!
Chapter 19: Wow never thought that love triangle could ends up so good....but i don't want to be in that situation it's too suicidal for me :D
omg junghiiii ~
novtalia #10
author,please come back ;)