Pretend To Be My Girlfriend

You Are My One And Only





JA: “Arrr! Where are you? Please pick up the phone, I desperately need you now” JA talking to herself while biting her lower lip. She looks so cute and y every time she does that, but too bad still no answer from that person.  JA dials again the same number again and again, desperately.

JA: “Damn where is she? Don’t tell me she is busy doing “that thing ()” with GN”

KH: “Hellloooo” said KH, she sound like she’s in good mood today.


KH: “Yea I know. I can see that on my phone screen. You have missed call me like 68 times and could you PLEASE STOP SCREAMING IN MY EAR!?

JA: “Hehehe sorry. Then why you didn’t answer my call?”

KH: “I was busy wrestling with GN in the shower....”

JA: “ details please. Understand” JA cut her off before KH finish talking.


JA: “Oooo no wonder she is in good mood...” said JA in her mind and feels jealous at the same time.


JA: “Anyway... I need your help. Please come and rescue me?”

KH: “Huh! What?! Rescue you from what? Are okay? Someone disturb you? But can’t be, coz you voice tone doesn’t sound like you are in trouble?” said KH confused.

JA: “HEHEHEHE No... Not in that kind of trouble hehehe. Love trouble hehehe?”

KH: “What?! What do mean?”


KH: “Love trouble? She in love?” said KH in her mind and feels little bit sad and frustration at the same time.


JA: “You will know later...Anyway,can you do me a favour? HUGE BIG favour.”

KH: “What kind of favour?” KH frown.

JA: “I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend”

KH: “What?! Pretend to be your girlfriend?”

JA: “Yea, pleaseeeee”

KH: “But why?”

JA: “My restaurant landlord precious daughter has a big crush on me. I have tried convincing her that I ready have a girlfriend but she doesn’t believe me. That’s why I need you to be my girlfriend”

KH: “Be your girlfriend?” KH teased.

JA: “What I meant pretend to be my girlfriend. YYAHHH!!! You know what I mean and stop teasing me.”

KH: “Errmmm...NOPE. Sorry I can’t.”

JA: “Waaaeeee?! Why not....pleaseeeee. I do anything as return...pleasseee.”

KH: “HAHAHA  you are desprete huh?! Why are you soo scared of her? Is she that ugly hahahaha”

JA: “I’m not scared of her. I just...I just...*sight* I duno....I feel nervous when I’m alone with her and she is not ugly. She actually  gorgeous.... funny.... charming..... caring...”

KH: “OK.....OK.... enough with the details. Are you sure you want to do this? Coz you sound like you like her... ALOT”


KH: “Ok now I’m jealous. She never says like that about me. Who is this girl?” said KH in her mind.


JA: “Do I? Is it obvious? No...No...I can’t like her. She is way too young for me?”

KH: “Who cares if she is younger that you? As long as both of you love each other, why not?”


KH: “DAMMMNNN IIIITTT.... SHE LIKE HER .....ARRRR!!!!” KH grumbled in her mind.


JA: “Damnn it’s already 5.30? We are having dinner with her at 7pm. Here, in the private room. So can you help me or not? Please. I can’t ask JY or Uee coz she know them. Pleasseee”

KH: “Okay, I’ll do it and don’t forget you owe me HUGE”

JA: “YEAHHHHH! Thanks. See you later then. Bye and don’t be late.”

KH: “Kay boss. Bye” Both of them laughs and ends the call.



JA was talking with her landlord daughter when suddenly someone knocks the door. JA open the door, it’s KH.

KH: “Hey hunny. Sorry I’m late.” KH hold JA waist and kiss JA cheek. JA startled and blushes with KH action but JA tried to act normal.

JA: “Err KH ... this is Choi SooYoung and Soo this Park JiYoung.”



KH: “Hi! Just call me KH”


KH: “WoW! No wonder JA like her.” said KH in her mind.



SY: “Hi KH! You can just call me Soo”


SY: “Hmmm impressed .... gorgeous and charming. Those dimples make her look ier.” Said SY in her mind.


JA: “Can we eat now. I’m hungry.” said JA and pouts.

KH & SY: “Cute” Both of them say at the same time.

SY: “Sorry. Can’t help it... hahaha” SY purposely said that to make KH angry and jealous and at the same time to see KH reaction.

KH:  “Well can’t denied it she is cute and adorable, right?” KH wink and smile sweetly at JA. JA smile back at KH. SY just look at the loveable couple in front of her.

JA: “Both of you want more wine?” JA tried to broke the awkwardness.

SY: “Ooo no, enough with me. Thanks.”

JA: “Hunny? You want some more?” JA asked KH. Somehow the way JA called her “Hunny” make her heart flutter but of course KH try to act cool.

KH: “Hmm yea sure why not”


SY: “So how long have you been together?”

KH: “This year gonna be 3 years, right darling?” JA nodded her head.

SY: “How do you two meet?”

KH: “Here in this restaurant. I was her regular customer.”

SY: “Oo I see, lucky you.”

KH: “Yea you are right I’m lucky to have her” said KH and kisses JA on the neck. JA froze for a seconds and she blushed. JA didn’t aspect KH will do that but she try to control herself not to be notice by SY. On the other hand, looking at KH and JA mushy mushy and touchy touchy really get SY annoyed and jealous.

SY: “Honestly, are you two really couple or both of you just pretend to be one?” KH frown.

KH: “You don’t believe us?”

SY: “Honestly, nope.”

KH: “Fine. Watch this...” KH kiss JA passionately in front of SY.


KH: “JA please kiss me back. If not this plan won’t work.” said KH in her mind as if JA can hear her but surprise, JA kiss KH back; long passionate french kiss.



SY can’t control her anger and jealousy anymore she left the room and slam the door hard.

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Francean #1
Chapter 20: So I started this story today and I love it so much!! It's been awhile since your last update on here ,I've noticed... Update soon please? Hope you didn't forget about this. There aren't that many good junghi fics out there (: thank you for the awesome fic ^.^
Chapter 20: Please update soon author-nim :)
i hope for an updates miss@mr author.hurm.
rin898 #4
tq to all the readers, new subscribers and tq for the comments. love you guys *wink*

sorry i cant updated soon coz kind of bz but i'll try to finish this story k
Chapter 20: I love u author...thanks for the update...looks like they enjoying their moment so much ;)
mi_mi_junghi #6
Chapter 20: jung ah realized this is love... but will it be enough to just have kahi's presence... this is kinda torturing for jung ah ;__;

until kahi will admit too...

thank u for the update ^^

"There’s no one else other than KH. GN is just a crush. But KH is the person her hearts belong to."

Jungah finally realized where her heart lies!!!
Chapter 19: Wow never thought that love triangle could ends up so good....but i don't want to be in that situation it's too suicidal for me :D
omg junghiiii ~
novtalia #10
author,please come back ;)