
You Are My One And Only



It’s has been quite sometimes GN didn’t take leave so she decided to take a weeks off to rest and spend time with KH. Tonight they feel lazy to go out so they cook their dinner, themselves. After had their dinner GN and KH relax and watching TV in the living room.


GN: “What are you thinking?” Suddenly GN broke the silence.

KH: “Huh? What?” KH startled from daydreaming.

GN: “Its look like your mind is someway else. Missing someone? hahaha” Tease GN while caress KH hair. GN was sitting on the sofa while KH head was lying on GN lap.

KH: “Huh?! What?! Missing someone?! What are you talking about? Who else I wanna miss when the person I love is here with me.” said KH and smile sweetly at GN.

GN: “Is that so? Haha”

KH: “You don’t believe me?” KH pouts. GN didn’t answer, she just smile. They continue watching TV and silence again.


KH: “She acting kinda weird today…..” said KH in her mind.


GN: “Darling….”

KH: “Hmm….”

GN: “Do you really love me? Haha what a stupid question, right haha” GN pretend likes she doesn’t really mean it, like she is just teasing joking with KH. But deep inside she really mean it. Lately she feels like there’s a little bit different with KH, with their relationship.

KH: “Of course I love you. After all this times, you still don’t believe me?”

GN: “I want to….but….” KH never thought that GN will say that. KH surprise and feel disappointed at the same times because GN still doubt about KH love towards her after all this years they have been living together like husband and wife.

KH: “But what?” asked KH curious and sit facing GN. KH look into GN eyes. GN looks down and silence.

KH: “Hunny, what wrong? Talk to me?” GN shakes her head.                                                                            

KH: “Please answer my question? What’s wrong?” said KH in a very loving kind of way.

GN: “Nothing” said GN and tries to smile.

KH: “Come on….I know you pretty well. There’s must be something bothering you.” said KH and held GN hand.

GN: “You know I have a strong instinct, right.”

KH: “Hmm”

GN: “Lately I have a feeling like you start to have feeling towards someone……. I think you start to fall in love with her.”  

KH: “Huh?! Who?” KH surprised.

GN: “JA”

KH: “Huh?! What!? JA?! HAHAHA”

KH: “Hunny, JA and I are just best friend, that’s all. Not more or less than that. There’s nothing you have to worry about.” KH try to convince GN.

GN: “I know. That’s what I keep on telling myself. But….lately I feel like there’s a gap in between us. And that gap is getting bigger and bigger each day. Honestly, I admit sometimes I feel jealous and angry when I call you, you said you are with JA. Sometimes I hate myself coz she able to spend more time with you than me. But I know and I admit it’s my fault coz I always busy with work. But you know I don’t do it purposely, right? You know how’s my job is, right?”

KH: “Hmm I know…” KH nodded her head.

GN: “And you know what hurts me most? It hurts so badly when I see you look happier when you are with her. I never see you smile like that when you are with me. There’s so much different when you are with me and when you are with her.”

GN: “I’m scared that someday I might lose you…” GN eyes red. GN tries to hold her tears from fall.

KH never see GN sad and acting like this before. GN that KH know is always confident and strong. She may look serious but actually she is very playful and funny kind of person and has a very fragile heart that can easily get hurts.  KH and GN have a lots of that’s similarity. That’s one of the thing why GN love KH so much because most of the time KH understand her and know how she feels. It’s like KH can read her mind. But tonight KH see the other side of GN that GN never show it before. Tonight GN looks unsecure and full of emotion.

KH: “Hey look at me” KH hold GN chin up.

KH: “Don’t say that. I’m not going anyway. I love you. I’m not going to leave you, full stop.” GN can’t hold her tears from fall anymore. KH wipe GN tears. Pull GN in her arms and hugs her tight.

KH: “I love you” KH whisper softly in GN ear. GN hugs KH tightly.



KH looks at GN who was sleep soundly and like a baby in her arms, KH smile. KH kiss GN forehead. Usually after they make love both of them will fall asleep because feel tired. But tonight KH can’t sleep maybe because there’s so much thought running in her head.


KH: “Is that true that I have feeling for JA?” KH ask herself in her mind.

KH: “But earlier GN was right I am missing someone. I miss JA.”

KH: “Lately if one day I didn’t see her, I’ll miss her so much. Even just a message from her will make me smile and feel happier.”

KH: “But that doesn’t mean that I have feeling for her, right?”

KH: “Best friend do miss each other too, right?”

KH: “Am I right?!?” KH sigh and pouts.

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Francean #1
Chapter 20: So I started this story today and I love it so much!! It's been awhile since your last update on here ,I've noticed... Update soon please? Hope you didn't forget about this. There aren't that many good junghi fics out there (: thank you for the awesome fic ^.^
Chapter 20: Please update soon author-nim :)
i hope for an updates miss@mr author.hurm.
rin898 #4
tq to all the readers, new subscribers and tq for the comments. love you guys *wink*

sorry i cant updated soon coz kind of bz but i'll try to finish this story k
Chapter 20: I love u author...thanks for the update...looks like they enjoying their moment so much ;)
mi_mi_junghi #6
Chapter 20: jung ah realized this is love... but will it be enough to just have kahi's presence... this is kinda torturing for jung ah ;__;

until kahi will admit too...

thank u for the update ^^

"There’s no one else other than KH. GN is just a crush. But KH is the person her hearts belong to."

Jungah finally realized where her heart lies!!!
Chapter 19: Wow never thought that love triangle could ends up so good....but i don't want to be in that situation it's too suicidal for me :D
omg junghiiii ~
novtalia #10
author,please come back ;)