Soul Mate

You Are My One And Only



KH: “Morninggg!” KH greet cheerfully once she open JA office door.

JA: “Huh! Morning??!! Helllooo! It’s already noon.” JA shakes her head and then continues looking at her laptop. KH look at her watch.

KH: “HAHAHAHA sorry boss” said KH and sit on the chair in front of JA desk.


KH: “What are you doing?” asked KH when JA looks serious looking at her laptop and did not pay attention to her.

JA: “Play games…hahaha. Of course I’m doing my work you silly. What else I’m doing hahaha”

KH: “Hmmm, sorry to disturb you.” KH sulk, pouts and about to walk out JA office.

JA: “Hey! Where are you going?”

KH: “Studio”

JA: “So soon?! You just got here?!”

KH: “YAHHH!!! Stop making me confuse old lady. Just now you scolds me coz I disturbed you work and now when I want to go to my studio you ask me to stay. Make up your mind old lady, which one do you want me to do?”


Somehow the way KH was saying that looks so cute and funny to JA and makes her laughs. JA walks towards KH and hugs her from back.


JA: “HAHAHAHA sorry. Why hot temper? Are you having your PMS? HAHAHAHA” JA teases KH.


KH hit JA arm. JA still can’t stop herself from laughing. KH hold and then pull JA hand to follow her sit on the sofa. JA just follow KH wish.


KH: “Why you didn’t message and reply my message?”

JA: “I don’t want to disturb you and GN honeymoon hahaha” said JA and wink, KH blush.

JA: “By the way, how’s your honeymoon? Enough, one week? hahaha” JA continues teasing KH.

KH: “You wanna get smack? Stop teasing me” said KH and hit JA shoulder harder.

JA: “Auchhhhh” JA whine in pain.

KH: “Good! You deserve it, you naughty old lady HAHAHAH”

JA: “Hey! Stop calling me old lady. You, old lady!” JA hit KH shoulder. Both of them laugh.


KH: “So what have you been doing this whole week since I’m not around?”

JA: “Mingle, flirting and dating.” reply JA impassively.

KH: “WoW! I just gone for a week and you already find someone to replace me? Hmmm…. impressive. Well done hahaha” KH feels mixture of disappointed, hurts and jealous to hear JA answer but she try to hide her feeling.

JA: “You believe me?! Hahahaha I’m just kidding.”

KH: “YAHHH! Stop teasing me.” KH hit JA arm and pouts. JA laughs.

JA: “Do I look like that kind of person?”

KH: “Yes sometimes, if you like that person.” JA nodded and smile, agree with KH answer.

KH: “JA ah stop be naughty and teasing me. It doesn’t suit you. It suited me. You suppose to be a good girl hahaha”

JA: “Wae?!” Both of them laugh.


KH: “JA….”

JA: “Hmm…”

KH: “How come I never see you dating?”

JA: “Lazy”


JA: “Hmm”

KH: “Seriously?!”

JA: “Hmmm”

KH: “JA ah I’m serious.” KH shakes JA shoulders.

JA: “Hahaha okay...okay” JA laughs.

KH: “Come on, y babe like you impossible there’s nobody ask you out for a date?”

JA: “There are. But most of them want my body more than to get to know the real me? So what’s the point be with someone like that. Not worth it. I rather be single than be with someone like that.”

KH: “But don’t you feel bored and lonely being alone all the time?”

JA: “Who say I’m alone? I have my crews, friends, family and YOU hahahaha.”

KH: “Yea I know that. What I mean someone special. Someone to lovey dovey….mushy mushy….someone to love you and you love that person too…etc and etc….”

 JA: “Do I really need that person? HAHAHA”

KH: “JA ah I’m serious.”

JA: “Hahaha” JA chuckled.


KH: “You never tell me anything about you love life. You have a boy friend before, right?”

JA: “What make you think that I have a boyfriend and not a girlfriend? hahaha”

KH: “YAAHHH KIM JUNG AH! Stop twisting the question and makes me confuse. You give me migraine.”

JA: “Hahahaha”

KH: “JA ah stops laughing and answer my question. You have both? Boyfriend and girlfriend?” KH confuse and curious.

JA: “Boyfriends”

KH: “Yes! I’m right hahaha. I know it coz you don’t look like a les or bi hahaha.” JA laughs too.

KH: “How many ex do you have? And what happen?”

JA: “3. Unfaithful...”There’s sadness in her voice tone and face expressions while she saying that.

KH: “I’m sorry” said KH feel guilty. KH caress JA hand.

JA: “It’s ok. What’s past is past.... let gone be by gone, right hahaha” said JA and try to smile.

KH: “So you have given up on love?”

JA: “Of course not. Maybe I haven’t found my soul mate yet. “My one and only” true love hahaha”

KH: “I’m sure someday you will find your “one and only” true love...” said KH try to cheer up and comfort JA.

JA: “Hmm... hope so hahaha...”

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Francean #1
Chapter 20: So I started this story today and I love it so much!! It's been awhile since your last update on here ,I've noticed... Update soon please? Hope you didn't forget about this. There aren't that many good junghi fics out there (: thank you for the awesome fic ^.^
Chapter 20: Please update soon author-nim :)
i hope for an updates miss@mr author.hurm.
rin898 #4
tq to all the readers, new subscribers and tq for the comments. love you guys *wink*

sorry i cant updated soon coz kind of bz but i'll try to finish this story k
Chapter 20: I love u author...thanks for the update...looks like they enjoying their moment so much ;)
mi_mi_junghi #6
Chapter 20: jung ah realized this is love... but will it be enough to just have kahi's presence... this is kinda torturing for jung ah ;__;

until kahi will admit too...

thank u for the update ^^

"There’s no one else other than KH. GN is just a crush. But KH is the person her hearts belong to."

Jungah finally realized where her heart lies!!!
Chapter 19: Wow never thought that love triangle could ends up so good....but i don't want to be in that situation it's too suicidal for me :D
omg junghiiii ~
novtalia #10
author,please come back ;)