Not Shaving

B.A.P Reactions

Request: B.A.P reaction to finding out their gf has intense irritation due to shaving to match the beauty standards of female idols they see them working with 

Yongguk: Surprisingly (or maybe not) this good sir would actually be supportive. He’s all about you standing up for whatever you believe in and taking control over your own body. Frizzy lizzies wouldn’t bother him at all because they just prove your dedication and passion to your own morals, which he finds all the more attractive.


Originally posted by daegerous

Himchan: He would be a little less enthusiastic. It’s not that it bothers him whether your legs are silky smooth or not, but he does worry about the public if you wore shorts out without shaving. The thing is, it’s not his image that he cares so much about, but he fears the hurtful things people may say about you because of his fame. If you cover those ‘woolly mammoths’ with pants, he’d have no cares about it whatsoever.


Originally posted by vanillatokki

Daehyun: Honestly, I think he would be the only one to really care. It would take him a while to get used to the idea. He understands where you’re coming from, but he likes to run his fingers over your soft skin. It’s more or less because of this that he tries to subtly convince you to shave.


Originally posted by daesdick

Youngjae: This dear boy is intrigued about it. He’d ask quite a few questions, like whether your irritation comes from the expectations of beauty put on women or the mere inconvenience of shaving. There would probably be quite a bit of questioning that leads to a pretty in-depth conversation ranging from social expectations for women to each other’s opinions about each and every thought that spawns from there.


Originally posted by himlo

Jongup: Guppie would straight up not care. In truth, he probably wouldn’t even notice. Whether your legs are shaved or not is simply something he doesn’t care about, so it’s something that goes completely unnoticed by him.  He loves you for who you are, your appearance is just a bonus on top of that. 


Originally posted by dadamoontos

Zelo: The poor soul. He wouldn’t know what to say about it. His main concern is your feelings and comfort. He feels his opinion in the matter should have no influence over you or your decisions regarding your body, so he’d be pretty reluctant to say anything about it.  He’ll just smile and continue being his sweet, caring, supportive self.


Originally posted by xjngin

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