
You Are My One And Only

[ JA Office ]



JA was busy with her work suddenly her mobile ring. JA smile when she sees the caller id on her mobile screen. JA answers the call.

JA: “Helllooo”

KH: “You sound like you are in good mood? Something happen? Care to share it with me?”

JA: “Nehh…Nothing happen AND… by the way… I always in good mood”


JA: “Aish! You silly. You still don’t get it aren’t you…Don’t you know… YOU… yes you… are the reason why I’m happy right now you silly. Just hearing your voice can put a big smile on my face. I wish you will realize it someday….soon I hope…*sigh*.” said JA in her mind.


KH: “Hmmm except when you’re PMS, right hahaha. Anyway are you busy? Can I come up to your office? I’m boredddd” KH whined.

JA: “Sure you can you silly AND how many times must tell you, you can just come here anytime you want. You don’t have to ask for my permission. You are my twin remember. You are always welcome here.” KH smile.

KH: “Yea I know, it just that I don’t want to disturb you working…you know….”

JA: “Don’t be silly. You are not disturbing me. In fact I prefer you be around ….accompany me…”


JA: “Oh! DAMN! Did I just say that to her….damn…damn. I’m sure she will use this to tease me again” said JA in her mind.


KH: “Huh ha! At last, you admit it… you prefer this “pretending girlfriend” of yours to be around you huh hahaha.” KH teased JA.


JA: “See I told you, she will tease me…..AARRRR!!!! But in the other hand… you are right hunny I LOOVVEE everytime you are around.  In fact I don’t mind if you are here the whole day accompany me hahaha” said JA in her mind.


JA: “Yes coz I can whining nagging and bully you around HAHAHAHAHA” JA gives an excuse she doesn’t want to admit that she love every time KH accompany her.

KH: “Hmmmm pity me. Okay old lady see you later old lady…bye...bye” said KH and ends the call.


JA: “Old lady?! So not romantic. Why can’t she call me something like hunny or darling…something romantic….aishhh!!!

Okay enough JA…stop dreaming. You are not her girlfriends so why must she be romantic with you silly.” JA mumbling to herself.


Few minute later KH walks in JA office with 2 ice coffee and some food in her hand. KH then sit on the couch. Few minutes later JA joins KH sits on the couch too.

JA: “I didn’t see you yesterday…busy?” asked JA while eating a sandwich.

KH: “Don’t speak if your mouth is full old lady.” KH tease JA.

JA: “Who cares this is my office I can do whatever I want.” JA stuck her tongue out. KH laughs.

KH: “Spoil brat”

JA: “Huh! Look who’s talking.”

JA: “Enough bully me! Answer my question. So, you are busy yesterday?” asked JA again.

KH: “Ermm yea sort of….go visit GN parents.”

JA: “Ooooo go visit your in law. So how was it?”

KH: “Ermmm okay at first but then later after dinner kinda stress about “something”…..”

JA: “Stress about something? What “thing”?”

KH: “Well her mum asked between GN and me who gonna get pregnant coz she want a grandchild, soon. Even though she sound like joking but GN and me know that she is serious about it.”

JA: “HAHAHAHA! Pity you guys. So…who gonna be the mommy?” asked JA curious.

KH: “We haven’t decided it yet. The truth … this “thing”… never cross our mind. Both of us really surprised, never thought that she will ask that kind of question.”

JA: “But do both of you wanna have children? I mean do you ever think of having children, someday?”

KH: “Yea of course I want to have my own someday but duno GN. But I don’t think GN wanna get pregnant coz as you know she always TOO busy with her work.”

JA: “In that case you then be the mom…”

KH: *sign* “I’m not ready to be a mother. What do you think? Can I be a good mother?”

JA: “You always take care of GN and me of course you can be a good mother”

KH: “But that’s different case…...”

JA: “Yea I know….Come on relax don’t worry too much about it. I’m sure you will be fine. Don’t stressful yourself. Discuss it with GN kay. I’m sure both of you will find the solution.”

KH: “Hmmm….Wish it as simple as talking to you….”


They silent for a while suddenly JA giggles.

KH: “What so funny? Why are you giggling like a mad woman?”

JA: “Hahah I imagined you become a mommy and play with your cute baby hahaha adorable.”

KH: “Haha silly! And what make you so sure that my baby gonna be cute?”

JA: “Obviously your baby gonna be cute coz you and GN is gorgeous.”

KH: “I’m gorgeous?”

JA: “Ermm yea sort of…”

KH: “Sort of? What do you mean?”

JA: “Well of course GN is gorgeous charming funny and smart that’s why you fall in love with her. But as for you… if 1st time people look at you they will surely say that you are so damn gorgeous …BUT…. if they look at you for the 2nd time they will surely gonna faint coz you look slightly like an old lady HAHAHAHHAHAHA.”

KH: “YAHH!!!! HOW DARE YOU!” KH hit JA arm few times, hard.


KH: “You deserve it OLD LADY!”

JA: “You can’t be brutal like that mommy. You’ll scare of your child if you are acting like that.” JA still keeps on teasing KH. KH hit JA again then tickle JA waist.

JA: “Stopp….tickling…mee…Kaahhiii…stooppp ittt….. It’s ticklish….”

KH: “Then stop teasing me you naughty old lady.”

JA: “Okaay….okayy….I surrender….You winn…I’mmm sooryy.”


JA: “You know what… I guess if you have children… it’s not them who are gonna be spoil brat… I guess you are the one who gonna be spoil brat. I guess they will be much much mature than you are …. Pity them and GN hahaha.”

KH: “Ermm I guess you are right hahahaha.”

JA: “Silly”

KH: “You silly, old lady” Both of them laugh.


KH: “Okay enough talking about me let’s talk about you now. So what have you been doing the whole day yesterday? It seem like you are busy too coz I didn’t receive any message from you yesterday.”

JA: “Nothing much …” JA try to escape from answering KH question.

KH: “Liar! I know you are lying coz every time you lie to me you don’t dare to look at me…right…right”


JA: “Aish! She knew I’m hiding something. Should I tell her? Should I? ….Yeah I guess so huh plus I’m nobody to her. I’m just her best friends. I’m sure she don’t mind slash don’t care right…”


KH: “So?”

JA: “So what?” JA acts like she doesn’t know what KH is talking about.

KH: “Seriously you don’t know what I’m talking about? You want me to tickle you again to refresh your mind?”

JA: “Okay…okay…I answer your question. I with SY”


KH: “WHAT! JA with that charming hot babe! AISHH!!!” said KH in her mind, feel jealous but of course as usual she tries not to show it and act normal.


KH: “The whole day? Surprise….surprise. I thought after what had happen that day she will vanish from your life.”

JA: “Yea that what I thought too. But no worries everything is okay now. We are just best friend now.”

KH: “Sure? Just best friends? Not best friends with benefit? Coz you do like her too right. A LOT…”

JA: “Yea but …..” JA couldn’t finish her sentence. She doesn’t want KH to know she rejected SY because she loves KH more than SY.

KH: “But what?” asked KH curious.

JA: “Nothing”

KH: “Nothing? You don’t wanna tell me?”

JA:  “Nope and can we just drop this subject. I’m hungry let’s eat. Wanna come?” said JA and start walking towards the door leaving KH behind.

KH: “Yea…yea…okay I’m coming…”


KH: “Secret? Since when she keep a secret from me…I’m sure she is hiding something from me. I wonder what it is. Aishh this old lady now you make me curious to know why you didn’t choose that hot babe coz I know you really like her” said KH in her mind.

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Francean #1
Chapter 20: So I started this story today and I love it so much!! It's been awhile since your last update on here ,I've noticed... Update soon please? Hope you didn't forget about this. There aren't that many good junghi fics out there (: thank you for the awesome fic ^.^
Chapter 20: Please update soon author-nim :)
i hope for an updates miss@mr author.hurm.
rin898 #4
tq to all the readers, new subscribers and tq for the comments. love you guys *wink*

sorry i cant updated soon coz kind of bz but i'll try to finish this story k
Chapter 20: I love u author...thanks for the update...looks like they enjoying their moment so much ;)
mi_mi_junghi #6
Chapter 20: jung ah realized this is love... but will it be enough to just have kahi's presence... this is kinda torturing for jung ah ;__;

until kahi will admit too...

thank u for the update ^^

"There’s no one else other than KH. GN is just a crush. But KH is the person her hearts belong to."

Jungah finally realized where her heart lies!!!
Chapter 19: Wow never thought that love triangle could ends up so good....but i don't want to be in that situation it's too suicidal for me :D
omg junghiiii ~
novtalia #10
author,please come back ;)