
You Are My One And Only





Ting Tong! Ting Tong! Ting Tong! Ting Tong! Ting Tong!


That person keeps on pressing the door bell. It seem like that person really enjoy playing with the door bell. But the sound of the nonstop door bell really irritated JA.


JA: “Okay…okay I’m coming. Aishhh!” JA walk toward the door and opened it. It’s SY.

SY: “Hey my best friends with benefit. Miss me? I miss you.” Said SY then hugs JA. JA startled.

SY: “And this is for you my hot y best friends.” SY give JA a bouquet of roses and chocolate.


JA: “Awww so sweet of you thanks Soo.”

JA: “Soo you don’t have to give me present roses and chocolate every time you come to see me.” 


SY: “It’s okay. I don’t mind. I love give you all those thing. I love make you smile. So where’s my kiss? No kiss today?” SY teased and pout.


JA pecks a kiss on SY cheek.


SY: “I don’t want kiss on cheek. I want on my lips.” SY whined and pout again.

JA: “Don’t be greedy. That’s better than nothing…” JA giggled.

SY: “Greedy is good. Greedy is good for health especially for those are in “best friends and benefit relationship.”” SY teased JA again and then pull JA in her arms. SY hands on JA waist. JA hands on SY shoulder. Actually JA startled with SY sudden action that’s why she accidently put her hands on SY shoulder.


SY: “So should I make the first move to kiss you first OR you want to kiss me first? SY keep on teasing JA.

SY: “OR you want us go straight to your bedroom and make love. If you ask me, I’ll choose the last choice.” said SY and winks. SY really love to tease JA.

JA: “YAH! ert! Dream on” JA hit SY arm. SY giggled.

SY: “Come on my best friends. Don’t be shy. I know you want it too.”

JA: “Soo stop teasing me like that …. KH is here…”

SY: “Don’t give excuses. I know you are lying. I didn’t see her. Where…where? I did see her. Liar.”


KH: “EHEM! EHEM! Hey SooYoung” said KH who is now standing behind SY. SY startled. SY turn around and there KH standing in front of her looking very serious.


KH: “What the hell! How dare you mushy mushy touchy touchy my JA?!” said KH in her mind. KH REALLY feel jealous and angry seeing SY mushy mushy with JA. But as usual she tries not so show it too obvious, so she tries to act normal.


Actually SY didn’t know that KH is at JA apartment. SY thought JA is alone at home that why she is acting that way and she doesn’t really mean it she just teased JA.


SY: “H-heyy K-Kahi. Peace!” SY stutter and make peace sign at KH. JA giggled.

 KH: “What are you doing? Why are you hugging my JA? You wanna get smack from me?”


SY: “Oo! This?!” Instantly SY pull her hands from hugging JA. JA still can’t help herself from giggled.

SY: “A-am j-just teasing her. That’s all. Please don’t be mad ahaha.” SY stutter, try to explain what actually really happen.

SY: “Erm sorry to disturbed. I didn’t know you are here. I think I better go now.”


JA: “So soon. You just got here? You don’t want to join us for dinner?”

SY: “Nehh… it’s okay, thanks. Next time kay. Enjoy your dinner then. Bye KH. Peace!” said SY. She smile and makes peace sign again at KH. Actually KH want to laugh but she controls not to show it. KH purposely make SY feel guilty and awkward as revenge for mushy mushy and touchy touchy her JA.


KH: “Hmm bye.” said KH with cold expression.


SY: “Bye my best friends JA.” said SY. Hugs and peck a kiss at JA cheek.

SY: “You don’t mind right KH. Best friends do hugs and kiss on the cheek right hahaha.” KH give SY a fierce look.

SY: “Peace!”  Said SY to KH again and again give the peace sign at KH. JA giggles.

SY: “Bye JA”

JA: “Bye Soo. Take care and drive carefully kay.”

SY: “Hmm I will bye.” SY left JA apartment.


KH sit on the sofa and JA joins her.

JA: “What with that look?

KH: “What look?”

JA: “Soo already left. Why are you still look serious?”

KH: “No I’m not.”

JA: “Yes you are.”


KH silent.


KH: “SY come here frequently?” KH asked feel curious.

JA: “Sometimes.”

KH: “So…usually…what…did you guys do?”

JA: “Like what I usually do with you…eat, talk, watch movie, teasing, sleep etc and etc….”

KH: “That’s all?”

JA: “Erm sometimes if we in the mood…we do make out too.” JA teased KH. JA purposely said that to see KH reaction.

KH: “You do what?!” KH look really surprised with what she just heard.

JA: “You heard me…make love.” JA control not to laugh sees KH reaction.

KH: “S-so it’s true…you and Soo “best friends with benefit”?

JA: “Errmm yeah sort of.”


KH: “!” said KH in her mind. KH really pissed off.



KH: “Ermm I think I better go now. It’s kind of late already.” Said KH all of sudden.

JA: “Since GN is outstation why don’t you just sleep here?”


JA: “Is she jealous? I never see her like this before….hahaha” said JA in her mind.


KH: “No…not today.” said KH cold.

JA: “Why not? Coz most of the time every time GN go outstation you sleep here.”

KH: “Not today….not in the mood.”


JA: “May I know why all of sudden you are in bad mood?”


KH silent.


JA: “This is not because ….. You are jealous of me and Soo mushy mushy just now, right?” JA whispered in KH ear. All of sudden KH face turn red blushed.


KH: “I-I’am not jealous. Why should I? KH denied it.


KH: “Of course I’m jealous, angry and hurt... I dunno why but yeah I admit it I’m jealous seeing you mushy mushy and touchy touchy like that with SY.” said KH in her mind.


JA: “Yeah right?! I know you better KH. I know you are jealous that’s why you are blushing. You just don’t want to admit it right” said JA in her mind.


JA: “Then why are you blushing?” JA chuckle.


KH: “I-I’m not blushing. I just feel hot that’s all. It’s kinda hot in here.”

KH: “And don’t laugh at me like that.” KH whined. JA giggled.


JA: “Sleep here kay.”


KH: “JA don’t look at me like that. You melt my heart…” said KH in her mind.


JA: “Pleasee. I don’t want to be alone tonight….accompany me kay.”


KH: “How can I say no to you….” said KH in her mind.


KH: “Hmm okay.” JA smile.



[FEW HOURS LATER - JA BEDROOM - While both of them lying on the bed ]


KH and JA sleep back to back. Suddenly JA turns facing KH back and whisper something in KH ear.


JA: “Am just joking about make love with SY. We never do that. I’m just teasing you. And we are just best friends not best friends with benefit. I hope you feel much better now hahaha. Night KH. Sweet dream….”


KH: “Night”


KH: “ cheekyOOOYEAAHH!!!! cheeky” said KH in her mind and smile.

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Francean #1
Chapter 20: So I started this story today and I love it so much!! It's been awhile since your last update on here ,I've noticed... Update soon please? Hope you didn't forget about this. There aren't that many good junghi fics out there (: thank you for the awesome fic ^.^
Chapter 20: Please update soon author-nim :)
i hope for an updates miss@mr author.hurm.
rin898 #4
tq to all the readers, new subscribers and tq for the comments. love you guys *wink*

sorry i cant updated soon coz kind of bz but i'll try to finish this story k
Chapter 20: I love u author...thanks for the update...looks like they enjoying their moment so much ;)
mi_mi_junghi #6
Chapter 20: jung ah realized this is love... but will it be enough to just have kahi's presence... this is kinda torturing for jung ah ;__;

until kahi will admit too...

thank u for the update ^^

"There’s no one else other than KH. GN is just a crush. But KH is the person her hearts belong to."

Jungah finally realized where her heart lies!!!
Chapter 19: Wow never thought that love triangle could ends up so good....but i don't want to be in that situation it's too suicidal for me :D
omg junghiiii ~
novtalia #10
author,please come back ;)